Ethics Education and the Practice of Wisdom (original) (raw)

Democràcia i humanitat a l’escola. Exemple del model pedagògic del mestre Pere Vergés (1896-1970) i propostes per al futur


catalaUn dels maxims representants de l’Escola Nova catalana, el mestre Pere Verges (1896-1970), crea un model pedagogic centrat en el respecte, l’autonomia i la democracia de l’alumnat. Propostes com aquesta i d’altres que sorgiren durant el primer terc del segle XX han de ser analitzades per a poder transferir-les al segle XXI. L’objectiu d’aquest estudi busca detallar el funcionament de la pedagogia de Verges per tal de poder renovar i millorar l’educacio actual. A partir d’una metodologia hermeneutica que analitza les fonts primaries, juntament amb tot un conjunt de fonts secundaries, es visualitza una manera pedagogica de fer (quasi) oblidada. L’element moral, democratic, de participacio de tothom i de constant canvi son uns aspectes comuns que cal destacar. A la vegada, altres questions com les relacionades amb el respecte o els valors son temes que es tingueren molt en compte, juntament amb un treball integral, amb el cos —educacio fisica— i l’esperit —musica— com a elements ...

Savoir éthique et formation des enseignants


Relating the demands of the educational rationality to a triadic conception of ethics, simultaneously teleological, deontological and pragmatic, this article reflects on the importance of the teacher’s ethical knowledge, here valued as primary and substantive element of their «professional face».Relativement aux demandes de la rationalité éducationnelle à une conception triadique de l’éthique simultanément téléologique, déontologique et pragmatique, cet article réfléchit sur l’importance du savoir éthique des enseignants, ici valorisée comme un élément primaire et substantif de leur «profile professionnel»info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

Harmonia, Scientia, Economia - Three Motifs in the Western Philosophy of Education

Caritas et veritas, 2022

Education is a dynamic matter. Its movement is related to the movement of human thinking. As one thinks, one also acts, even educationally. In this paper we will understand didactics as a discipline that asks 'how' and the philosophy of education as a discipline that asks 'why'. The task of didactics and its related disciplines is to refl ect the methodology of human formation. The philosophy of education forces pedagogy to think about why it does what it does. What is the goal? What is the point? We will focus on three historical ideological movements, respectively meta-narrative shifts that determined (and still determine) the form of contemporary philosophy of education. The purpose of this brief study is to outline the historical and philosophical contexts in order to understand our present pedagogical reality of the Western world. We will compare the ideological starting points of pre-modern, modern, and post-modern times and follow their educational implications. The goal of the paper is to argue for the holistic 'educatio' formulated by J. A. Comenius.

Education as to develop a healthy mind, reunification of philosophy with sciences, scientific documentation of wrong and right, human error, virtue as a midway- …

Education beyond training has to develop a healthy mind and to do so needs philosophical bases supported with strong scientific evidence which are obtained only if philosophy is reunited with science. This work is an effort to put together all elements which compose the education puzzle and identify the sources of human error anatomically and conceptually and how these affect education. Modelling human error to define the boundaries of right and wrong has a vital impact on education because otherwise education has no reason to exist and it is suppressed to a strict skill training which is the tendency today. The analysis followed in this research is based on the healthy mind model developed by Plato as it was improved by the model of human error variance developed by Aristotle as a midway of virtue. The aim of this work is to identify the real reasons of today's crises in human values which lead to economic crisis and to recommend solutions based on the education which creates a healthy balanced human mind.

An Ethical Inquiry: Toward Education in an Infinite Condition


This study is a philosophical inquiry into the ethical conditions of modernity as these bear upon, and are expressed in, the educational project. In modernity, the ethical is assumed as both a juridical proceduralism (of codes of ethics for teachers, or of a broader legal context) and a moral result (of presupposed good and evil, vested in categories like humanity, liberalism, or difference). When ethics are assumed as completed in the form of codes or ideals, that is, as present and already acted upon, there remains little of an ethics of justice in the ancient sense of the pursuit of the right way to live. Supplanted by imperatives of management and morality, the ethical conditions of living are no longer vital to education. The problem is ontological. The revitalization of the ethical in education requires inquiry into the logics of being. These logics are widely implicated and thus the resources for this inquiry are necessarily historiographical, critical, and speculative. These are deployed in this study in three thematic movements: First to the question of education’s ‘emplacement’ within the modern ethos, or ‘of what’ is educational thought a consequence in the modern ethical settlement; second, how may this be seen to be expressed as ethical thought in contemporary educational discourse; and third, and on the basis of the previous two, to the question of how it may be possible to re-think education ethically. The modern ethical topography is articulated as an oscillation among the ontological forms of conceptual realism (the constructivist procedure of the adequacy of thought to being) and those of ethical idealism (the transcendental production of what cannot be thought). Expressed as ethics of phronesis (practical wisdom) and alterity in educational thought, these are contested on the basis of generic ontology, or that of immanent infinite multiplicity, toward a subjective ethics in education—one that refuses the idealist corruption of the ‘object’ where ethics are concerned. To do so, I propose to educational thought a concept of truth elaborated at the intersection of mathematical formalization (à la Badiou) and comic realism (à la Zupančič).



The essay is concerned with the currently central issues of the philosophy of contemporary education in the context of the analysis of global social dynamics and through the lens of modeling the appropriate complex socio- anthropic systems. The essay is focused on the philosophical aspects of education as well as on the conceptual issues with regard to the implementation of the formula of permanent education in modern trans- border hyper-dynamic world.

Quales scientiae sunt addiscendae pro theologia melius intelligenda? Pelbartus of Themeswar on Education

Philobiblon, 2016

This article focuses on three aspects of Pelbartus of Themeswar’s position on learning: how one should prepare before beginning to study theology, which sciences should one learn in order to better understand theology and in order to pursue a magisterium in this domain and, finally, what people have to learn in order to be saved. These three lines of investigation contour a true educational program.