Photomatériaux pour l'optique et les nanotechnologies (original) (raw)
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Photoluminescent Nanomaterials for Medical Biotechnology
Acta Naturae
Creation of various photoluminescent nanomaterials has significantly expanded the arsenal of approaches used in modern biomedicine. Their unique photophysical properties can significantly improve the sensitivity and specificity of diagnostic methods, increase therapy effectiveness, and make a theranostic approach to treatment possible through the application of nanoparticle conjugates with functional macromolecules. The most widely used nanomaterials to date are semiconductor quantum dots; gold nanoclusters; carbon dots; nanodiamonds; semiconductor porous silicon; and up-conversion nanoparticles. This paper considers the promising groups of photoluminescent nanomaterials that can be used in medical biotechnology: in particular, for devising agents for optical diagnostic methods, sensorics, and various types of therapy.
Програмно-апаратний комплекс досліджень оптичних властивостей тонких плівок
Використовуючи оптичні елементи компанії Torhlabs та систему графічного програмування LabVIEW 2010, розроблено автоматизований програмно-апаратний комплекс для дослідження опти- чних властивостей багатошарових плівкових систем. Запропоновано сумісний генетичний алгоритм для обробки експериментальних даних нуль еліпсометрії та рентгенівської рефлектрометрії. Показа- но, що запропонований підхід дозволяє дуже точно інтерпретувати фазові перетворення, дифузійні процеси та розмиття інтерфейсів в багатошарових плівкових системах при використанні різних роз- рахункових теоретичних моделей. При цитуванні документа, використовуйте посилання
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The influence of stimulated electromagnetic radiation in optical part of spectra (visible, UV and IR) to materials is for almost half a century the issue of research including a lot of unexplained processes and stances. From one point of view represents new form of source and from the other the relation to spontaneous sources in the same spectral area as well as the power. The issues could be divided into theoretical-experimental processes from biomodulation to destruction and to the area where coherent radiation is used in diagnostic methods for material study. In this thesis the subject was approached from theoretical-experimental side. The observation of materials was forwarded trough material response functions, meaning trough their collective role expressed using optical characteristic materials. In experimental part of the thesis a series of experiments was conducted, determining certain optical parameters for chosen samples along with spectroscopic approach. That would be the...
Optical Properties of Metal Nanoparticles
Encyclopedia of Nanotechnology, 2012
Аннотация. Работа посвящена обсуждению основных методов расчета оптических свойств золотых и серебряных наночастиц. Обсуждаются диэлектрические функции наноразмерных металлических образцов. С использованием простейшего дипольного приближения показаны основные принципы спектральной настройки плазмонного резонанса сферических частиц, наностержней и нанооболочек. Дан краткий обзор методов математического моделирования спектров поглощения и рассеяния наночастиц.
Traitement du label de paquets optiques pour les réseaux optiques de communications
Abstract-A new approach for optical packet header processing based on a time-to-wavelength converter is proposed. The processing consists in transferring, through an all-optical AND-gate, the header data bits onto successive single optical pulses at different wavelengths. The AND gate is performed by the semiconductor optical amplifier (SOA) and makes use of either cross-polarization modulation or fourwave-mixing. Both implementations are compared. In order to improve the scalability of the design and to overcome the polarization sensitivity of the FWM solution, we propose the use of a spectrum-sliced incoherent light for generating the wavelength bits. The FWM process in this specific case is studied. 10 Gbit/s demonstrations of the various elements are presented.
Three-dimensional composite nanomaterials based on opal matrixes for electronic devices
Journal of Radio Electronics, 2021
he effect of preparation conditions on the composition and structure of three-dimensional composite nanomaterials based on opal matrixes (packing of spherical particles of amorphous SiO2) has been studied. The experimental part of the work was performed with the samples of opal matrixes with a diameter of spherical SiO2 particles equal ~260 nm. Composite nanomaterials were formed by repeatedly filling of opal matrixes with solutions of metal salts (oxides) and holding the samples at 623–723 K, and after that, they were annealed at 973–1473 K. Chemical reactions and phase transformations of substances in nanopores of opal matrixes depended on the annealing parameters, and chemical properties of intermediate compounds. There was confirmed the formation of SiO2 crystallites in nanopores of composite nanomaterials, as well as the products of their interaction with SiO2. Composite nanomaterials with filling of opal matrix nanopores with metals, ferroelectrics and piezoelectrics, multifer...