Assessment of Spatial and Temporal Trends of Long Term Precipitation over Kharun Watershed, Chhattisgarh, India (original) (raw)

The study of precipitation trends is critically important for a country like India whose food security and economy are dependent on the timely availability of water such as 83 % water used for agriculture sector, 12 % for industry sector and only 5 % for domestic sector. In this study, the historical rainfall data for the periods 1901–2002 and 1942–2002 of the Sindh river basin, India, were analysed for monthly, seasonal and annual trends. The conventional Mann-Kendall test (MK) and Mann-Kendall test (MMK), after the removal of the effect of all significant autocorrelation coefficients, and Sen’s slope estimator were used to identify the trends. Kriging technique was used for interpolating the spatial pattern using Arc GIS 9.3. The analysis suggested significant increase in the trend of rainfall for seasonal and annual series in the Sindh basin during 1901–2002

1Assistant Professor, Dept. of Civil Engineering, PESCE, Mandya, Karnataka, India 2Former Associate Professor, Dept. of Civil Engineering, PESCE, Mandya, Karnataka, India 3U.G. Student, Dept. of Civil Engineering, PESCE, Mandya, Karnataka, India ---------------------------------------------------------------------***---------------------------------------------------------------------Abstract Climatic variability particularly rainfall and temperature has received a greater attention throughout the world. Climate change and its variability in the climatic parameters may adversely affect the agriculture sector and water resources of agrarian country like India. The research on change of rainfall, occurrence and its allocation are the most significant way for sustainable water resource management and food security. Hence an understanding of rainfall patterns in the changing environment will help in better decision making and improving the adopting of the communities to sustain the extr...

Climatic variability particularly rainfall and temperature has received a greater attention throughout the world. Climate change and its variability in the climatic parameters may adversely affect the agriculture sector and water resources of agrarian country like India. The research on change of rainfall, occurrence and its allocation are the most significant way for sustainable water resource management and food security. Hence an understanding of rainfall patterns in the changing environment will help in better decision making and improving the adopting of the communities to sustain the extreme weather. The study is aimed at investigating Monotonic trends at local scale levels for different seasons, as the climate change is more pronounced at the local scale. In this study, trend analysis has been carried out for Mandya district, Karnataka by considering 21 stations spread across the district for a period 1991-2000. Mann-Kendall test and Sen's slope estimates were employed to detect the trend and trend magnitude respectively at a significance level of 5%. The paper showcases that, the annual and monsoon season trend depicts no trend at a significance level of 5%. However, significant positive trends were observed at stations Akkihebbalu, Basaralu, Hanakere, Kaudle, Mandya and V C Farm during pre-monsoon season indicating special attention to be addressed during land preparation and other operations before monsoon season commences in the selected study area.

Rainfall is one of the vital climatic factors that can indicate climate change. Spatial and temporal changes of rainfall would influence runoff, soil moisture and groundwater reserves. Analysis of precipitation trends is important in studying the impacts of climate change for water resources planning and management. The present study was conducted to determine trends in the annual and seasonal total rainfall over Udumalpet region of Tamil Nadu using 33 years (1981-2013) monthly rainfall data at four rain-gauge stations. The trend analysis was done by using Mann-Kendall test and Sen's slope estimator. The results indicated that an increasing trends varied between 43.82 mm/year at Thirumurthy nagar station and 29.37 mm/year at Nallar station, decreasing trend between 2.59 mm/year at Amaravathy nagar to 2.50 mm/year at Udumalpet. The presence of trend in annual and seasonal rainfall series determined by Mann-Kendall Z statistics and Sen's Slope estimator reflected in the linear regression analysis.

This study aimed at comprehensive framework to investigate the variability and trends in the daily, seasonal and annual precipitation using parametric and non-parametric tests. The daily and seasonal trends of rainfall were analyzed from the IMD data of 1981-2016. The study displays daily, seasonal and annual trend patterns and magnitude of trend slope in precipitation data series for different regions of Andhra Pradesh. The procedures that are adopted to identify the presence of trend are Mann-Kendall and Sen's estimator of slope which are carried out at statistical significance at 95% level of confidence. The month to month precipitation information were utilized to process the yearly and regular time arrangement. The adjustment in extent for a period arrangement is resolved utilizing a nonparametric technique (Sen's estimator) and the factual noteworthiness is breaking down through Mann-Kendall (MK) test.

The impact of world global climate change on agriculture has been increasingly realized during previous few decades. The importance of rainfall has been found to be significantly changed over the last three decades particularly in Southern Odisha, India. The present study aims to identify the trends in annual and seasonal rainfall and its magnitude in Southern Odisha. During this study, the mean monthly and seasonal rainfall this districts are analysed to determine the trend and its magnitude for the quantity of 1982-2014. The logical thinking is completed using Mann-Kendall and Sen’s slope estimator. The study showed a giant declining rainfall trend particularly within the month of February and November with p value of 0.45 and 0.48 respectively. An increasing trend of Rainfall with p value 0.34 within the month of September. The analysis results showed wide variations during all the seasons. The increasing trend of rainfall is found to be dominant during south-west monsoon season ...