Article Maintenance of Genetic Diversity in Natural Spawning of Captively-Reared Endangered Sockeye Salmon (original) (raw)

Maintenance of Genetic Diversity in Natural Spawning of Captively-Reared Endangered Sockeye Salmon, Oncorhynchus nerka

Diversity, 2014

Captive propagation of Pacific salmon is routine, but few captive breeding programs have been conducted to successfully re-establish extirpated wild populations. A captive breeding program for endangered Sakinaw Lake sockeye salmon was established from 84 adults between 2002 and 2005, just prior to extirpation of the wild population. After several years of absence, sockeye salmon released from captivity returned to spawn in Sakinaw Lake in 2010 and in all years thereafter. Freshwater survival rates of released hatchery fry and naturally produced progeny of reintroduced sockeye salmon have not limited abundance of the reintroduced population. In contrast, marine survival rates for Sakinaw sockeye salmon have been <1%, a level that precludes population restoration in the absence of supplementation. Genetic diversity commensurate with the number of parental founders has been maintained in captivity. The 517 adult second-generation captive fish that spawned in Sakinaw Lake in 2011 produced a smolt emigration of almost 28,000 juvenile fish with an effective population size of 132. Allelic richness and gene diversity levels in the smolts were similar to those observed in captivity. This indicates genetic contributions from all or most founding parents have been retained both in captivity and in the nascent reintroduced natural population.

Analysis of gene origin in the first adult returns to the Cultus sockeye salmon captive breeding program

Conservation Genetics, 2011

Rigorous evaluation of the utility of captive breeding for the restoration of depleted wild salmonid fish populations has not been undertaken. In particular, little is known about the reproductive success of captively-bred individuals that are released back into an extant population and their capacity to assist in long-term population persistence. For the endangered Cultus Lake sockeye salmon population, we examined the potential genetic contribution of the first juvenile fish released from a captive breeding program upon their maturity in the natural Cultus Lake environment. Genetic analysis of 792 Cultus sockeye salmon that were spawned in captivity in 2004 and their adult progeny of 2007 and 2008 revealed a genetic bottleneck originating from 20 wild sockeye salmon hatcheryspawned at Cultus Lake in the previous generation. Pedigree analysis revealed that six of the 20 sockeye salmon spawned in 2001 (grandparents) gave rise to a majority of the hatchery spawners in 2004 (parents) and provided more than 30% of the genes in the progeny that survived to maturity in the wild. Allele frequencies and genetic diversity of the age three progeny that returned to Cultus Lake from their marine migration in 2007 reflected the bottleneck, but its genetic signature was faint among the more genetically diverse age four fish that returned in 2008. Two-generation analysis of gene origin among fish resulting from 2004 hatchery production indicated that they contained the genetic diversity expected from 36 effective ancestors.

Genetic assessment of a summer chum salmon metapopulation in recovery

Evolutionary Applications, 2013

Programs to rebuild imperiled wild fish populations often include hatchery-born fish derived from wild populations to supplement natural spawner abundance. These programs require monitoring to determine their demographic, biological, and genetic effects. In 1990s in Washington State, the Summer Chum Salmon Conservation Initiative developed a recovery program for the threatened Hood Canal summer chum salmon Evolutionarily Significant Unit (ESU) (the metapopulation) that used in-river spawners (wild fish) for each respective supplementation broodstock in six tributaries. Returning spawners (wild-born and hatchery-born) composed subsequent broodstocks, and tributary-specific supplementation was limited to three generations. We assessed impacts of the programs on neutral genetic diversity in this metapopulation using 16 microsatellite loci and a thirty-year dataset spanning before and after supplementation, roughly eight generations. Following supplementation, differentiation among subpopulations decreased (but not significantly) and isolation by distance patterns remained unchanged. There was no decline in genetic diversity in wild-born fish, but hatchery-born fish sampled in the same spawning areas had significantly lower genetic diversity and unequal family representation. Despite potential for negative effects from supplementation programs, few were detected in wild-born fish. We hypothesize that chum salmon natural history makes them less vulnerable to negative impacts from hatchery supplementation.

Genetic impact on two wild brown trout (Salmo trutta) populations after release of non-indigenous hatchery spawners

Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 1996

A genetically marked hatchery strain of brown trout (Salmo trutta) was employed to study the genetic impact from non-indigenous hatchery fish on wild stocks. The hatchery spawners were released in autumn 1989 into the spawning localities of two wild trout stocks in River Øyreselv, Norway. The F 1 generation was sampled and genotyped at the 0+, 1+, and 2+ stages. Juveniles carrying the genetic markers were found in both localities, proving that the introduced spawners had spawned among themselves and with the wild stocks. The genetic contribution from the hatchery fish was estimated at 19.2 and 16.3% at the 0+ stage in the two wild stocks. Estimates of survival rates of 0+ trout revealed that survival was nearly three times higher in wild trout than in hybrids of wild and introduced trout, possibly because of a difference between introduced and wild stocks in size of eggs and alevins. The frequency of the marker alleles in the F 1 generation declined during the 2-year observation period.

Reproductive isolation following reintroduction of Chinook salmon with alternative life histories

Conservation Genetics, 2007

We evaluated reproductive isolation of Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) life history types that have been reintroduced to northern Idaho, USA. Analysis of 1003 samples at six microsatellite loci revealed strong reproductive isolation between ocean-and stream-type Chinook salmon (fall and summer spawn timing, respectively) within the Clearwater River sub-basin (F ST = 0.148, P < 0.00001). Very little evidence for gene flow among the two life history types was observed as assignment tests correctly assigned 99.6% of individuals in reference collections to either ocean-and steam-type Chinook salmon. Assignment of naturally reared juveniles indicated that both life history types were present with 24.1% stream-type and 75.9% ocean-type. Previous studies suggest high levels of divergence among the two life history types in natural populations, and our study verifies the persistence of reproductive isolation among types following colonization of habitat. Successful colonization of new habitat by (re)introduced species is likely influenced by diversity in life history types and this strategy has lead to naturally spawning populations in a variety of available habitats in the Clearwater River. As many populations of O. tshawytscha are listed as threatened or endangered under the U.S. Endangered Species Act, hope for recovery lies not only in effective management and habitat improvement, but adaptability of this species.

Supportive breeding boosts natural population abundance with minimal negative impacts on fitness of a wild population of Chinook salmon

Molecular Ecology, 2012

While supportive breeding programmes strive to minimize negative genetic impacts to populations, case studies have found evidence for reduced fitness of artificially produced individuals when they reproduce in the wild. Pedigrees of two complete generations were tracked with molecular markers to investigate differences in reproductive success (RS) of wild and hatchery-reared Chinook salmon spawning in the natural environment to address questions regarding the demographic and genetic impacts of supplementation to a natural population. Results show a demographic boost to the population from supplementation. On average, fish taken into the hatchery produced 4.7 times more adult offspring, and 1.3 times more adult grand-offspring than naturally reproducing fish. Of the wild and hatchery fish that successfully reproduced, we found no significant differences in RS between any comparisons, but hatchery-reared males typically had lower RS values than wild males. Mean relative reproductive success (RRS) for hatchery F 1 females and males was 1.11 (P = 0.84) and 0.89 (P = 0.56), respectively. RRS of hatchery-reared fish (H) that mated in the wild with either hatchery or wild-origin (W) fish was generally equivalent to W 3 W matings. Mean RRS of H 3 W and H 3 H matings was 1.07 (P = 0.92) and 0.94 (P = 0.95), respectively. We conclude that fish chosen for hatchery rearing did not have a detectable negative impact on the fitness of wild fish by mating with them for a single generation. Results suggest that supplementation following similar management practices (e.g. 100% local, wild-origin brood stock) can successfully boost population size with minimal impacts on the fitness of salmon in the wild.

Evaluation of genetic effects on wild salmon populations from stock enhancement

ICES Journal of Marine Science, 2020

Many salmonid populations are of conservation concern, and the release of hatchery-produced juveniles is a frequently used measure to alleviate declines and increase harvest opportunities. While such releases may be of conservation value for some populations, stocking may also decrease the effective population size and subsequently impose additional strain on already threatened populations. In this study, we assessed how the cohort-wise effective number of breeders in five populations of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) were affected by supplementation. Altogether, 19 cohorts were studied (2–7 cohorts per population) by estimating the proportion hatchery-released individuals and the effective number of wild and captive breeders in each cohort of the respective populations. We show that the effect of releasing captive-bred individuals varies both between populations and between years within the same population. A Ryman–Laikre effect—where the effective number of breeders has decreased a...