English and Leetspeak: A Step Towards Global Nerdism? (original) (raw)


Having spent some time in virtual space during the last few years, reading messages, emails as well as commentary and statements made by different social site users, I have observed many changes and irregular-rities in verbal and non-verbal means of communication. As a philologist I was especially interested in different types of abbreviations, punctuation marks, spelling changes, grammatical and spelling mistakes, various icons that are mostly used by teenagers and students on the worldwide web. That was the reason I started to carry out a research on the subject. The fact that the Internet has radically changed global communication is beyond controversy. With instant access to messaging and email, the ability to circulate commentary and opinion has significantly changed the way people communicate nowadays. This has had an impact on the spoken and written language. The Internet is now an integral part of contemporary life, and linguists are increasingly studying its influence on language. However, people still debate on the scope of these changes, and whether or not they are for the better. The given paper is devoted to the study of some aspects of Internet slang, its peculiarities and manifestations. We know that keeping up with current internet trends can be tough, especially for parents and elderly people who do not get online much. That is why we feel need for some helpful resources to help people further understand internet slang, online acronyms, net trends, and overall internet etiquette. Professor David Crystal is a British linguist, leading language authority and author of over hundred books. Crystal says the dynamic nature of the Internet makes it difficult for comprehensive analysis of its effects to stay up-to-date. But Crystal believes that the impact of the worldwide web on language remains minimal. In his book " Internet linguistics " David Crystal presents the area as a new field. Crystal addresses the online linguistic issues that affect us on a daily basis, incorporating real-life examples drawn from his own studies and personal involvement with Internet companies. He provides new linguistic analyses of Twitter,

Topic: Slang Language Movement

The use of slang language is increasing day-by-day. Official dictionary editors have had ultimate control over the selection, meaning, and illustration of words and extensive collaboration with contributors has been limited. However, Internet technologies that easily permit exchanges and in minor section also we discuss here to how traditional lexicographic principles are joined with Web-only communication technologies to provide a context for collaborative engagement and meaning-making. Include how those words interchange with our daily spoken language. Significantly, most traditional English dictionaries fall short of: both recording ephemeral everyday spoken language and representing popular views of meaning.



The article is devoted to the analysis of the specificity of Internet slang using in the process of communication in cyberspace. The author points out the urgency of the problem which is determined by the growth of Internet slang and the means it is represented by in the wide area of cyberspace. It highlights the main aspects of using abbreviations, acronyms, shortenings and memes as well as their forming and implementation. In the course of thorough analysis of social networks, the article stresses out the formation of some definite units. The article sets key principles of the Internet slang forming and examines its features which have become the basic research for future analyses. It proposes the features which can be identified as means of Internet slang verbalization. The author highlights the specificity of Internet slang usage and underlines the importance of its being analyzed due to the growing interest in the lexical, grammatical, phonetical, semantical and other aspects. The article presents the results of a survey which has been conducted within three groups of people aged from 16 to 23 the aim of which was to analyze the level of users’ involving in the process of Internet slang spreading.

Tropes of Slang

Signs and Society, 2015

This article describes a class of speech varieties whose members have traditionally been called "slang" or "argot" in a large and long-standing literature. Despite the size of this literature, the characteristics of these speech varieties have remained obscure to those who purport to study them. The thing called "slang" has traditionally been reduced to the repertoires that count as samples of the thing without attention to either ðaÞ the reflexive processes through which samples of the thing come to be differentiated from other discursive behaviors or ðbÞ the social-interpersonal processes through which slang expressions undergo change in form and significance for different members of a language community. This article examines these reflexive social processes by considering examples from a large number of languages and historical periods. It offers a comparative framework for studying the forms of social life that such discursive behaviors enable or displace.

Some thoughts on slang

Revista Alicantina De Estudios Ingleses, 2011

Slang is a self-sufficient, subversive, oppositional subset of the English language. It has given a tongue, by no means inarticulate, to the marginal, the criminal and the dispossessed for at least half a millennium. But it is hard to pin down: even the etymology of the word 'slang' remains unsubstantiated. Perhaps inevitably it challenges concrete linguistic definition, remaining a source of argument: is it a full scale language or simply a lexis of synonymy. And what exactly constitutes a 'slang' word, what qualifies it for inclusion in that lexis? Whatever the 'truth' it remains a flourishing and endlessly self-inventive channel of communication. As a slang lexicographer of thirty years' experience, I have come to ask another question: to what extent does any of this matter? Slang is important, slang dictionaries are important, even slang lexicographers are important. But this need to pin down, to categorise, to set in place: is it vital? Does it not run almost perversely in the face of slang's own imperatives: to represent without compromisethrough its obsessions and its relentlessly negative, cynical take on the worlda side of humanity that some, including myself, see as our most human. On croit que l'on maîtrise les mots, mais ce sont les mots qui nous maîtrisent. Alain Rey Arseholes, bastards, fucking cunts and pricks.


ЛІНГВІСТИЧНІ ДОСЛІДЖЕННЯ Збірник наукових праць Харківського національного педагогічного університету імені Г.С. Сковороди Випуск 46, 2017

The article is devoted to the analysis of the Internet slang as a key aspect of interaction in chat rooms. The author highlights the specificity of slang in the process of communication in chat rooms. The article is based on the chats of modern social networks. The work examines the definite units of the Internet slang, such as: acronyms, abbreviations, shortened words and jargon. The author puts a stress on the actuality of a work due to the speed development of chatspeak communication , which is endless source of slang, and its narrow exploring. The article's goals are to set the main principles of the Internet slang forming and to describe its key features which will serve as a basic for future works. It highlights the specificity of the Internet slang usage and underlines the importance of its analysis due to the growing interest in the lexical, grammatical, phonetical, seman-tical and other aspects of the Internet communication whether it is interaction between the youth or the adults. The author sets main principles of slang forming and examines this phenomenon using the examples from two languages-English and Ukrainian. Moreover, the article presents issues which are turned to the comparison of the features of the Internet slang forming.

Language and Creativity: Slang

The International Encyclopedia of Linguistic Anthropology, ed. by James Stanlaw. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2021

Introduction: Slang is a notoriously slippery linguistic category, often of more interest to lexicographers than linguists. Indeed, prominent sociolinguist William Labov once proposed relegating all work on the topic to “an outer, extra-linguistic darkness” (see Dumas and Lighter 1978, 7). In a classic sociolinguistic study of American college slang, Connie Eble (1996) defines slang as a colloquial vocabulary that creates solidarity within a social group or affiliates speakers with a trend in society. Slang is readily contrasted – by linguists and the general public alike – with the technical or scientific vocabulary associated with jargon and with what is considered “standard language.” It is thus viewed as neither high prestige nor “normal” speech. Definitions of slang also commonly include the social goals of marking informality, conveying creativity or playfulness, and displaying irreverence or even the rejection of formal conventions. However, emphasis on interactional dynamics such as “reducing the formality of an utterance” naturalizes standard language and the linguistic expectations of standard language speakers (including linguists). For example, some youth speak slang as part of their normal everyday speech, and it is in fact unexpected and only to lend an air of formality that slang is avoided. Recent research in the field of linguistic anthropology allows for a reexamination of common assumptions about what slang is and what it does, demonstrating that despite its linguistic “slipperiness,” the study of slang is central to a broader investigation of language in context. In what follows, I unpack the following themes: (i) Slang is more than just a collection of novel and fleeting synonyms for words that already exist, and it often extends into grammatical and pragmatic alterations made to what is considered “standard language.” (ii) Slang is used by speakers to accomplish a wide range of social and linguistic goals (such as displaying irreverence or informality), but it is more often the social evaluation of its speakers, rather than these social goals, that is critical to defining a termas slang. (iii) Slang constitutes a linguistic register (Agha 2015) due to its association with a particular persona, or type of person, which varies within different social, cultural, and political contexts. (iv) Slang frequently conveys novelty, but it actually draws on well-established word formation and grammatical patterns. (v) Slang is often strongly connected to the media and dispersed through different forms of popular culture and music.


This present article shed lights on the importance of taking into consideration the consistent usage of colloquial words ,expressions ,slangs ,styles as well as their excessive role in written communication Colloquial words basically referred to "colloqualism" are words that are common in everyday usage, unconstrained conversation, in comparison with formal speech or academic writing. Colloquialisms are not substandard or illiterate speech says they are rather idioms, conversational phrases, and informal speech patterns often common to a particular region or nationality. Colloquial, casual, and formal writing are three common styles that carry their own particular sets of expectations.The type of style that is going to be chosen ought to be according to the audience, and often a communication that a man is going to preside over .As a general rule, external communications tend to be more formal. Slang is the use of informal words and expressions that are not considered standard in the speaker's dialect or language. Slang is also the misuse of words and phrases that are incorrect or illogical when taken in the literal sense.The term slang is frequently used on the urpose of denoting a large variety of vocabulary strata that consists either of newly coined words and phrases or of current words employed in special meaning - school slang, sport slang ,newspaper slang. Slang appertains to the use of lexical items which are faddish or nonstandard.Slang changes on a facter pace since it is sensitive to current styles.Majority of slang terms will either disappear from use of within a generation or become standardized ,in a consequence ,there will not be any sign of slang any longer.