The Effect of Massage with Tellington Method Abalone Type on the Sleep Quality of Diabetic Patients having Type 2 Diabetes (original) (raw)
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Malahayati International Journal of Nursing and Health Science, 2021
Background: Republic of Indonesia's Health Survey in 2009, finding that the therapy through surgery was the 11th, because of surgery conduct in Indonesia in 2012 reached 1.2 million. The problem that often arises after surgery is a sleep disorder, pain and uncomfortable.Purpose: To identify effectiveness of foot massage on sleep quality among post-surgical patients in Dr. H Abdul Moeloek Hospital, Lampung-IndonesiaMethods: The design of this research is quasy experiment with pretest design with posttest with control group design. This type of quantitative research using consecutive sampling techniques. The population in the study were 64 participants. The analysis used is the dependent and independent t test.Results: Indicating the average score of sleep quality in the control group post intervention 9.12. Whereas sleep quality in the intervention group was obtained at 4.78 post intervention. A p-valeu 0.000 was obtained which showed differences in sleep quality scores both grou...
Journal Of Nursing Practice, 2019
Background: Type 2 DM can not be cured, but can be controlled by controlling blood glucose levels and improving sleep quality of sufferers. Decreased sleep quality can cause endocrine and metabolic disorders such as abnormal glucose tolerance, insulin resistance, and reduced response to insulinPurpose: The purpose of this study is to analyze the effect of autogenic relaxation with sandalwood aromatherapy on the quality of sleep in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitusMethod: This research is a Quasy Experiment research pre-post control group design. The population in this study were all type 2 DM DM beneficiaries and the sample used was 60 respondents using simple random sampling. The independent variable is autogenic relaxation with sandalwood aromatherapy while the dependent variable is sleep quality. The data in this study are numerical so that it is analyzed using parametric statistical tests namely paired sample t test and independent sample t test.Results: The results showed ...
An Investigation of the Quality of Sleep in Diabetic Patients
International Journal of Advanced Research in Biological Sciences (IJARBS), 2017
Introduction: Unfortunately, despite the breakthroughs in medical sciences, the incidence of diabetes, which is a common disease in human communities, has not only not decreased but also been increasing daily. Method: The present study was conducted by searching Farsi and English databases including Science Direct, Google Scholar, SID, Magiran, and PubMed with the key words "sleep", "sleep quality", and "diabetes". At first, numerous studies related to sleep quality, diabetes and sleep quality, and the sleep-related problems in diabetic patients were found. Result: Factors such as weight management, physical activity, and diet have always been mentioned as the foundation of diabetes prevention and control. Nowadays, the importance of good sleep and its relationship with the incidence and intensification of diabetes has also been well-established. The diabetic patients' lifestyle is one of the most important factors whose modification can improve the results of healthcare measures in these patients. Beside, exercising and physical activity, sleep and rest are important components of lifestyle in diabetic patients and are like the two sides of the same coin. Conclusion: Diabetic patients show some degrees of pain and anxiety for different reasons, including disease, regularly controlling blood sugar, and continual insulin injection, etc. It can concluded that relieving pain and reducing anxiety is an important factor in improving the quality of sleep in diabetic patients.
Basic and Applied Nursing Research Journal, 2021
Aging process in the elderly will cause health problems such as immobilization, incontinence, depression, malnutrition, decreased immune system, and sleep quality disorders. The puspose of this study was to determine the effect of foot massage with lavender essential oil on the sleep quality of the elderly. This research design used a pre-experimental with one group pre-test post-test design without a control group. The number of samples used was 20 respondents selected by purposive sampling and data collection using the pitsburgh sleep quality index questionnaire with the test result analyzed with Wilcoxon Sign Rank Test. The result showed that in pretest all respondents experienced poor sleep quality, and posttest data obtained that 13 respondents (65%) experienced good sleep quality. The results of data analysis using the Wilcoxon Sign rank test showed that the p-value = 0,000
This study is a longitudinal experimental design that examine the effects of aromatherapy on sleep quality in diabetes patients with restless leg syndrome (RLS). Patients in the experimental group received the aromatherapy intervention for 6 weeks, while those in the control group received only regular nursing care. The instruments included Pittsburg Sleep Quality Index and SureStep TM of blood glucose meters. Data were collected at pre-test, 2nd week, 4th week, and 6th week after the aromatherapy. Data analysis included descriptive analysis, chi-square, independent t test, Pearson correlation, repeated measure ANOVA and general linear mixed-effect models. Forty-four diabetes patients with RLS were randomly assigned to the experimental group (n=22) and the control group (n=22) at a hospital in northern Taiwan. Sleep quality of diabetes patients with RLS was poor in this study. Sleep latency of patients in the experimental group was improved at 2nd week after aromatherapy. Subjective sleep quality and sleep disturbance of patients was also improved at 4th week after aromatherapy. At 6th week, patients in the experimental group had increased their sleep duration, and improved their overall sleep quality. The level of blood sugar was decreased at 2nd week after aromatherapy on experimental group. Based on the analysis it was concluded that Aromatherapy can ameliorate both blood sugar and sleep quality of diabetes patients with RLS. Thus aromatherapy can be a safe, noninvasive, effective approach for clinical nurses as a therapy in routine care to improve sleep quality in diabetes patients with neuropathy.