Improving Research Ethics in Engineering: A Challenge for Academics in Engineering and Ethics (original) (raw)
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Technology: “Engineering, Integration, and Alliances for a Sustainable Development” “Hemispheric Cooperation for Competitiveness and Prosperity on a Knowledge-Based Economy”, July 27-31, 2020, Virtual Edition. Digital Object Identifier (DOI): ISBN: 978-958-52071-4-1 ISSN: 2414-6390 Abstract– Following part of the methodological proposal of Applied Ethics called critical hermeneutics (Adela Cortina in 1996), we affirm that the solid promotion of the new communicational model of science, called Open Access, depends fundamentally on whether we can make explicit its contribution to the production of scientific knowledge. The primary reason for this thesis is the following: the good that is sought to be offered to society through science must basically occur in epistemological terms; and its communication, which is inherent to scientific activity, must satisfy quality criteria, which, in the specific case of the publication of articles, valid...
Research Ethics. The Good Practices
Arbor-ciencia Pensamiento Y Cultura, 2008
The Act 14/2007 regulates biomedical research, including research with stem cells and cloning for therapeutic purposes. The Spanish legislation about those controversial topics could also exemplify the changing perspective about ethical codes and ethical committees, because now they are not only centered on rights, and guarantees for the subjects involved in experimentation, but on good practice. Research Ethics has usually been related to norms, and especially to respect for human rights in the biomedical field. From the Nurmberg Code, the Helsinki Declaration, the Oviedo Convention to the Addition Protocol on biomedical research, the perspective of rights prevailed over a wider perspective, which now aims to promote the researchers' commitment and their responsibilities to health and welfare; the welfare of every subject, humans, and non-humans, and in every context, including the developing countries. The UNESCO Declaration could expand this perspective, including social justice issues in the agenda of research Ethics, usually centered on autonomy, as basic principle, and on the human rights approach. The article would analyze the good practice approach, with guidelines expanding the agenda of research Ethics in order to promote a better governance of scientific practice.
Evolution of Attitudes in the Field of Human Research Ethics
Universitas Psychologica, 2008
The state of evolution of attitudes in a sample of 142 Medical Students at the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana in Bogota (at the beginning, middle and ending of their studies) in the field of Human Research Ethics (HRE) is analytically described. A complex scale of attitudes was used, with three components: affective, beliefs-related and behavioral, further divided into three theoretical categories taken from Bioethics: Subject-End/means-Dignity, Benefit and Justice. The relationship between the current medical education process and the attitudes regarding HRE in the sample are analyzed. A small trend towards progress in all categories and in all components of attitudes throughout medical education is described; neither the Benefit nor the Subject-End/means/Dignity categories evolve in a significant way; some significant differences were observed in the Justice category (beliefs and behavioral) and in the Subject-End/means-Dignity category (beliefs component). The results allow for asking about the role of formation and evolution of those attitudes throughout the academic process. In conclusion, attitudes seem to be progressing relatively, without a decisive evolution
Tips for Avoiding Ethical Problems in Scientific Publication
DYNA, 2014
The Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) -conformed by the main scientific publishers-has warned about the increasing number of ethical problems in scientific publication and recent scandals seem to indicate that ethical misconduct is repetitive. Ethical problems in scientific publication arise when the person deviates from expected moral behavior. Misconduct may be explained, at least in part, because many postgraduate students and young researchers seem to understand that ethical problems are only related to plagiarism of complete works or duplication of publications, and because it seems to be a lack of knowledge of the ethical standards in scientific publication. However, there are many other aspects conducing to ethical problems. The objective of this paper is to discuss and spread the ethical position of the main scientific publishers and researchers with the aim of build a unified point of view. In this paper, seventeen tips for avoiding ethical problems in scientific publication are presented, explained and discussed. I hope that this work will be valuable for postgraduate students and young researchers and answers many common questions about ethics in scientific publication.
La Ética en Los Estudios De Ingeniería
Este articulo aporta algunas reflexiones y propuestas sobre como integrar la etica en la formacion universitaria en ingenieria, en particular en aquellas relacionadas mas directamente con la digitalizacion y las tecnologias de la informacion. Partiendo de las demandas que desde diversas instituciones se hacen a las universidades, se presentan las competencias que deberian desarrollar los y las estudiantes de ingenierias, asi como las metodologias, el contexto academico y el enfoque que se considera mas apropiado para una formacion etica que contribuya a afrontar los retos sociales actuales y futuros.