Analisis Analisis Kelayakan Usaha Sayuran Sawi Hidroponik Di Kecamatan Kambu Kota Kendari (original) (raw)

Analisis Kelayakan Finansial Usaha Hidroponik di Kelurahan Kambu Kecamatan Kambu Kota Kendari (Studi Kasus Hidroponik Faperta)

JIA (Jurnal Ilmiah Agribisnis) : Jurnal Agribisnis dan Ilmu Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian

This research investigates the hydroponic business's revenue, analyzes the financial feasibility of a hydroponics business, and analyzes the sensitivity of the economic feasibility of a hydroponic business in Kambu Village, Kambu Sub-district, Kendari City (Studi Case: Hidroponik Faperta). This study aims to find out whether several factors could influence profits and prices in the business. This research was conducted in Kambu Village, Kambu Sub-district, Kendari City, from January 2020 to July 2020. The subject of this research is Hidroponik Faperta. This research uses the study case method. The data analyzed by the researcher is Financial Feasibility Analysis which includes as follows: Net Present Value Analysis, Net Benefit-Cost Ratio Analysis, Internal of Return Analysis, Payback Period Analysis, and Sensitivity Analysis. The results of this study obtained revenue in the first year of this business suffered a loss of Rp.6.438.600,- and in the second year revenue of Rp.175.0...

Analisis Pendapatan Usahatani Sayur Hidroponik Pada Greenhouse Kendangsari Kota Surabaya

Balance Vocation Accounting Journal

ANALISIS PENDAPATAN USAHATANI SAYUR HIDROPONIK PADA GREENHOUSE KENDANGSARI KOTA SURABAYAPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui sekaligus membuktikan keberadaan Greenhouse melalui Program Holistik Pembinaan dan Pemberdayaan Desa (PHP2D) berdampak bagi masyarakat dengan mengukur tingkat efisiensi biaya produksi budidaya sayur dengan metode hidroponik. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif yang bersifat deskriptif guna mendeskripsikan besaran biaya yang dikeluarkan, produksi yang dapat dihasilkan, pendapatan yang diperoleh dan besaran tingkat efisiensi dalam satu kali masa tanam. Subjek penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah ketua dari kelompok binaan greenhouse. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan pada penelitian ini merupakan analisis efisiensi biaya produksi budidaya yang menjelaskan tentang perbandingan ratio antara total pendapatan dengan total biaya yang dikeluarkan selama satu kali masa tanam dengan menggunakan rumus R/C ratio. Hasil pada penelitian in...

Hubungan Jiwa Kewirausahaan dengan Keberhasilan Usaha Hidroponik di Kota Kendari

Jurnal Ilmiah Penyuluhan dan Pengembangan Masyarakat

This study aims to determine the relationship between the entrepreneurial spirit and the success of hydroponic business in Kendari City. This research was conducted in June-July 2021. The population in this study were 24 hydroponic business actors, using the saturated sampling method so that the research sample was the same as the total population. Using descriptive statistical analysis through a Likert scale measuring instrument and Spearman Rank correlation using SPSS. The results showed that the Spearman Rank correlation analysis of all entrepreneurial spirits was significantly related to moderate to strong levels of hydroponic business actors in Kendari City. Each variable is positively related at the 0.01 level of significance. The highest correlation value is owned by the relationship between daring to take risks and business growth with a score of 0.818 and is included in the very strong category.

Persepsi Masyarakat Terhadap Agribisnis Sayuran Metode Hidroponik Starterkit Wick DI Kota Kendari

Mimbar Agribisnis: Jurnal Pemikiran Masyarakat Ilmiah Berwawasan Agribisnis, 2020

Consumption of vegetables in the community continues to increase along with the increase in population. Hydroponics is an innovation in agriculture that was developed to increase vegetable production in order to support national food security. This study aims to determine public perception on the Starterkit Wick Hydroponic method of vegetable plants. The location of the study was conducted in Wawowanggu District, Kendari City. Sampling was done by purposive sampling technique. The method used in this research is a descriptive qualitative analysis method with a Likert Scale which is used to measure attitudes, opinions and people's perceptions of the Starterkit Wick Hydroponics method of vegetable plants. Based on the research results obtained by community perceptions of the Starterkit Wick Hydroponics program for vegetable crops based on factors such as narrow land use, good quality, free of pests and diseases, practical, many nutrients, rapid plant growth, suitable for urban are...

Analisis Saluran dan Efisiensi Pemasaran Sayuran Hidroponik di KUTP Hidrotani Sejahtera Desa Suka Maju Kecamatan Sunggal Kabupaten Deli Serdang

Jurnal Agriuma, 2021

The purposes of this study are to determine the hydroponic vegetable marketing channels and efficiency level of hydroponic vegetables’ marketing channels in KUTP Hidrotani Sejahtera Suka Maju Village, Sunggal District, Deli Serdang Regency. The research method used in this study was purposive sampling method. The sample of this research were 28 samples. Based on the survey conducted there were 2 modern markets as retailer, Brastagi Supermarket and Transmart Carrefour which sell hydroponic vegetables. Twenty-five customers were taken as samples. The method used was snowball sampling and Microsoft Excel calculation methods. Data used were primary and secondary data. The study was conducted in May 2019. The results showed that the marketing channel for hydroponic vegetable in KUTP Hidrotani Sejahtera began from producers to retailers then last to consumers. The hydroponic vegetable marketing channel at the level of the marketing agency was an efficient with efficient level of 0.15%.

Perbandingan Struktur Biaya dan Pendapatan Usahatani Sawi Pakcoy (Brassica chinensis L.) Metode Hidroponik dan Konvensional di Kota Jambi

Jurnal Media Agribisnis, 2022

This research was conducted on hydroponic system and conventional system of mustard pakcoy farming in Jambi City. The study used a survey method, while the data collected came from primary and secondary data. The type of data based on time used cross section data and was ratio. This study aimed to describe the proportion of costs, to analyze the difference in costs proportion and the difference in farming income of pakcoy mustard between hydroponic and conventional method. The number of sampling method used in this study were two types, namely snowball and proportional random sampling. Samples for hydroponic pakcoy mustard farmers were determined sequentially using the snowball sampling technique and obtained 5 farmers. Meanwhile, the sample of conventional pakcoy mustard farmers was determined by proportional random sampling with a sample of 40 farmers. The analytical tool used to see the difference in the proportion of cost structure was the Z-test of different proportions and to see the difference of income, the analysis tool was used a Z-test the difference of two large sample averages (n1/n2 greater than 30 and unpaired) where the population variance was unknown. The results showed that the fixed cost of hydroponic mustard farming was Rp. 321.318/period with a proportion of 0.17%, while the fixed cost of the conventional method was Rp. 55,892.53/period with a proportion of 15.99%. It showed a contrary with the proportion of variable costs that was greater in conventional farming (84.01%) than then hydroponics one (83%). There was a significant difference between the costs proportion, both fixed costs and variable costs between hydroponic and conventional methods. Likewise, the income between these two methods also showed a significant difference.

Analisis Tingkat Produksi Dan Kelayakan Usahatani Buah Melon, Tomat Cherry, Dan Stroberi Dengan Sistem Hidroponik Studi Kasus DI P4S Hikmah Farm Kecamatan Pare, Kabupaten Kediri

Innofarm:Jurnal Inovasi Pertanian

During the Covid-19 pandemic, cultivation with a hydroponic system began to be popular with the wider community. Vegetable and fruit commodities are widely cultivated with a hydroponic system because it is easy، practical, and fast. The research location of the this study is the Pusat Pelatihan Pertanian dan Pedesaan Swadaya (P4S) Hikmah Farm. The research was conducted in June-July 2021. We have used different data analysis methods in this research, namely cost analysis, revenue analysis, profit analysis, and R/C ratio analysis. The results showed that the production of melons was 211 items; cherry tomatoes as much as 238 kg; and 180 kg of strawberries with 132 planting holes. From these production results, the R/C ratio of melon farming was 2.8; cherry tomatoes 2.0; and strawberries 1,2. This shows that the farming is feasible to run because it has a value >1. The prospects for the development of the three fruit farms are quite good because they have several advantages, namely ...

Kelayakan Finansial Dan Strategi Pengembangan Usahatani Sayuran Hidroponik CV. Langgeng Hidroponik Kota Kediri

Jurnal Penelitian Sains dan Teknologi Indonesia

Kota Kediri merupakan salah satu kota yang mulai mengembangkan sayuran dengan sistem tanam hidroponik. Meskipun peluang sayuran hidroponik di Kota Kediri masih sangat terbuka lebar namun pada praktiknya banyak kendala yang dilalu dalam memulai usahatani sayuran dengan sistem hidroponik. Salah satunya adalah tingginya modal yang harus dikeluarkan untuk memulai usahatani sayuran hidroponik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui: (1) kelayakan finansial usahatani sayuran hidroponik, (2) sensitivitas usahatani sayuran hidroponik terhadap penurunan produksi sebesar 10% dan peningkatan biaya produksi sebesar 20%, (3) strategi pengembangan usaha yang tepat untuk diterapkan pada CV. Langgeng Hidroponik Kota Kediri. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa : 1) usahatani sayuran hidroponik CV. Langgeng Hidroponik Kota Kediri layak untuk diusahakan dengan nilai NPV selama kurun waktu lima tahun positif, yaitu Rp77.886.534.77; dengan nilai Net B/C lebih dari 1 dengan nilai Net B/C lebih besa...