Fasilitasi Administrasi Akte Kelahiran Keluarga Pemulung di Kelurahan Kebon Pisang Kota Bandung (original) (raw)

Pelangi: Inovasi Pelayanan Akta Kelahiran DI Kota Banda Aceh

Al-Ijtima`i: International Journal of Government and Social Science

One form of bureaucratic reform in public services is to bring innovation. Since 2015 the city of Banda Aceh has implemented innovations in birth certificate services, by presenting PELANGI (direct servants). Pelangi is a mechanism for making birth certificates based on a mobile car with a proactive system. Department of Population and Civil Registration of the city of Banda Aceh visited villages in Banda Aceh City and provided birth certificate registration services on-site. The purpose of this study was to find out how the implementation of the "Pelangi" program and the extent to which the program was able to increase ownership of birth certificates in the city of Banda Aceh. The research method chosen is descriptive qualitative. With the hope of being able to answer in more detail related to Department of Population and Civil Registration's efforts in increasing the ownership of birth certificates for residents of the city of Banda Aceh through the innovation of the...

Strategi Pengembangan Model Inovasi “Mepeling” Akta Kelahiran di Kota Bandung

Jurnal Wacana Kinerja: Kajian Praktis-Akademis Kinerja dan Administrasi Pelayanan Publik

Dokumen resmi kependudukan yang merupakan hasil pencatatan identitas terhadap peristiwa kelahiran seseorang dikenal sebagai akta kelahiran. Pentingnya kepemilikan akta kelahiran tersebut belum diimbangi dengan jumlah kepemilikan akta kelahiran penduduk di Indonesia. Kondisi ini mengharuskan pemerintah melakukan upaya peningkatan jumlah kepemilikan akta kelahiran di Indonesia. Pemerintah Kota Bandung merupakan salah satu daerah yang telah berinovasi dalam hal pelayanan akta kelahiran. Melalui Dinas Kependudukan dan Catatan Sipil (Disdukcapil), Pemerintah Kota Bandung melakukan upaya peningkatan kepemilikan akta kelahiran melalui inovasi Memberikan Pelayanan Keliling “Jemput Bola” (Mepeling “Jemput Bola”) Akta Kelahiran. Berbagai strategi yang dapat dilakukan dalam meningkatkan pelayanan akta kelahiran, diantaranya dalam hal Sumber Daya Manusia (SDM), sarana dan prasarana, serta sosialisasi yang tepat sasaran.

Implementasi Sistem Administrasi Pembuatan Akta Kelahiran Dalam Peningkatan Kualitas Pelayanan Publik Pada Dinas Kependudukan Dan Pencatatan Sipil Kabupaten Jayawijaya - Papua


The purpose of this study was to determine the quality of public services carried out by the Jayawijaya Regency Population and Civil Registration Service to the community. With service quality variables, and indicators: Tangible (physical evidence), Reliability (reliability), Responsivines (responsiveness), Assurance (guarantee), empathy (empathy). The data analysis technique used is descriptive qualitative data analysis with observation, interview and documentary methods analyzed using qualitative analysis. The data in this study were collected from primary data sources (primary data) and secondary data sources (secondary data). From the primary data source (primary data), the research informants were determined using purposive sampling and accidental sampling techniques. Sources of information on secondary data, obtained through literature and documents. In this study, researchers used data credibility and data confirmability techniques to test the validity of the data. Based on t...

Pengembangan Model Inovasi Delivery Service Akta Kelahiran DI Kota Bandung

Jurnal Ilmu Administrasi: Media Pengembangan Ilmu dan Praktek Administrasi

Bandung merupakan salah satu daerah yang telah berinovasi dalam hal pelayanan akta kelahiran. Dengan jumlah kepemilikan akta kelahiran yang baru mencapai 73,4% pada Mei 2016, Pemerintah Kota Bandung harus menentukan strategi agar cakupan penerbitan kutipan akta kelahiran dapat tercapai. Melalui Dinas Kependudukan dan Catatan Sipil (Disdukcapil), Pemerintah Kota Bandung melakukan upaya peningkatan kepemilikan akta kelahiran melalui inovasi Delivery Service Akta Kelahiran. Inovasi yang diinisiasi langsung oleh Walikota Bandung, Ridwan Kamil, bertujuan untuk memberikan kemudahan bagi masyarakat kota Bandung dalam memperoleh akta kelahiran melalui pelayanan jasa pengiriman akta kelahiran. Dalam implementasinya, inovasi pelayanan akta kelahiran ini belum dimanfaatkan secara optimal oleh masyarakat Kota Bandung. Melihat kenyataan ini, dibutuhkan berbagai macam strategi untuk pengembangan inovasi Delivery Service Akta Kelahiran di Kota Bandung.

Sistem Pelayanan Administrasi Pembuatan Akta Kelahiran Masyarakat DI Dinas Kependudukan Dan Pencatatan Sipil Kabupaten Padang Pariaman


The administrative service system at the Department of Population and Civil Registration of Padang Pariaman Regency, especially in managing birth certificates, still occurs problems related to the administrative service system provided. People want an excellent service or also called Excellent service. And currently, services that need to be improved include the processing of birth certificate documents at the Department of Population and Civil Registration of Padang Pariaman Regency. In the future, in serving the need for innovation in improving the services provided. Because currently there are still people who often complain that the time for completion of services is delayed and does not comply with the set schedule. The research objective was to determine the administrative service system for making birth certificates. This study used a qualitative descriptive method, while the data collection technique was carried out through in-depth interviews with selected key informants an...

Inovasi Pelayanan Akta Kelahiran Melalui Egovernment DI Dinas Kependudukan Dan Pencatatan Sipil Kota Yogyakarta


This research aimed to deeply understand the innovation and the supporting and inhibiting factors innovation of birth certificate service by E-Government. The research design used in this research were descriptive with qualitative approach. The research design was considered able to explain this research in depth. The results showed that the Innovation of Birth Certificate Services by E-Government in Yogyakarta's Department of Population and Civil Registration has not been optimal. It could be seen by the five indicators of innovation of public service according to Rogers advantages, compatibility, complexity, triability, and observability. From those five dimensions, it could be showed that the inovation has not been optimal by these case: 1) the number of users in online birth certificate making service were low, 2) the service innovation offered by the government were numerous, 3) there were no special officers who take care of the online birth certificate making service, 4) the online birth certificate making service was still conducted partially, 5) The citizen's ignorance about the online birth certificate making service. There were also various supporting and inhibiting factors in the innovation of birth certificate making service by e-Government that conducted by the Yogyakarta's

Analisis Sistem Antrian DI Dinas Kependudukan Dan Pencatatan Sipil Kota Bandung: Studi Pada Loket Pelayanan Pencatatan Dan Penerbitan Akta Kelahiran Bayi Berumur 0-60 Hari


A long queue is one cause of service dissatisfaction. This problem is also faced by the Population and Registry Office of Bandung City, specificaly in the listing and publishing of birth certificates infants aged 0-60 days old. In this study, researchers tried to analyze the current queue system of this service and proposed several queue systems to increase the service rate. This study shows that the service provided by the Population and Registry Office is not optimal. It can be seen from the average number in the queue ( and average number in the system ( , namely, 22.09 and 23.05 people, respectively. Other evidences are average time in queue and average time in system , which are 95.4 minutes and 99.6 minutes, respectively. The best queue system that can be implemented by the office is single channel multi phase. Keywords: Queue system, public service, queue model.

Inovasi Pelayanan Akta Kelahiran dan Akta Kematian Sebagai Pelaksana “BANG MUDA”

Jurnal Studia Administrasi, 2019

Pelayanan prima merupakan bentuk pelayanan yang diperlukan oleh pemerintah dalam pemenuhan kebutuhan masyarakat dalam pelayanan publik, salah satu diantaranya yakni dalam pelayanan pembuatan akta. Dinas Kependudukan dan Pencatatan Sipil Kabupaten Bangka sebagai instansi yang melaksanakan pembuatan akta, baik akta kelahiran maupun akta kematian, berupaya mempercepat pelayanan pembuatan akta tanpa melalui alur yang panjang yakni dengan melakukan inovasi, meskipun dalam kenyataannya inovasi yang dilakukan belum bisa maksimal, hal ini disebabkan belum terpenuhinya beberapa komponen penunjang tetapi dengan adanya inovasi tersebut dapat mengantarkan Dinas Kependudukan dan Pencatatan Sipil Kabupaten Bangka sebagai salah satu “TOP 99 Sinovik’s Award” yakni penghargaan dalam inovasi pelayanan publik oleh Kementrian Pendayagunaan Aparatur Negara Reformasi Birokrasi pada Tahun 2017.

Sosialisasi Pentingnya Akta Kelahiran Dan Pendampingan Pembuatan Akte DI Desa Kuripan Ciseeng Kab Bogor

Pro Bono Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat, 2021

The birth certificate is a form of identity for every child which is an inseparable part of the civil and political rights of citizens. The right to identity is a form of state recognition of a person's existence before the law. Today many children do not have birth certificates as a result, many children have lost their right to education and social security. The right of identity for a child is stated explicitly in Article 5 of Law No. 23 of 2002 which states that "every child has the right to a name as self-identity and citizenship status". The right to children is also emphasized in article 27 paragraph (1) and paragraph (2) which states, paragraph (1) "the identity of each child must be given from birth", and paragraph (2) "identity as intended by paragraph (1) is stated in birth certificate".. The general purpose of this community service activity is to help Kuripan Ciseeng Village, Bogor Regency in overcoming the problems currently faced in developing birth certificate administration. In community service the method that will be used is through counseling and mentoring activities.