Performance Enhancement and Applications Review of Nano Light Emitting Device (LED) (original) (raw)

Design and Modeling of Light Emitting Nano-Pixel Structure (LENS) for High Resolution Display (HRD) in a Visible Range

Nanomaterials, 2020

LENS (Light Emitting Nano-pixel Structure), a new nano-metric device, was designed, simulated, and modeled for feasibility analysis, with the challenge of combining high resolution and high brightness for display, essentially adapted for Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality. The device is made of two parts: The first one is a reflective nano-cone Light Emitting Device (LED) structure to reduce the Total Internal Reflection effects (TIR), and to enable improved light extraction efficiency. The second part is a Compound Parabolic Concentrator (CPC) above the nano-LED to narrow the outgoing light angular distribution so most of the light would be "accepted" by an imaging system. Such a way is drastically limiting any unnecessary light loss. Our simulations show that the total light intensity gain generated by each part of the pixel is at least 3800% when compared to a typical flat LED. It means that, for the same electrical power consumption, the battery life duration i...

Milestone Developments and New Perspectives of Nano/Nanocrystal Light Emitting Diodes

IntechOpen eBooks, 2022

Light emitting diode (LED) is a one type of p/n junction semiconductor device which is used in less energy consumption for numerous lighting functions. Because of their high performance and long existence, their eye-catching application is getting increasing numbers in recent times. LEDs are nowadays defined as using the "ultimate light bulb". In a previous couple of years, its efficiency has been multiplied through converting it to nano size. This new light-emitting has a nano-pixel structure and it affords high-resolution performance and the geometry of the pixel is cylindrical or conical form. Due to the fact that the previous few years, a few impurity-doped nanocrystal LEDs are varying a good deal in trend. Its performance is very excessive and consumes a smaller amount of voltage. Its monochromatic behavior and indicator excellent are shown publicly demanded in the market and in this work, it's covered evaluations of the fundamental's standards of LEDs and the specific mixed metallic and nanocrystal shape of emitters. In addition, it covers the upcoming challenges that the current trend is working to resolve to get efficient materials to fulfill the future energy crisis.

Fast modelling of the optical characteristics of electroluminescent pixel structures

IEE Proceedings - Optoelectronics, 2001

An analytic model of thc optical behaviour of laterally light emitting thin film structures is dcveloped. It is employed to calculate the outcoupled light of a pixcl used in light emitting dot matrix displays such as laterally cmitting thin film electrolumincsccnt displays (LETFEL) with micromirrors. Consequently, one can identify the optiinum pixcl geomctry. Here, the optical behaviour of thc circular, square and hexagonal pixel geometry is modelled. The presented closed form solutions are based on a ray optics approximation whereby the absorption of the light within the light generating medium (phosphor material) and the transrnission bchaviour of the phosphorair interfacc is taken into account, as well as the inicroinirror width. Thcsc solutions, however, neglect back reflected light. The effect of this neglect is investigatcd for square pixels by taking into account the first rcflection. The model is applied to a typical LETFEL display with ZnS material doped with Mn. An optimal pixel diameter of 35 pm is estimated for that particular type of display.

Rigorous simulations of emitting and non-emitting nano-optical structures

In the next decade, several applications of nanotechnology will change our lives. LED lighting is about to replace the common light bulb. The main advantages are its energy efficiency and long lifetime. LEDs can be much more efficient, when part of the emitted light that is currently trapped in the device, could be radiated out of the device. Other devices such as photovoltaic solar cells and biosensors can also be made more efficient and cheaper. LEDs, solar cells and biosensors have in common that they consist of small structures of the order of the wavelength of the light. With such small structures light can be manipulated in a special way. In this thesis, we describe a method to calculate the interaction of light with these small structures. It is shown that an efficient LED which radiates light, can be treated as a solar cell that absorbs as much of the incoming light as possible. On this so-called reciprocity principle, which was discovered by Henrik Antoon Lorentz, a very efficient computational optimalisation method can be based. With this method existing designs of for example LEDs can be made more efficient iteratively. This thesis shows optimized designs of LEDs, solar cells and biosensors.

Nanotechnology for High-Tech Industries: Light-Emitting Diodes

Science, Technology and Innovation Studies, 2019

Enhancing energy efficiency has been one of the top policy goals in many countries in the last decade. Innovative lighting solutions, and light-emitting diodes (LEDs) in particular, are among the very much promising opportunities to increase energy efficiency. A modern LED is a multilayer thin-film structure with the thickness of layers in the range of nanometers. LED technologies are becoming dominant in a number of application segments. Demand for economic and energy security makes the development of the LED industry one of the national priorities in many countries including Canada, the USA, Japan, and China and European countries, among others.

Erratum: ``High output power density from GaN-based two-dimensional nanorod light-emitting diode arrays

Applied Physics Letters, 2009

Here we propose and realize a scheme for making a direct contact to a two-dimensional nanorod light-emitting diode ͑LED͒ array using the oblique-angle deposition approach. And, more importantly, we demonstrate highly efficient electrical carrier injection into the nanorods. As a result, we show that at a 20 mA dc current injection, the light output power density of our nanorod LED array is 3700 mW cm −2 . More general, this contact scheme will pave the ways for making direct contacts to other kinds of nanoscale optoelectronic devices.

Detailed Successive Layer Modeling and Design Factor Analysis for Single Micro-LED Pixel

IEEE Photonics Journal

The major factors associated with the manufactured structures and photon emission intensity distribution must be accurately identified for the complicated optical design parameters associated with micro-LED pixels. This study presents the methodologies and reveals the sequential calculating protocol in each layer for pixel-level optical simulations, based on which the boundary condition errors associated with common optical simulations can be corrected. Moreover, the optical effect on each epitaxial layer of the micro-LED design is revealed, and the rationality of the setting of the finite-radius receiver with a pseudo-extended substrate material is also explained with respect to the intrinsic and extrinsic pixel-intensity distribution properties. Finally, the design of experiments DOE L 18 orthogonal array table is demonstrated by the Taguchi method to explore the principal factors for the parameter design of the micro-LED layers. The results indicate that the sapphire thickness, the P-GaN layer, the buffer layers, and an additional substrate plate are the four significant factors that primarily influence the luminous power and the corresponding uniformity on the exit pupil of micro-LEDs. Based on the luminous power uniformity, the signal-to-noise ratio in the sapphire thickness is 16.9, and the extended substrate plate is 9.8, which is ∼10 times > the interaction design parameter, such as the etching angle and reflective index of the extended substrate of the micro-LED pixel. These specific design factors can be the major optimization parameters for cost control and performance improvement.

Modelling and Design of Nanostructured Optoelectronic Devices

Engergy systems in electrical engineering, 2022

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