Vortex structure and critical parameters in superconducting thin films with arrays of pinning centers (original) (raw)

Isolated vortex line 1.5.3 Interaction between vortex lines 1.5.4 Vortex lattices 1.6 Flux pinning 1.6.1 Pinning mechanism 1.6.2 Artificial pinning centers 1.7 Thin superconducting films 1.8 Mesoscopic superconductors 1.9 Details of the numerical approach ii Contents Surface barrier for flux penetration and expulsion in thin mesoscopic superconductors 37 2.1 Introduction 2.2 Theoretical formalism 2.2.1 Ginzburg-Landau theory 2.2.2 London approach and phase of the order parameter 2.3 Superconducting disk 2.3.1 A single vortex: estimation of the H c1 2.3.2 Comparison with London theory 2.3.3 The L = 2 state in the disk 2.3.4 Temperature dependence of the energy barrier 2.4 Superconducting ring 2.5 Superconducting square 2.6 Conclusions 3 A superconducting square with antidots 57 3.1 Introduction 3.2 Theoretical formalism 3.3 Free energy and magnetization 3.4 Stability of different vortex states 3.5 Superconducting/Normal phase transition 3.6 Conclusions 4 Superconducting thin films with an antidot lattice 71 4.1 Introduction 4.2 Theoretical formalism 4.3 Vortex structure in perforated superconducting films 4.3.1 Equilibrium vortex configurations 4.3.2 Influence of temperature on the stability of the vortex-antivortex pairs 4.3.3 The hole occupation number n o 4.4 Vortex structure in effective type-I superconducting film with an antidot array 4.5 Weak pining centers: stability of pinned square and partially pinned vortex structures 4.6 The critical current of patterned superconducting films 4.6.1 Influence of the geometrical parameters 4.6.2 Temperature dependence of the critical current Contents iii 4.7 H − T phase diagram 97 4.8 Conclusions 99 5 Vortex-cavity interaction Summary 153 List of important realizations 157 Outlook 159 iv Contents Samenvatting 161 References 167 Curriculum Vitae 179 List of publications 181 1950s the materials that were developed for use as superconductors include: solid solutions of NbN and NbC with T c = 17.8 K; V 3 Si with T c = 17 K; Nb 3 Sn with T c =18 K; NbTi with T c =9 K. Later (1973) Nb 3 Ge was added to this list with the highest T c of all, at 23.2 K, a record that lasted until 1986. The history of the development of T c is shown in Fig. 1.1 [4]. MgB 2 superconductor. Superconductivity in MgB 2 was discovered as late as 2001 [5], with T c at 39 K, a record by far in ordinary metallic compounds. This value of T c is close to what has been considered the maximum possible by pairing caused by electron-phonon interaction. The main disadvantage of early MgB 2 samples is their low critical magnetic field H c2. But H c2 can be increased up to more than 40 T in bulk and up to near 60 T in oriented thin films by Carbon doping. Due to its enhanced mechanical properties, as compared to high-T c superconductors this material is expected to be very promising for applications. Organic superconductors. Superconductivity in a polymer material was first found in (Sn) x in 1975. This was followed by the discovery in 1979 of superconductivity in a molecular salt, (TMTSF) 2 FF 6 under 1.2 Gpa pressure, and with a T c of 0.9 K [6]. Since then, a long list of organic superconductors have been synthesized. T c of those materials remains low, although it has which leads to a temperature dependence of the GL parameter κ = κ(0)/(1+t 2) with t = T /T c0 and κ(0) = λ(0)/ξ(0), agrees better with experiment. 4πλ 2 c ∇ × j + h = zΦ 0 δ(r), (1.31) where z is a unit vector along the vortex and δ(r) a δ-function at the location of the core. Combining Eq. (1.31) with the Maxwell equation ∇ × h = 4π/cj The next configuration very close in energy consists of a square array of vortices (see Fig. 1.8). Here the nearest neighbor distance is given by a = (Φ 0 /H) 1/2. (1.41) Thus, for a given flux density in a homogeneous superconductor, a > a. Taking into account the repulsion of the vortices, it is reasonable that the vortex Consequently, the better the pinning the higher the critical current density J c. The upper limit for the critical current density is the depairing current density H c2 (T) = H c2 (0) |1 − T /T c0 | , (1.54) where H c2 (0) = c /2eξ(0) 2 and T c0 is the critical temperature at zero magnetic field. y +(1 − T) |Ψ j | 2 − 1 Ψ j +f j (t).

Pinning effects on the vortex critical velocity in type-II superconducting thin films

Physica C: Superconductivity, 2010

We study the influence of artificial pinning centers on the vortex critical velocity in Al thin films deposited on top of a periodic array of Permalloy (FeNi) square rings. We demonstrate that the field dependence of the flux flow velocity strongly depends on the particular magnetic state of the rings. In particular, we find that, even when the rings are in a flux closure state, i.e. with little stray field, the vortex critical velocity shows a non-monotonic magnetic field dependence. This behaviour is in sharp contrast with the results obtained in a reference plain film, with no rings underneath. A comparison with the intrinsic strong pinning Nb films previously studied, suggests an interpretation in terms of a channel-like motion of vortices, here induced by the artificial pinning structure.

Vortex-Antivortex Lattices in Superconducting Films with Magnetic Pinning Arrays

Journal of Low Temperature Physics, 2005

Novel vortex structures are found when a thin superconducting film (SC) is covered with a lattice of out-of-plane magnetized magnetic dots (MDs). The stray magnetic field of the dots confines the vortices to the MD regions, surrounded by antivortices which "crystallize" into regular lattices. First and second order transitions are found as magnetic array is made sparser or MD-magnetization larger. For sparse MD-arrays fractional vortex-antivortex states are formed, where the crystalsymmetry is combined with a non-uniform "charge" distribution. We demonstrate that due to the (anti)vortices and the supercurrents induced by the MDs, the critical current of the sample actually increases if exposed to a homogeneous external magnetic field, contrary to conventional SC behavior. PACS numbers: 74.78.-w, 74.25.Op, 74.25.Qt, 74.25.Dw.

Superconducting film with weak pinning centers: Incommensurate vortex lattices

Physical Review B, 2007

Vortex configurations in a superconducting film with a square array of small antidots are studied within the Ginzburg-Landau ͑GL͒ theory. We find that in addition to the conventional vortex structures at the matching fields, a variety of vortex states can be stabilized by decreasing the pinning strength of the antidots, including ͑i͒ the triangular vortex lattice where some vortices are pinned by the antidots and others are located between them, ͑ii͒ vortex line structures, and ͑iii͒ a lattice of vortex cluster structures around the empty pinning centers. Although these partially pinned vortex structures are obtained more frequently in field cooled experiments than the square pinned vortex lattice, they are not the lowest energy states, i.e., the ground state, contrary to the results from a London approach. This result can be understood as due to the presence of a broad local minimum in the GL free energy which keeps the vortices away from the pinning centers. Our results can also be related to recent experiments on macroscopic metallic particles that move in a plane in the presence of a weak electrostatic pinning potential.

Vortex configurations in high-{Tc} superconducting films


This article addresses the Ginzburg-Landau (GL) model for high-temperature superconductivity in thin lms (two-dimensional periodic domains). A new gauge is de ned to reduce the coupling between the equations for the nonzero components of the vector potential. The GL equations are written in a novel form by means of continuous link variables; this form is symmetric and has particular advantages for numerical analysis. The continuous GL model is approximated by a discrete model, which is shown to be second-order accurate. Two methods are used for the numerical solution of the discrete model|a modi ed Newton's method, in combination with a sweeping algorithm for the solution of the linear system, and a time-like integration method based on gradient ow. Numerical experiments demonstrate that the discrete GL model leads to asymmetric solutions in the plane; symmetry is recovered only in the limit as the mesh size goes to zero. The results of computational experiments to nd the upper critical eld and establish an empirical power law for vortex interactions are given. AMS(MOS) subject classi cation. Primary 81J05. Secondary 82A25, 65N05, 35J60.

Increase of the critical current at the liquid-helium lambda point in superconducting perforated multilayers

Europhysics Letters (EPL), 2002

Pinning properties of Nb/CuMn multilayers with regular array of antidots have been studied at different temperatures in perpendicular magnetic field. The presence of antidots causes a sudden increase (jump) of the critical current at the liquid-helium lambda point (T = 2.18 K). The jump value is a function of magnetic field and sample anisotropy. The hypothesis of liquid helium wetting the antidots below 2.18 K, and then inducing a larger pinning efficiency, is put forward.

Influence of artificial pinning on vortex lattice instability in superconducting films

New Journal of Physics, 2012

In superconducting films under an applied dc current, we analyze experimentally and theoretically the influence of engineered pinning on the vortex velocity at which the flux-flow dissipation undergoes an abrupt transition from low to high resistance. We argue, based on a nonuniform distribution of vortex velocity in the sample, that in strongly disordered systems the mean critical vortex velocity for flux-flow instability (i) has a nonmonotonic dependence on magnetic field and (ii) decreases as the pinning strength is increased. These findings challenge the generally accepted microscopic model of Larkin and Ovchinnikov (1979 J. Low. Temp. Phys. 34 409) and all subsequent refinements of this model which ignore the presence of pinning centers.

Evidence for low-field crossover in the vortex critical velocity of type-II superconducting thin films

Physical Review B, 2010

We measure current-voltage characteristics as function of magnetic field and temperature in Nb strips of different thickness and width. The instability voltage of the flux flow state related to the vortex critical velocity v * is studied and compared with the Larkin-Ovchinnikov theory. Beside the usual power-law dependence v * ≈ B −1/2 , in the low field range a new cross-over field, Bcr1, is observed below which v * decreases by further lowering the external magnetic field B. We ascribe this unexpected cross-over to vortex channeling due to a fan-like penetration of the applied magnetic field as confirmed by magneto-optic imaging. The observation of Bcr1 becomes a direct evidence of a general feature in type-II superconducting films at low fields, that is a channel-like vortex motion induced by the inhomogeneous magnetic state caused by the relatively strong pinning.


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