Analysis of Teaching Writing Strategies (original) (raw)

The Process Of Teaching Writing At The Second Semester Of English Department In Muhammadiyah University Of Surakarta In 2014/ 2015 Academic Year


The objectives of the study are to describe the process of teaching writing at the second semester of English Department in Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta in 2014/ 2015 academic year and describe the problems faced by the teacher in teaching writing process. In this research,there are five components of teaching learning process that the writer analyze, such as: (1) Learning Objective. (2) The Syllabus. (3) The Material. (4) The Media. (5) The Technique and the problems faced by the teacher. This study is a descriptive qualitative research. The data are taken from observation, interview, and document. In collecting the data, the writer employs observation and interview. The technique for analyzing data is data reduction, data display, and conclusion and verification. The results of this study are: (1) Learning Objective of writing to make ths students able to develop paragraph and apply coherent and cohesion in making paragraph. (2) The type of syllabus is task based syllabus....

Exploring teaching writing techniques and strategies of secondary school English teachers: a case study / Suhana Ahmad


This study aimed at investigating teaching techniques and strategies followed by the English language teachers in a secondary school concerning writing practice inside the classroom. It also aimed at identifying the problems faced by the English language teachers in teaching writing. Previous researches have reported that most first year students at the local universities do not meet the requirement for writing skills in the English language. Despite the eleven years of formal teaching and learning of the English language in both primary and secondary schools, the students still do not master the required skills to help them at the university level. So, the study attempts to investigate the real situations in the secondary writing classrooms. The sample of the study consisted of four English language teachers who teach Form Four and Form Five students in a secondary school chosen to fit the purpose of the study. The instruments of the study were teacher interviews and classroom obse...

Teachers Strategies In Teaching Writing Descriptive Text At Mts N Sukoharjo In 2015/2016 Academic Year


The objectives of the study are to describe teacher’s strategies in teaching writing descriptive text at MTs N Sukoharjo in 2015//2016 academic year. There are three components of teaching learning process that the writer analyzes, namely: 1) the teacher’s strategies in teaching writing descriptive text, 2) the application of strategies, and 3) the problems face by the teacher’s in teaching writing descriptive text. This study is descriptive qualitative research. The data are taken from observation, interview, and document. In collecting the data, the writer employs observation and interview. The technique for analyzing data is data reduction, data display, and conclusion and verification. The results of this study are the strategies used by the teacher in teaching writing descriptive text are applying cooperative learning, and discussion, by making a group, and analyzing the picture. There are three problems faced by the students, namely: vocabulary problem, structure problem, and ...

Process Of Teaching Writing To Prospective Teachers At The Fourth Semester Of Department Of English Education At Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta


This study aims to 1) identity the technique used by the lecturer in teaching writing, 2) describe the procedure applied in teaching writing, 3) find the media in teaching writing, and 4) know the aspect of assessment to the result of the learner’s writing assignment to prospective students Writing IV at UMS. This research is classified as descriptive qualitative research. The object of this study is the process of teaching writing to prospective teacher at the fourth semester of English Education Department UMS consisting of technique used, procedures used, media usage, and the lecturer’s assessment. The data were collected from informant, event, and document. The techniques for collecting data were observation, interview, and documentation. To analyse the data,the researcher used interactive techniques comprising of data reduction, data description, and conclusion then verification. It was found that 1) the techniques used in teaching writing IV were real writing, brainstorming, e...

English Teacher Strategies in Writing Activities at the Eighth Grade of Junior High Schools at Kembayan Sub-district

Journal of Scientific Research, Education, and Technology (JSRET)

This research aims to describe the English teachers’ strategy in writing activities at the eighth grade of Junior High Schools at Kembayan sub-district and how the English teachers implement the strategy. This research used a descriptive qualitative design. The data were gathered from observation, interviews, and documentation. The result of this research showed that there were four teachers’ strategies for writing activities in the eighth grade. The strategies were guided writing strategy, repeating strategy, cooperating with peers strategy, and translation strategy. In implementing the teaching strategy, the English teacher asked the students to write some expressions and dialogues depending on the strategy used. The teacher who used the repeating strategy asked students to copy the expressions or dialogues in the textbook into their workbooks. For the translation strategy, the teacher asked students to translate expressions or dialogues and then asked them to write the translatio...

Learning Strategies in Writing Learning Activity Used by Students of Social Department at Sma Negeri 1 Turen


Writing is one of the English skills that must be mastered by Senior High School students, but they seem not interested in writing. English learners need to master writing skill because they are required to produce written works for example a report, descriptive, narrative, argumentative, biography essays and others in the class or assignments. Unfortunately, many students get difficulties in writing, and the studentsÂ’ learning outcomes have not been satisfying. Consequently, they cannot write a good paragraph especially in analytical exposition. In relation to this, learning strategies are needed to help students understand the material easily. This research is concerned with the kinds of the learning strategies used by students, the reasons why do the students prefer to use their learning strategies, and the problems that the studentsÂ’ face in using their learning strategies at Social Department of SMA Negeri 1 Turen. This research used a descriptive quantitative research design...

Analyse the Issues and Challenges in Teaching Writing Among English Teachers

The International Journal of Applied Language Studies and Culture, 2022

Teaching one of the productive skills of the English language, writing, involves developing students' linguistic competence, which many E.S.L. teachers find difficult. The study's main goal is to examine the challenges faced by E.S.L. teachers in teaching writing skills to students in university classrooms. This study aims to identify problems faced by teachers of Arts Colleges in Universities. The researcher used questionnaires to survey teachers' concerns about teaching writing skills. The researcher used a descriptive method to report the problems encountered by the sampled teachers in teaching writing skills. The survey had 12 questions. This study's findings not only revealed the problematic factors but also suggested some practical solutions. This study's findings and recommendations may help teachers reflect on their teaching practices and assist authorities in supporting teachers' efforts to improve student writing skills.

Teaching Writing Strategies Used by English Teachers at Man 2 Kampar

International Journal of Educational Review, Law And Social Sciences (IJERLAS)

The objective of this research is to find out the strategies that teacher used in teaching writing at MAN 2 Kampar and its implementation. The method of this research was qualitative research. The subject of this research was English teacher in MAN 2 Kampar. Interview was used as its research instrument. The result of the research found that the teacher implemented chart strategy in teaching writing. Through the implementation of the strategy, the teacher is able to know how far the students could understand the material that the teacher has given and able to do the assignment as well.

The Descriptive Analysis of Students’ Writing Ability in Narrative Text at the Eighth Grade of SMP Negeri 1 Gunungsitoli Barat in 2020/2021


Writing is one of the four language skills that should be mastered by students. The syllabus of SMP Negeri 1 Gunungsitoli Barat expects the students to be able to compiling the narrative text in the form of personal experience. The purpose of the research was describing the students’ writing ability in narrative text and the factors affecting it. The method used in the research was descriptive qualitative. The analysis of the data was conducted by following steps. Analyzing the quantitative data by using analytic scoring rubric from Glenceo namely, focus/organization, elaboration/support/style, and grammar and mechanics and analyzing the qualitative data through transcripts of structure interviews. Furthermore, the informant of the research was class VIII-A students of SMP Negeri 1 Gunungsitoli Barat which consisted of 20 students. The data were collected through documentary data of students’ worksheets and interview both students and English teacher. The result showed that the stud...


Writing is one of the four language skills that plays a very important role in the teaching of English since writing can really help the students learn a second language. Unfortunately, make a product of writing become problematic way since student does not know how to write well. Therefore, the students have master the step of writing process in order to get good writing such as prewriting, drafting, revising, editing, and publishing. The aim of this descriptive qualitative research is to investigate the teaching of writing especially in students’ writing process in SMP and SMA. This data of research were taken from three schools in Malang: MAN 03 Malang, SMA Islam Nusantara, and SMP Wahid Hasyim with 3 teachers come from 3 classes of each school. The data were obtained through video, observation sheets, lesson plan, and interview, and analyzed by comparing and contrasting all the research instruments. The findings of this study interpret that treating the students by using writing process will improve students’ writing skill. The comparison between teaching of writing in SMP and SMA are different in giving the topic. Thus, collaborative writing in writing process has also a big part of the teaching writing. Keywords: the teaching of writing, writing process, junior high school, senior high school