Analisis Faktor-Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Pendapatan Usahatani Padi Sawah Di Kecamatan Cawas Kabupaten Klaten (original) (raw)
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This study aims to determine the effect of the use of land production factors, labor, seeds, urea and phonska fertilizers, as well as pesticides on the production of lowland rice farming in Tumani Village, Maesaan Sub-district. This research was conducted for two months from July to August 2019. The method of sampling used simple random sampling method. Data is collected by collecting primary data and secondary data. Primary data were obtained directly from 50 farmers as respondents through interviews with the help of a questionnaire while secondary data were obtained by searching documents from the Department of Agriculture. Analysis of the data used is the Cobb Douglas model regression analysis to see the effect of each production factor on the production produced. The results showed that, the variable area of land, seeds, phonska and labor had a significant effect, while the variable urea fertilizer and pesticides had no significant effect on the production of lowland rice in Tum...
Faktor Sosial Ekonomi yang Mempengaruhi Pendapatan Usahatani Padi Sawah di Masa Pandemi Covid-19
Media Agribisnis
Tujuan penelitian adalah menganalisis pendapatan usahatani padi sawah dan menganalisis faktor-faktor sosial ekonomi yang mempengaruhi pendapatan usahatani padi sawah di masa pandemi covid-19. Analisis yang digunakan analisis pendapatan dan analisis regresi linier berganda. Teknik pengambilan sampel yaitu simple random sampling sebanyak 51 petani. Hasil penelitian yaitu pendapatan usahatani padi sawah sebesar Rp. 10,368,541.00 /ha/musim tanam dengan nilai R/C ratio sebesar 2,1 (menguntungkan). Faktor sosial ekonomi yang berpengaruh terhadap pendapatan usahatani padi sawah adalah luas lahan, harga pupuk organik, dan harga pupuk ponska, sedangkan faktor yang tidak berpengaruh nyata terhadap pendapatan usahatani padi sawah adalah tingkat pendidikan, harga pupuk kandang, harga pupuk urea, harga pupuk ZA, harga pupuk KCL, harga pestisida, jumlah anggota keluarga dan usia.
Cocos, 2014
Agustinus Kaliele. The Income Analysist of the Government Subsidary Rice Farming and Non-Subsidary Rice Farming in Passo Village Kakas Barat Subdistrict Minahasa Regency. Under guidance of Ribka M. Kumaat as chairman, with Esry H. Laoh and E. Ruauw as members. The objective of this research is to calculate the des race farming income,both subsidy raice farming,and to calculate the difference of income, between them.Sampling method used in this research is simple by random sampling. This research used primary and secondary date. Primary date were obtained from interviewet with raice farmer waith questioner to collect data. Secondary data were obtained from village government/administration office. The data analysis was qualitative, presented in narrative descriptive from. This research shows that in average subsidier farmer's income is more than nonsubsidary farmer's income. Subsidary farmer's rate income is Rp. 11.510.594,4, otherwise non-subsidier farmer's rate income is Rp. 8.191.950,4. R/ C analysis done in this research showed that R/C ratio for subsidary farmer's is 3,012, while R/C ratio for non-subsidary farmer's is 2,543. This different income rate caused by subsidary farmer's got insentive for supply fertilizer and pesticide, so that the used of it can raised the productivity and income of subsidary farmers.
Jurnal Penelitian Agrisamudra, 2017
Faktor-faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Pendapatan Anggota Kelompok Tani Padi Sawah (Oriza sativa, L) di WKPP Kecamatan Peureulak Barat Kabupaten Aceh Timur. Tujuan Penelitian adalah mengetahui pengaruh penyuluhan, pencurahan tenaga kerja dan pendidikan terhadap pendapatan anggota kelompok tani padi sawah (Oryza sativa, L) di WKPP Kecamatan Peureulak Barat Kabupaten Aceh Timur. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode survey. Lokasi penelitian di Kecamatan Peureulak Barat Kabupaten Aceh Timur dengan pertimbangan bahwa kecamatan tersebut terdapat kelompok tani yang melakukan kegiatan usahatani padi sawah. Penentuan desa sampel dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode Purposive Sampling.  Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah 38 orang.   Rata-rata umur responden di daerah penelitian adalah 34 tahun, pengalaman dalam berusahatani padi sawah adalah 5,75 tahun, pendidikan 10,88 tahun, jumlah tanggungan keluarga 4 orang dan luas garapan sebesar 1,58 hektar.         Â...
Analisis Faktor-Faktor Yang Memengaruhi Produktivitas Dan Kelayakan Usahatani Padi Sawah
Mimbar Agribisnis: Jurnal Pemikiran Masyarakat Ilmiah Berwawasan Agribisnis, 2022
This research aims to analyze the production inputs (production capital, seeds, land area, labor, fertilizer, pesticide) that affect production and farming feasibility toward the productivity of rice field farming in Wonotoro Kecamatan Sambi Boyolali village. The data of this quantitative research was collected by using interview where the questions were written inside the questionnaires which have been distributed to the sample of this research. The sample was taken using Probability sampling technique with simple random sampling method. This research has 70 rice farmers as the respondents. The data were analyzed by using Cobb - Douglass production function. The result showed that the production function of land area and labor had a significant effect on productivity, while the production factors of capital, seeds, fertilizers, and pesticides had an effect on productivity. The result of the rice - field farming feasibility analysis shows that R/C ratio is 1,77 and B/C is 1,06. Thes...
This research aims to analyze social-economic factors that affect the rice farming income. The study was held in the village of sukorejo, denkorejo, the ponorogo district that was selected on purpose (purposive method). The method of sampling was used randomly by the number of respondents as many as 50 people. Data analytical methods used in this research are the Cobb-Douglas model with the unit output price technique or UOP Cobb Douglas Profit Funtion (UOP-CDPF) . The results of the analysis indicate that a large number of rice farmers in the village of sukorejo are profitable and efficient. Further, it is found that factors that have a real effect on income are the price of urea, the price of phonska fertilizer, and the wages of labor. Factors that have no effect on income are aducation, family members, the price of organic fertilizer, the cost of fertilizer, and medicine. Keywords: the rice fields; the efficiency; the ecnomic-social
Pendapatan Usahatani Padi Sawah DI Desa Mapanget Kecamatan Talawaan Minahasa Utara
This study aims to determine the income of farmers from rice field farms in the Mapanget Village Talawaan Sub-district North Minahasa. This study lasted for 3 (three) months from the preparation stage, data retrieval and to the preparation of research. Research location in Mapanget Village, Talawaan Sub-district, North Minahasa. Primary data is obtained through a list of questions that have been prepared, while secondary data obtained from the district office and village office. Based on the research results, the income of paddy field farming managed by respondents in Mapanget village comes from harvest season 1 (one), harvest season 2 (two) and harvest season 3 (three). Wetland paddy farming in Mapanget Village is able to provide benefits and the farming continues to be cultivated even in urban areas.*er*.
The aim of this study is to find out how much the income of the rice dry field’s production and the relative advantage from the rice dry field farm. This study has been conducted in sobawawi distric at august to september 2017. The data was collected by an observation method with and interview technique. There was 30 farmer as respondent. Data obtained are analysed by using des- coiptive quantitative method with doubled linear regression and the R/C Ratio analysis. The result showed that the total income of rice dry field farm in sobawawi distric at 2017 is Rp. 84.362.500 with the level every respondent farm is Rp. 2,812,083. The analysis result with dou- bled linear regression is find out that the coefficient correlation value (R2) is 0,628 wich means the factor of extensive land variable, the seed, the manore, the pestiside and the farmworkers have the same effect to the production of rice dry field with 62,8% while the rest 37,2% are effected by the order factors unstudied. Stati...