STUDENTS’ METACOGNITIVE STRATEGIES IN LEARNING ENGLISH (A Descriptive Study at Second Year Students of SMAN 5 Kota Bengkulu) (original) (raw)

 No pain, no gain  Trying is a part of failing. If you are afraid to fail then you are afraid to try DEDICATION  My beloved father, Syaifullah, and my beloved mother, Erwani, thank you for all your prayers  My dear sisters, Esy Yulita, Silvia Reni, and Dita Oktaviani, thank you for all of your supports and advices  My best friends, Agung Maldi Saputra, S.H., M. Amdiansyah, S.Pd., thank you for all time we spend together  All my friends in English Education Study Program, thank you for all of your supports and cheers  Special beloved, Tharadiva Fatria S.Pd., thank you for everything, may God bless you a good life and a bright future vi ABSTRACT Hidayat, Ade. 2014. Students' Metacognitive Strategies in Learning English (A Descriptive Study at Second Year Students of SMAN 5 Kota Bengkulu). The objective of this research was to find out the most dominant metacognitive strategy in learning English and the most preferred aspects of each metacognitive strategies applied by second year students of SMAN 5 Kota Bengkulu. It employed a descriptive quantitative method. The population of this research was 203 students with 50 of the students were used as sample of the research. The data were collected in two ways: distributing a set of questionnaire items and interviewing 10% of the samples. The research found that students" proportions in metacognitive strategy were: 34.74% in strategy in planning learning activities and behaviors; 32.10% in strategy in monitoring the learning process; and 33.16% in strategy in evaluating the learning that have been occurred. Based on the result, all metacognitive aspect was in "moderate" predicate. The mean scores of each strategy are: planning 3.32 in which the most preferred aspect was ability analysis; monitoring 3.07 in which the most preferred aspect was watching their friends" activities to help them decide what to do; and evaluating 3.17 in which the most preferred aspect was appraisal. From the result, it can be concluded that students used metacognitive strategy in proportional way. However, the most dominant strategy in metacognitive strategy that the students used was strategy in planning the learning activities and behaviors.