Des de la prehistòria fins a l’actualitat: les ocupacions de l’Abric de les Obagues de Ratera, al Parc Nacional d’Aigüestortes i Estany de Sant Maurici (Espot) (original) (raw)
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The excavation of the Las Obagues de Ratera Rockshelter, above 2300 m of altitude, has allowed to document a large archaeological sequence. An intense radiocarbon dating defines the chronology of these occupations, which from the beginning of the Holocene and until the XXth century, covering different prehistoric and historic periods. The analysis of the materials recovered during excavations complements the image of this little rockshelter as a place used repeatedly but in changing ways over time. The study of this site highlights the archaeological remains of alpine and subalpine areas and reaffirms its potential for the study of the past.
XI Jornades sobre Recerca al Pare Nacional d'Aigüestortes i Estany de Sant Maurici, 2019
Among the 350 archaeological sites discovered in the National Park there are several rock-shelters. Those little cavities are formed by glacial erratics. Between 2015 and 2017 one of them has been completely excavated, the Abric de les Obagues de Ratera. Excavation works have highlithed a long sequence of human occupation, over about 10 ka yrs. The recurrent use of the rock-shelter as dwelling space and/or overnight shelter is a good example of the long-term continuity in the archaeological record of the National Park, despite periods of abandonment. The site allows to study in detail the shifts in patterns of occupation of the rock-shelter and the in the economic activities carried out.
For the last 14 years, archaeological research at the National Park and its surrounding areas has facilitated the documentation of archaeological records with a chronological density, diversity and breadth that would have been unimaginable just a few years ago. This fact has opened the door to understanding the processes of occupation and settlement in mountain areas above 1,500 m. Combining archaeological research with other paleoenvironmental studies has also enabled correlating the sequences of human occupation with the climatic dynamics and evolution of paleovegetation. The excavation of a small cave at Lake Coveta and the dolmen at Font dels Coms and, in recent years, the cave in Sardo complete the dataset currently available for this area, illustrating the main vectors that could have guided the Neolithic occupation of these high mountain areas.
La investigació al Parc Nacional d’Aigüestortes i Estany de Sant Maurici XII Jornades sobre Recerca al Parc Nacional d’Aigüestortes i Estany de Sant Maurici, 2022
Archaeological research in the National Park has documented an archaeological sequenceof human presence in this area of high Pyrenean mountains that covers the entire Holocene. Its earliest phases were characterized by hunter-gatherer populations with a marked mobility that occupied small rock shelters as a refuge during hunting expeditions. During the early Neolithic this pattern persists although with much more episodic occupations. In this period, it appears that the higher areas continue to be exploited as hunting territories, in this case as a complement to more stable occupations of settlements at lower altitudes.
with a chronological density, diversity and breadth that would have been unimaginable just a few years ago. This fact has opened the door to understanding the processes of ocupation and settlement in mountain areas above 1,500 m. Combining archaeological research with other paleoenvironmental studies has also enabled correlating the sequences of human occupation with the climatic dynamics and evolution of paleovegetation. The excavation of a small cave at Lake Coveta and the dolmen at Font dels Coms and, in recent years, the cave in Sardo complete the dataset currently available for this area, illustrating the main vectors that could have guided the Neolithic occupation of these high mountain areas. KEYWORDS: Landscape archaeology, paleoecology, high mountains, livestock.
La investigació al Parc Nacional d'Aigüestortes i Estany de Sant Maurici. XII Jornades sobre Recerca al Parc Nacional, 2022
El Parc Nacional d’Aigüestortes i Estany de Sant Maurici es va crear el 1955 sobre un territori amb una llarga història d’aprofitament humà dels seus recursos naturals. Aquest article vol oferir un breu repàs dels canvis en la gestió d’aquests recursos al llarg del segle xx, fent èmfasi en el potencial polític desigual dels diferents actors socials que hi han participat, així com en la variació de la percepció respecte d’aquests recursos i ampliant, en alguns casos, l’abast geogràfic al conjunt de les quatre comarques que tenen part del seu territori situat dins el parc nacional.
Parque Nacional de Aigüestortes i Estany de Sant Maurici
SciVee, 2009
Este estudio sobre el proceso de reforestación se centra en seis ámbitos temáticos, que incluyen desde el análisis diacrónico del paisaje hasta el estudio demográfico de Pinus uncinata y el de la respuesta de sus plántulas a cambios ambientales simulados. El paisaje subalpino estudiado traduce una fuerte heterogeneidad ambiental ligada al relieve y al fuerte impacto dejado por la explotación silvo-pastoral tradicional, de forma que la cubierta vegetal ha variado relativamente poco después del abandono progresivo de las prácticas de explotación durante el pasado siglo. Los bosques de nueva formación ocupan superficies pequeñas, correspondientes a antiguas perturbaciones sobre bosque preexistente (tala, incendio) o a invasión de pastos o matorrales. En estos casos, se trata de sistemas forestales inmaduros. En el límite superior del bosque, o timberline, se ha dado un buen establecimiento de individuos juveniles de Pinus uncinata, principalmente durante el último medio siglo, pero esta densificación no ha producido ascenso en altitud de este ecotono. Las comunidades subarbustivas que suelen encontrarse en la transición de bosques a pastos constituyen un hábitat diverso, que en algunos casos favorece la instalación de individuos juveniles de Pinus uncinata. Por ejemplo, el matorral de Rhododendron ferrugineum mejora la respuesta de las plántulas tanto en aspectos biométricos como fisiológicos, y ejerce protección frente a herbivorismo y sequía hibernal. Los cambios ambientales inducidos se han mostrado como reguladores importantes de la dinámica del ecotono bosque-pastos alpinos, ya que las plántulas sometidas a distintas condiciones han dado respuestas contrastadas, incluso tras un corto periodo de seguimiento.