Short-term Results of Total Hip Arthroplasty Cases with Osteonecrosis of the Hip (original) (raw)
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Long-term results of total hip arthroplasty in patients with juvenile rheumatoid arthritis
acta orthopaedica et traumatologica turcica, 2008
Amaç: Bu çalışmada, juvenil romatoid artritli (JRA) hastalarda total kalça artroplastisinin (TKA) uzun dönem sonuçları değerlendirildi. Çalışma planı: Çalışmaya, JRA'ya bağlı kalça dejenerasyonu nedeniyle TKA uygulanan 23 hastanın (22 kadın, 1 erkek; ort. yaş 22; dağılım 17-30) 37 kalçası alındı. Tüm ameliyatlar aynı cerrah tarafından anterolateral yaklaşım ile gerçekleştirildi. Hastaların ortalama vücut yüzeyi 1.5 m² (dağılım 1.1-1.7 m²), semptomların başlangıcı ile cerrahi tedavi arasındaki süre ortalama 12 yıl (dağılım 7-16 yıl) idi. Yirmi üç kalçada çimentolu TKA, 14 kalçada hibrid tip protez kullanıldı. Femoral medullası dar ve asetabulumun sığ olduğu yedi kalçada GKD tipi (gelişimsel kalça displazisi zeminde uygulanan) protez tercih edildi. Hastaların klinik değerlendirmesinde Harris kalça skoru kullanıldı. Takip radyografilerinde prostetik gevşeme ve pozisyon kaybı araştırıldı; heterotopik kemik oluşumu değerlendirildi. Ortalama takip süresi 135 ay (dağılım 58-212 ay) idi. Sonuçlar: Ameliyat öncesinde ortalama 27.2 (dağılım 11-69) olan Harris kalça skoru ameliyat sonrasında 79.5'e (dağılım 37-87) yükseldi. Son kontrollerde tüm hastaların tedaviden memnun olduğu ve desteksiz yürüyebildiği gözlendi. İkisi aynı hastada olmak üzere üç kalçada (%8.1) revizyon ameliyatı uygulandı. Kaplan-Meier analizinde implant ömrü %86.5 bulundu. Harris kalça skoru ile radyografik gevşeme veya protez çevresi kalsifikasyon bulguları arasında ilişki bulunmadı. Radyografik incelemelerde, 17 kalçada (%46) derece I heterotopik kemikleşme gözlendi. Çıkarımlar: Kalça tutulumu olan JRA'lı hastalarda TKA ameliyatı genç yaşta uygulanmasına rağmen yaşam kalitesini ciddi oranda düzeltmektedir; ayrıca, bu hastalarda protez ömrü kısa olmamaktadır.
Our clinical experience with non-cemented total hip revision arthroplasty
Acta Orthopaedica Et Traumatologica Turcica, 2003
We evaluated the results of non-cemented revision arthroplasty in patients who had underg o n e cemented total hip arthroplasty. Methods: Twenty patients (12 women, 8 men; mean age 72 years; range 61 to 84 years) underwent non-cemented revision arthroplasty after a mean of 9.4 years (range 3 to 16 years) following primary surgery. The mean follow-up period was 4.5 years (range 3 months to 6.3 years). R e s u l t s : During revision arthroplasty, femur fractures were observed in three patients (15%). Three patients (15%) had femoral cortex perforations. Trochanteric osteotomy was performed in five patients (25%). The mean Harris hip score after the operation was 76.7 (range 50 to 90). The results were excellent in three patients (15%), good in seven (35%), fair in seven (35%), and poor in three patients (15%). Conclusion: Despite a high intraoperative complication rate during non-cemented revision total hip arthroplasty, we believe that non-cemented revision should be the preferred method because of low infection and low aseptic loosening rates.
Rare Cause of Hip Pain: Transient Osteoporosis of the Hip-Two Case Reports
Türk Osteoporoz Dergisi, 2015
Transient osteoporosis of the hip (TOH) is a rare disease affecting especially middle-aged men and women in the third trimester of pregnancy with unknown etiology. It has a benign course with spontaneous resolution. Transient osteoporosis may be confused with other diseases such as avascular necrosis. Early diagnosis is important to identify and plan correct treatment. In this report, two male cases with complaint of hip pain and difficulty in walking, which were diagnosed with TOH was presented by reviewing current literature.
[Total knee arthroplasty: a 4.5-year follow-up]
acta orthopaedica et traumatologica turcica
To present the short- and mid-term follow-up results of primary total knee arthroplasty. We performed a total of 97 cemented total knee replacements (47 right, 50 left) with posterior cruciate ligament retention in 66 patients (60 women, 6 men). The mean age at the time of surgery was 65.2 years (range 29 to 82 years). Preoperative diagnoses were primary osteoarthrosis (n=60), rheumatoid arthritis (n=3), systemic lupus erythematosus (n=2), and post-traumatic osteoarthritis (n=1). Thirty-one patients had bilateral knee replacements, of which 29 were performed at the same session. Pre- and postoperative clinical evaluations were made according to the clinical rating system of the Knee Society. Radiographic evaluations were made according to the Fairbank's criteria preoperatively, and to the total knee arthroplasty radiographic evaluation and scoring system of the Knee Society postoperatively. The mean follow-up was 4.5 years (range 24 to 98 months). Clinical results were good or e...
Acta Orthopaedica et Traumatologica Turcica, 2003
Cementless total hip replacement in patients with high total dislocation: the results of femoral shortening by subtrochanteric segmental resection A. Yalç›n TABAK, Levent ÇELEB‹, Hasan H. MURATLI, M. F›rat YA⁄MURLU, Cem N. AKTEK‹N, Ali B‹Ç‹MO⁄LU Ankara Numune E¤itim ve Araflt›rma Hastanesi 3. Ortopedi ve Travmatoloji Klini¤i Objectives: We evaluated the results of femoral shortening by subtrochanteric segmental resection in patients who underwent total hip replacement (THR) for high total dislocation of the hip. Methods: We performed THR in 19 hips of 16 patients (15 females, 1 male; mean age 41 years; range 22 to 55 years) w i t h high total dislocation of the hip. All the patients had severe hip pain.
Our total knee arthroplasty applications
Acta Orthopaedica et Traumatologica Turcica, 1992
Yıldız(2), Nevzat Aydoğdu(3), Ayhan Baran(4) ilerlemiş teknoloji ve yüksek rezotüsyonlu transdusırlann geliştirilmesi kas-iskelet sistemi yaptlarmm sonografisini mümkün kılmıştır. Sonografinin bazı kendine özgü avantaj/an vardır: Göreceli olarak ucuzdur; normal karşı tarafla karşılaştırma yaptımasma izin vermektedir; radyasyon söz konusu değildir ve hastaya yatak kenannda veya gerekirse ameliyathanede uygulanabilmektedir. Sonografinin hasta tarafmdan kolayca kabul edilen, invazivolmayan ve diğerleri kadar etkili bir görüntüleme sistemi olduğunu da akılda tutmak önemlidir. Biz bu makalede önemli ve sık görülen bir kas-iskelet sistemi hastalığı olan diz eklemi septik artritinin değerlendirilmesinde sonografinin uygulamşım gözden geçirdik. 1990-1991 yı/lan arasmda Kartal Devlet Hastanesi 2. Ortopedi ve Travmatoloji Kliniği'ne başvuran 12 hastada yaptığımız çalışmada, onun tam, aymcı tanı, tedavi ve gözlemde oldukça faydalı olduğunu bulduk. Anahtar kelimeler: Tamsal uitrasonografi, septik artrit, diz eklemi The value of ultrasonography in the evaluatlon of the septie arthritis of the knee joint Improved technologyand the development of high-resolution transducers have made sonography of the structures of the musculoskeletal system possible. Sonography has several inherent advantages: it is relatively inexpensive, a/lows comparison with opposite normal side, uses no radia tion and can be performed at bedside or in the operating room, if necessary. it is important to keep in mind that sonography is readily accepted by patients, non-invasive and as efficacious as the other diagnostic imaging systems. In this article, we re viewed the application of sonography for evaluation of septic arthritis of the knee joint which is of clinical importance and frequently encountered as a disease of the musculoskeletal system. In our study on 12 patients between the years 1990-1991 in the 2nd clinic of orthopaedics and traumatology of Kartal State Hospital we found it very useful in the diagnosis, differantial diagnosis, treatment and observation.
Venous thromboprophylaxis in total hip arthroplasty
Total hip and total knee arthroplasties constitute the highest risk of venous thromboembolism (VTE) comparing to other major surgeries. VTE has a great importance in joint replacement surgery due to its mortal complications such as pulmoner embolism. Without any thromboprophylaxis, the incidence of VTE in total hip arthroplasty rises up to 60%. Taking into consideration that VTE is responsible for 1/10 patients’ death in hospitalized patients; prevention of VTE seems to be more eligible, more logical and more cost-effective. Nowadays, although there are so many different techniques in preventing VTE, well proved data is still limited and continuing debates about prevention technique and timing are still going on. In recent years, administration of oral anticoagulants has been associated with increased preference and promising results. Pharmacologic investigations are still going on with new drugs providing utilization comfort, but problems are not completely overcome. In this review...