Analysis of Determinants of Stunting Incidence in 2-Year-Old Toddlers in Mamuju Regency (original) (raw)

Risk Factors for Stunting in Toddlers in the Public Health Center Working Area Embo Jeneponto, South Sulawesi

Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA

Stunting is still a nutritional problem in Indonesia, including in South Sulawesi. The impact of stunting is very broad, starting from the individual, family, community, and country levels. This study aims to analyze the risk factors for stunting incidents in the Embo District Health Center Work Area, Jeneponto. The type of research used in this research is observational with a "Case-Control Study" (case-control) approach, namely the status of the research design carried out by identifying subjects in the form of cases, using primary data through interviews with questionnaires. The variables studied included maternal education, birth weight, birth length, and exclusive breastfeeding. The sampling technique uses simple random sampling. The number of samples in this study was 136 samples which included 68 case groups and 68 control groups. The results of the study showed that the variables that were risk factors for stunting were maternal education (OR= 9.758), birth weight ...

The Influence of Factors of Breastfeeding and Food Consumption on Stunting Incidence among Preschool Children in Keerom District, Papua Province, Indonesia

Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences, 2021

BACKGROUND: Stunting is a nutritional problem due to linear growth failure in children under five, resulting in future health problems. Papua has a prevalence of stunting in children under five of 17.8% in 2018. AIM: This study aimed to analyze the influence of breastfeeding and consumption factors on the incidence of stunting in Keerom District, Papua Province. METHOD: This study was an observational study with a cross-sectional design. The sample in this study was 324 toddlers. Characteristics data and breastfeeding were obtained by interviewing parents. In contrast, data on the consumption of children under five were obtained using the Food Recall. Nutritional status was calculated using the Z-score obtained from measurements of body weight and height of children under five. SEM analysis was used to analyze breastfeeding and consumption factors on children's nutritional status under five. RESULT: The study results based on consumption (r = 0.052) and breastfeeding (r = -0.015...

The Relationships Breastfeeding, Weight, Sanitation to Stunting Event in Age 2-12 Years in Medan Tuntungan, Indonesia

Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference of Computer, Environment, Agriculture, Social Science, Health Science, Engineering and Technology, 2018

Background: Stunting is a problem that occur in the world. Based on Riskesdas(Basic Health Research) Indonesia 2013 data, the incidence of stunting in Indonesia in children under five was 37.2% (18% very short and 19.2% short). This is a matter of concern because the impact of stunting can cause various physical and psychological disorders for the children. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to determine the factors that influence the occurrence of stunting, especially in children aged 2 to 12 years, in The area of Puskesmas Tuntungan Medan. Methodology: This research is an analytical descriptive with cross sectional approach done in Tuntungan Medan Health Center area. The sample size is 92 children selected by total sampling. The datas used are primary data of height, weight, education and parental awareness and sanitation status obtained from questionnaire. Results: The result of this study indicates that the prevalence of stunting children is 33.7% (31 children). From the bivariate analysis of breastfeeding variable and sanitation variable, the obtained p value was 0,002 and 0,019. From the multivariate analysis, the variable that influence the incidence of stunting the most is the duration of breastfeeding (exclusive breastfeeding) with p value 0,007. The largest OR value obtained was 4.781. Conclusion: It can be concluded that from all the variables that cause stunting, which are duration of breastfeeding, birth weight, sanitation, education and income of the elderly, the breastfeeding variable is the most significant variable 92

Exclusive breastfeeding and low birth weight as risk factors of stunting in under-five children: A case-control study in Darul Imarah Sub-District, Aceh Besar, Indonesia

JAND: Journal of Applied Nutrition and Dietetic

Stunting refers to children’s growth and development disorders and is affected by chronic nutrient deficiency, repeated infections, and a lack of stimulation during the first 1000 days of their life. This study aimed to examine the effects of breastfeeding and birth weight on the incidence of stunting in under-five children. This case-control study design involved 116 under-five children: 53 children in the case group and 53 children in the control group. This study was conducted in Darul Imarah Community Health Center, Aceh Besar. The data on characteristics, early breastfeeding initiation, exclusive breastfeeding, and breastfeeding duration were collected using the interview method. Meanwhile, the data on birth weight was collected from birth records in the MCH book. Finally, the data on stunting were collected using the anthropometric measurements determined by the HAZ index based on the z-score. A child would have categorized as stunted if the z-score value had been <-2 SD. T...

Analysis of Stunting among Toddlers at Mauk Health Centre Tangerang Regency

Nursing and Health Sciences Journal (NHSJ)

Stunting is one of the problems that hinders human development globally. In Indonesia, the incidence of stunting is around 30.8%, Banten Province 36.9% and in Tangerang Regency 38% where this is still far from the target set by WHO, which is 20%. The objective of this study is to identify the analysis of stunting among toddler in Mauk Public Health Center Tangerang District. This was an analytical survey with a case control design. The sample of this study was 132 people consisting of 66 cases and 66 control groups. Quota sampling sampling technique. The research instrument used a questionnaire. Data analysis used chi-square test. The results show that majority of respondents who did not experience stunting was 84.2%, good knowledge of the mother was 55.3%, the mother's height was not short 64.4%, not given exclusive breastfeeding was 51.5%, did not experience LBW was 72.7%, the small number of family members was 57.6%, and a low family income was 64.4%. The results of the bivar...

Factors Related to Stunting among Children Age 6-59 Months in Babakan Madang Sub-District, West Java, Indonesia

Current Research in Nutrition and Food Science Journal, 2020

Stunting is a category of malnutrition that can cause death for children. In 2018, 30.8% of children under five in Indonesia experienced stunting. This study aimed to determine the factors that are related to stunting in Babakan Madang sub district, West Java, Indonesia. A cross sectional study was carried out among 612 children aged 6–59 months on May–August 2019. Z-scores were calculated using WHO Anthro. The characteristics of the under-fives (sex, age, history of infectious diseases), maternal characteristics (education level, mother’s occupation, income per month, age during pregnancy, parity), and infant feeding practices (colostrum feeding, early initiation of breastfeeding, exclusive breastfeeding, pre-lacteal feeding, timely complementary feeding) were analysed. The results of univariate and bivariate analysis using Chi-square showed that for age over 24 months, nonexclusive breastfeeding and untimely complementary feeding were related to stunting. It is recommended that lo...

Risk Factor Analysis of Stunting in Children Aged 6-23 Months in Tanralili District, Maros Regency, Indonesia

National Journal of Community Medicine, 2024

"Background: The high rate of stunting is still a nutritional problem in children in Indonesia which has an impact on the quality of future generations. The study aims to determine the risk factors for stunting in children aged 6-23 months in Tanralili District, Maros Regency. Methodology: This study used a case control study design. The sampling technique uses the side exhaustive method with a ratio of 1: 1, as many as 260 samples consisting of 130 cases and 130 controls. Stata program ver-sion 17 is used for data analysis. Results: Risk factors associated with stunting were maternal age <20 or 35 years (OR=1.953), lower-middle fam-ily income (OR=1.947), antenatal care <4 visits (OR=1,820), anemia (OR=2.252), chronic energy deficiency (OR=2.261), low birth weight (OR=2,595), exclusive breastfeeding (OR=2.448), poor home sanitation (OR=2.226;). Working mothers are a protective factor against stunting (OR=0.819). Multivariate analysis shows that exclusive breastfeeding is the dominant risk factor for stunting. Conclusion: Risk factors for stunting come from mother, child, as well as environmental and family economic factors. The need for integrated and multisectoral programs to increase family income, access to proper home sanitation, maternal education on pregnancy and nutrition and exclusive breastfeeding to reduce the incidence of stunting."

Determinants of Stunting among Toddlers Aged 24-59 Months in Puuwatu District, Kendari City, Indonesia

Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development, 2020

In Indonesia, the problem of low nutritional status proportion is still a problem, despite it decline of 37.2%in 2013 and 30.8% in 2018. Southeast Sulawesi is the Province with prevalence of stunting of 27.5 %in 2018 while Kendari City with the prevalence of 28.6% of children under five included in the stuntingcategory. In 2014 to 2015 there was a 2.2% increase in stunting children in the working area of PuuwatuPublic Health Center. The purpose of this study was to determine the factors associated with the incidenceof stunting among children aged 24-59 months. The type of study was quantitative with a cross sectionalstudy approach. The sampling technique was accidental sampling, with the number of respondents was 88toddlers. The results of statistical tests using chi square test with confidence level of 95%. The result ofstudy obtained p value of protein intake = 0.001, p value of mother’s education = 0.040, p value of father’soccupation= 0.003 and p value of economic status = 0.054...

Analysis of Stunting Incidence Factors in Toddlers Aged 23-59 Months in the Work Area of the Padang Tiji Community Health Center, Pidie Regency, 2020\_Vol.6\_Issue.1\_Jan2021/IJSHR-Abstract.047.html, 2021

Write Aceh is ranked third nationally for child stunting, behind East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) and West Sulawesi (Sulbar). Currently, he explained, the government is aggressively campaigning for the prevention and handling of stunting. This is because the prevalence of stunting for infants under five years of age (toddlers) in Indonesia in 2018 was 30.8%. Based on a report from Puskesmas Padang Tiji in 2018, there were 114 (18.4%) toddlers aged 23-59 months who experienced stunting, while in 2019 it increased to 138 (20.9%) toddlers with stunting. The purpose of this study was to analyze the incidence of stunting in children aged 23-59 months in the Padangtiji Community Health Center in 2020. This research method uses a case control approach. In the study, the control samples were toddlers who came to Posyandu who were randomly selected. The research sample was 50 cases and 50 controls, namely 1: 1. This research was conducted on December 10, 2020 to December 21, 2020. The statistical test used is the chi-square test by looking at the OR value and data analysis using univariate and bivariate analysis. The results of this study were the relationship between the incidence of stunting with exclusive breastfeeding (P =0.016) (OR=3.071), birth weight (P=0.678), infectious diseases (P=0.523) and birth spacing (P =0.043) (OR=2,421). The conclusion of this study is that there is a relationship between exclusive breastfeeding and birth spacing with the incidence of stunting in toddlers aged 23-59 months in the working area of Puskesmas Padang Tiji in 2020. The suggestions are expected to further improve health promotion in the form of counseling related to the causes and prevention of stunting in order to increase knowledge mothers regarding stunting and prevention related to infectious diseases in reducing morbidity that can lead to stunting.

Determinants of Stunting in Indonesian Toddlers

Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, 2021

Children who are malnourished for a long time can experience a failure to thrive, namely stunting.This situation occurs in many developing countries such as Indonesia. Stunting is a linear growth disorder characterized by a TB/U z-score less than-2SD. The study aimed to examine the incidence of stunting in children under five in terms of exclusive breastfeeding (ASI), complementary foods of breast milk (MP-ASI), immunization status, family characteristics. The research approach is quantitative with a Case-Control Study design and is carried out in West Java Province, with a sample size of 120 people. Data analysis includes bivariate using Chi-Square. The results showed that the incidence of stunting in children under five was due to low family income (p = 0.004; OR= 9.33), non-exclusive breastfeeding (p= 0.001; OR= 28.5), poor complementary feeding (p= 0.001; OR= 16), and incomplete immunization (p = 0.00; OR = 17). Stunting in children under five is closely related to low family income, non-exclusive breastfeeding, poor complementary breastfeeding, and incomplete immunization. Meanwhile, non-exclusive breastfeeding is a dominant factor as a risk factor for children experiencing stunting.