Uji Aktivitas Antibakteri Ekstrak Etanol, Fraksi n-heksana, Etil Asetat, dan Air dari Daun Turi (Sesbania grandiflora Pers) terhadap Bakteri Shigella dysenteriae ATCC 9361 (original) (raw)
Sesbania grandiflora Pers is a kind of plant from Fabaceae family which can be planted in the yard as a living fence or medicine plant. Compounds contained in turi leaves is flavonoids, alkaloids, saponins, and tannins. This research was conducted to determine the ethanolic extract, fraction activity n-hexane, ethyl acetate and water of turi leaves (Sesbania grandiflora Pers) as antibacterial against Shigella dysenteriae ATCC 9361.Antibacterial activity ethanolic extract,fractions test of n-hexane, ethyl acetate and water against Shigella dysenteriae ATCC 9361 using dilution and diffusion methods. Concentration of the fraction used for the dilution method was 50%; 25%;