Fast fluorescence lifetime imaging techniques: A review on challenge and development (original) (raw)

Fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy (FLIM) is increasingly used in biomedicine, material science, chemistry, and other related research¯elds, because of its advantages of high speci¯city and sensitivity in monitoring cellular microenvironments, studying interaction between proteins, metabolic state, screening drugs and analyzing their efficacy, characterizing novel materials, and diagnosing early cancers. Understandably, there is a large interest in obtaining FLIM data within an acquisition time as short as possible. Consequently, there is currently a technology that advances towards faster and faster FLIM recording. However, the maximum speed of a recording technique is only part of the problem. The acquisition time of a FLIM image is a complex function of many factors. These include the photon rate that can be obtained from the sample, the amount of information a technique extracts from the decay functions, the e±ciency at which it determines°u orescence decay parameters from the recorded photons, the demands for the accuracy of these parameters, the number of pixels, and the lateral and axial resolutions that are obtained in biological materials. Starting from a discussion of the parameters which determine the acquisition time, this review will describe existing and emerging FLIM techniques and data analysis algorithms, and analyze their performance and recording speed in biological and biomedical applications.