Profil Kemampuan Literasi Sains Siswa SMP Islam As-Shofa Kota Pekanbaru Berdasarkan PISA (original) (raw)
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BIOMA Jurnal Ilmiah Biologi, 2017
This research is motivated by the low achievement of sciencem literacy of Indonesian students in the participation of the study of The Programe for International Student Assessment (PISA) held every three years by The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). This study aims to determine the quality of science literacy profile of junior high school students. The sample amounted to 356 students of SMP class IX, taken using proportionate stativeied random sampling technique. The Method is test and interview. The tests given using questions obtained from the OECD published PISA issue were published in 2009 specifically for matters related to science content. The results showed that the Literacy Quality of Science Profile of Junior High School Students in Pati Regency belong to low category with percentage of 55%. In the category of moderate percentage obtained by 45% and no students who fall into the high category. As for the achievement of the value of each level, the highest ability of students in answering science literacy questions in the level 1 questions with a total of 49.43 moderate categorized, and the lowest ability of students in answering the questions of science literacy is in level questions 6th with a total of 13.48 is low categorized. The conclusion is the quality of science literacy profile of junior high school students in Pati District is low.
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JSSH (Jurnal Sains Sosial dan Humaniora), 2017
Literasi sains menurut PISA (Prgram for international student assessment) adalah kemampuan menggunakan pengetahuan ilmiah, mengidentifikasi pertanyaan dan menggambarkan bukti-bukti yang berdasarkan kesimpulan untuk dapat memahami dan membantu pembuatan kesimpulan tentang alam serta perubahan terhadap alam tersebut akibat aktivitas manusia. Literasi sains bersifat multidimensional. Individu yang “melek sains” adalah orang yang menggunakan konsep sains, keterampilan proses, dan nilai dalam membuat keputusan sehari-hari jika berhubungan dengan orang lain atau dengan lingkungannya, serta memahami interlasi anatara sains, teknologi dan masyarakat, termasuk perkembangan social dan ekonomi. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif, yaitu penelitian yang bertujuan untuk menggambarkan profil capaian literasi sains siswa SMP di kota purwokerto yang ditinjaau dari tigas aspek listerasi sains, yakni konten, proses, dan konteks. Penelitian dilakakukan pada siswa kelas 8 di SMP Negeri 1 Pur...
Studi Profil Literasi Sains Siswa dan Pembelajarannya di SMP Kota Banda Aceh
Jurnal IPA & Pembelajaran IPA, 2021
Descriptive research on the study of the scientific literacy profile of students and their learning at SMP Kota Banda Aceh, aims to examine the extent to which aspects of scientific literacy according to PISA 2018 are internalized in the junior high school science learning process. In addition, this study also examines its impact on students' scientific literacy. Research data to reveal the emergence of aspects of scientific literacy in planning learning, implementation of learning, and evaluation of learning for junior high school students in Banda Aceh on science subjects. collected through an instrument that refers to the 2015 Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) framework. The data collection technique was carried out through observation, surveys, and content analysis. The research participants involved 9 junior high schools from 9 sub-districts throughout the city of Banda Aceh, each sub-district selected 1 school. The total participants involved were 135 stu...
Phenomenon : Jurnal Pendidikan MIPA, 2019
The aims of this study to describe the science literacy profile of junior high school students in science learning. The research sample is the students of class IX junior high school in Pati. The research using this descriptive method, data were collected by using science literacy test questions, questionnaires, and interview formats. The results showed that the average achievement of student science literacy as a whole was 28,31%. Ability to explain scientific phenomena of 28.64%, students 'ability in evaluating and designing scientific investigation of 24.48% and students' ability in interpreting data and scientific evidence of 31.81%. This shows that the mean percentage of science literacy on three science literacy capacities measured shows <50%. The low one of the literacy skills of science will affect the ability of other science literacy. Based on the questionnaire analysis used in the research reveals factors that affect the ability of science literacy students inc...
Scientific Literacy is someone's ability in use their knowledge and scientific skill in order to solve the problem in daily life. Some of research show that some of school in Bandung not train the Scientific Literacy optimally. The other research show that assembling of scientific approach can improve Scientific Literacy, but, in this research not describe attitude characteristic of students. This research objective to get the description about the profile of students' attitude based on the achievement of Scientific literacy. Scientific Literacy attitude was obtain interest in science and technology, valuing of scientific approach to enquiry, and environment awareness. Descriptive research was done at one of Junior High School in Bandung Barat regency with conduct the samples were as many as 38 students. The sampling is done by simple random sampling. The data get from some of instruments, they are observation sheet, which is supported by open questionnaire, closed questionnaire, and interview with some of students. The result shown amount of students get Scientific Literacy's score that categorized as high, medium, and low which are 8 students, 24 students, and 6 students respectively. The student who get high of Scientific Literacy have tendency attitude of interest in science and technology better than student who get medium and low. They have an excellent attitude of a curiosity in science and science related issues and endeavours; a willingness to accuire scientific knowledge and skills using a variety af resources and methods; and an on-going interest in science including consideration of science related careers.
Analisis Literasi Sains Siswa SMP Berakreditasi A di Banjarmasin
Journal of Mathematics Science and Computer Education
Laporan dari PISA menunjukkan bahwa literasi sains Indonesia masih berada di 10 besar terendah di seluruh negara peserta PISA sejak tahun 2006 hingga 2018. Namun kurangnya informasi sehubungan dengan ruang sampling penelitian PISA yang digunakan dalam tes PISA yang dilakukan oleh OECD dan belum tersedianya alat tes standar yang dapat diakses dengan mudah untuk menilai literasi sains membuat sebagian besar praktisi pendidikan di Indonesia tidak memiliki gambaran yang jelas tentang kondisi literasi sains siswanya. Dengan menggunakan instrumen yang telah dikembangkan oleh peneliti sebelumnya, penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis kondisi literasi sains siswa di salah satu SMP Negeri Terakreditasi A di Banjarmasin. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif yang pengumpulan datanya menggunakan alat tes literasi sains kontekstual lahan basah Kalimantan Selatan. Peserta tes terdiri dari 106 siswa kelas 8 dan kelas 9 di SMP Negeri Banjarmasin. Hasil analisis menun...