Hubungan Antara Komunikasi Efektif Dengan Produktivitas Kerja Pada Karyawan PT Molax Internasional, Jakarta (original) (raw)

RISKA UTAMI. Correlation Between Effective Communication And Employee Work Productivity At Pt Molax Internasional, Jakarta. Skripsi, Jakarta : Study Program Of Economic Education, Major Concentration In Office Administration Education, Departement Of Economic And Administration, Faculty Of Economic, State University Of Jakarta, 2012. The purpose of this research is to get a valid and realiable data or fact, to know the correlation between effective communication and employee work productivity at PT Molax Internasional, Jakarta. This research have been during a months on July 2012. The research method using survey method with correlation approach. The populations research were all of employees at PT Molax Internasional, as many as 107 employees, while the reach of populations were employees in divison production with total 40 employees to 36 employees as sample. Samples were taken using simple random sampling. Variable Y (work productivity) used secondary data obtained from the divis...