Hanford radiological protection support services annual report for 1987 (original) (raw)
This report documents the performance of certain radi 01 ogical protection si tewide services during calendar year (CY) 1987 by Pacific Northwest Laboratory(a) in support of the U.S. Department of Energy-Rich1 and Operations Office (DOE-RL) and contractor activities on the Hanford Site. The routine program for each service is discussed along with any significant program changes and tasks, investigations, and studies performed in support of each program. Other related activities such as pub1 ications, presentations, and memberships on standards or industry committees are a1 so discussed. The programs covered provide services in the areas of 1) external dosimetry, 2) internal dosimetry, 3) in vivo measurements, 4) instrument calibration and evaluation, 5) calibration of radiation sources traceable to the National Bureau of Standards, and 6) radiological records. During 1987 the External Dosimetry Program imp1 emented three new dosimeter capabi 1 i ties, processed nearly 10,000 qua1 i ty control dosimeters, and conducted six technical studies in support of si tewide dosimeter processing. These studies included long-term dosimeter fading, abnormal glow curves for ring dosimeters, rounding recorded doses to mu1 tiples of 10, and biases in 1987 basic dosimeter results. A1 so, studies involving documentation of dosimeter lower level of detection and angular response were performed in preparation for performance testing by the Department of Energy Laboratory Accreditation Program (DOELAP). Three policies involving abnormal dosimeter results, skin dose assessment, and supplemental dosimeter use were formal ly adopted fol lowing their review by the Hanford Personnel Dosimetry Advisory Committee. The program manual was completely revised and distributed. Numerous internal technical reports were prepared, which address several technical issues involving DOELAP requirements, DOE 5480.11 (b) requirements, and operational considerations. (a) Pacific Northwest Laboratory is operated for the U.S. Department of Energy by Battel le Memorial Institute under Contract DE-AC06-76RLO 1830.