Porang Agribusiness Development Strategy (Case Study: Binjai City, Binjai City District, North Sumatra Province) (original) (raw)
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International Journal of Research in Business and Social Science (2147- 4478)
Food commodities play an important role in income increase of people, job opportunities, and regional and national development. Competitiveness of food commodities needs for community welfare increase and national food security and sovereignty. The aims of this research were: (1) to analysis of competitiveness of strategic food commodities in Lampung Province, (2) to analyze the impact of changes of input and output prices against of strategic food commodities in Lampung Province, and (3) to know the policy of suitable minimum prices of strategic food commodities in Lampung Province. This research conducted in Lampung Province from September 2013 to September 2014. The regencies as a sample selected by purposive sampling were Middle Lampung, North Lampung, South Lampung, and East Lampung. The determination of the farmers used stratified simple random sampling. The sample in this study was 120 respondents. The results showed that the farming of strategic food commodities (paddy a...
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Jurnal AGRISEP : Kajian Masalah Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian dan Agribisnis
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Journal of Integrated Agribusiness
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Jurnal Agro Ekonomi, 2016
Decreasing and decelerating production capacity of paddy have caused decreasing of estate capacity in food supply. This paper aims at describing production overview, problems and policy options to increase paddy production. Analysis methods uses in this study are cross tabulation and econometric model for projection. The results show that decreasing of paddy production growth rate was affected by: (a) decreasing of paddy's planted/harvested? area, especially in Java and (b) stagnation or decreasing of land productivity. Based on historical tendency, and when the revitalization program of national rice industry is not effective, projection result shows that rice production will have negative growth rate during the period of 2006-2010 and import will increase during the same period. Government policy to increase production capacity in rice industry should be oriented to shift from price policy to focus on increasing capacity of production, i.e., (a) rehabilitation and extensification in irrigation infrastructure, (b) expansion of new land for paddy, and (c) acceleration of technology innovation, including revitalization of research and development and dissemination of agriculture innovation system along with deregulation and creation of conducive environment for private investors.
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), 2018
The present research was aimed to observe the internal and external factors in the development of peanut agribusiness; alternative strategies that can be made; and priority strategiesin carrying out peanut agribusiness development to improve farmers’ revenue at Bantaeng Regency.Thisresearch sample was called informants. They were taken using snowball sampling technique, starting from the key informants. The research results indicatethat the development of peanut agribusiness at Bantaeng Regency is very much dependent on the internal and external conditions, starting from the upstream to downstream. The Internal factors indicate that the strength lies on the farmers’very limited capital. The external factors indicate that the opportunity lieson the water availability and the threat lies on the high pest attacks. Based on SWOT Matrix, the alternative strategiesforthe development of peanut agribusiness at Bantaeng Regency are : Improving Peanut Production; Developing Marketing Area; Op...
Penentuan Komoditas Unggulan Pertanian Berdasarkan Nilai Produksi DI Kabupaten Buleleng
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Challenges in the Development of Porang Tuber Processing Industry with the Fishbone Diagram Approach
Universal Journal of Agricultural Research, 2023
Wonogiri Regency is one of the porang tuber-producing areas in Central Java, Indonesia, but the porang processing industry has not developed in the area. Various obstacles are the factors causing the underdeveloped porang processing industry so that the added value of processed porang is not enjoyed by the farmers. These various obstacles need to be studied more thoroughly to determine the solutions. The empirical research study was carried out in Wonogiri Regency. The research respondents were porang farmers, traders, processing industries inside and outside Wonogiri Regency, and government officials. Data were analyzed using a fishbone approach. This study has identified five challenges: market, production, technology, human resources, and government policy. The most significant obstacle is the monopsony market, which is difficult for farmers to penetrate. Limited access to market and price information makes it safer for farmers to sell porang in tuber form. The uninterrupted availability of porang tubers and limited supply from other regions have prevented the processing industry from achieving an economic production scale. Porang contains oxalic acid, which has to be removed with a particular technology. The technology for separating glucomannan contained in porang tubers has not been mastered by farmers, even though this glucomannan has a high economic value. On the other hand, porang tuber is not a strategic food priority so local government policies do not prioritize developing the porang processing industry.