Distal axotomy enhances retrograde presynaptic excitability onto injured pyramidal neurons via trans-synaptic signaling (original) (raw)

Transcriptional insights on the regenerative mechanics of axotomized neurons in vitro


One of the striking features of the injured central nervous system (CNS) is the failure of severed axons to adequately regenerate to restore loss of function. This was initially believed to be caused by an intrinsic inability of injured axons to sprout regenerative processes. However, the seminal studies of Albert Aguayo and others using peripheral or cellular tissue grafts transplanted into the lesioned spinal cord have clearly demonstrated that the environment of the injured CNS is a critical determinant of whether injured axons can regenerate . The molecular determinates of the inhibitory CNS environment are now well-understood, with major players being myelin-associated molecules (such as nogo, myelin-associated glycoprotein) and chondroitin sulphate proteoglycans .

Chronically CNS-Injured Adult Sensory Neurons Gain Regenerative Competence upon a Lesion of Their Peripheral Axon

Current Biology, 2009

Several experimental manipulations result in axonal regeneration in the central nervous system (CNS) when applied before or at the time of injury [1-6] but not when initiated after a delay , which would be clinically more relevant. As centrally injured neurons show signs of atrophy and degeneration , it raises the question whether chronically injured neurons are able to regenerate. To address this question, we used adult rodent primary sensory neurons that regenerate their central axon when their peripheral axon is cut (called conditioning) beforehand but not afterwards. We found that primary sensory neurons express regeneration-associated genes and efficiently regrow their axon in cell culture two months after a central lesion upon conditioning. Moreover, conditioning enables central axons to regenerate through a fresh lesion independent of a previous central lesion. Using in vivo imaging we demonstrated that conditioned neurons rapidly regrow their axons through a fresh central lesion. Finally, when single sensory axons were cut with a two-photon laser, they robustly regenerate within days after attaining growth competence through conditioning. We conclude that sensory neurons can acquire the intrinsic potential to regenerate their axons months after a CNS lesion, which they implement in the absence of traumatic tissue.

Reassembly of Excitable Domains after CNS Axon Regeneration

The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience, 2016

Action potential initiation and propagation in myelinated axons require ion channel clustering at axon initial segments (AIS) and nodes of Ranvier. Disruption of these domains after injury impairs nervous system function. Traditionally, injured CNS axons are considered refractory to regeneration, but some recent approaches challenge this view by showing robust long-distance regeneration. However, whether these approaches allow remyelination and promote the reestablishment of AIS and nodes of Ranvier is unknown. Using mouse optic nerve crush as a model for CNS traumatic injury, we performed a detailed analysis of AIS and node disruption after nerve crush. We found significant disruption of AIS and loss of nodes within days of the crush, and complete loss of nodes 1 week after injury. Genetic deletion of the tumor suppressor phosphatase and tensin homolog (Pten) in retinal ganglion cells (RGCs), coupled with stimulation of RGCs by inflammation and cAMP, dramatically enhanced regenerat...

Optogenetic Interrogation of Functional Synapse Formation by Corticospinal Tract Axons in the Injured Spinal Cord

The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience, 2016

To restore function after injury to the CNS, axons must be stimulated to extend into denervated territory and, critically, must form functional synapses with appropriate targets. We showed previously that forced overexpression of the transcription factor Sox11 increases axon growth by corticospinal tract (CST) neurons after spinal injury. However, behavioral outcomes were not improved, raising the question of whether the newly sprouted axons are able to form functional synapses. Here we developed an optogenetic strategy, paired with single-unit extracellular recordings, to assess the ability of Sox11-stimulated CST axons to functionally integrate in the circuitry of the cervical spinal cord. Initial time course experiments established the expression and function of virally expressed Channelrhodopsin (ChR2) in CST cell bodies and in axon terminals in cervical spinal cord. Pyramidotomies were performed in adult mice to deprive the left side of the spinal cord of CST input, and the rig...

Mild Traumatic Brain Injury Evokes Pyramidal Neuron Axon Initial Segment Plasticity and Diffuse Presynaptic Inhibitory Terminal Loss

Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience

The axon initial segment (AIS) is the site of action potential (AP) initiation, thus a crucial regulator of neuronal activity. In excitatory pyramidal neurons, the high density of voltage-gated sodium channels (NaV1.6) at the distal AIS regulates AP initiation. A surrogate AIS marker, ankyrin-G (ankG) is a structural protein regulating neuronal functional via clustering voltage-gated ion channels. In neuronal circuits, changes in presynaptic input can alter postsynaptic output via AIS structural-functional plasticity. Recently, we showed experimental mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI) evokes neocortical circuit disruption via diffuse axonal injury (DAI) of excitatory and inhibitory neuronal systems. A key finding was that mTBI-induced neocortical electrophysiological changes involved non-DAI/ intact excitatory pyramidal neurons consistent with AIS-specific alterations. In the current study we employed Thy1-yellow fluorescent protein (YFP)-H mice to test if mTBI induces AIS structural and/or functional plasticity within intact pyramidal neurons 2 days after mTBI. We used confocal microscopy to assess intact YFP+ pyramidal neurons in layer 5 of primary somatosensory barrel field (S1BF), whose axons were continuous from the soma of origin to the subcortical white matter (SCWM). YFP+ axonal traces were superimposed on ankG and NaV1.6 immunofluorescent profiles to determine AIS position and length. We found that while mTBI had no effect on ankG start position, the length significantly decreased from the distal end, consistent with the site of AP initiation at the AIS. However, NaV1.6 structure did not change after mTBI, suggesting uncoupling from ankG. Parallel quantitative analysis of presynaptic inhibitory terminals along the postsynaptic perisomatic domain of these same intact YFP+ excitatory pyramidal neurons revealed a significant decrease in GABAergic bouton density. Also within this non-DAI population, patch-clamp recordings of intact YFP+ pyramidal neurons showed AP acceleration decreased 2 days post-mTBI, consistent with AIS functional plasticity.

Chemotropic guidance facilitates axonal regeneration and synapse formation after spinal cord injury

Nature Neuroscience, 2009

A principal objective of spinal cord injury (SCI) research is the restoration of axonal connectivity to denervated targets. We tested the hypothesis that chemotropic mechanisms would guide regenerating spinal cord axons to appropriate brainstem targets. Rats underwent cervical level 1 (C1) lesions followed by combinatorial treatments to elicit axonal bridging into and beyond lesion sites. Lentiviral vectors expressing neurotrophin-3 (NT-3) were then injected into an appropriate brainstem target, the nucleus gracilis, and an inappropriate target, the reticular formation. NT-3 expression in the correct target led to reinnervation of the nucleus gracilis in a dose-related fashion, whereas NT-3 expression in the reticular formation led to mistargeting of regenerating axons. Axons regenerating into the nucleus gracilis formed axodendritic synapses containing rounded vesicles, reflective of pre-injury synaptic architecture. Thus, we report for the first time the reinnervation of brainstem targets after SCI, and an essential role for chemotropic axon guidance in target selection.

Promoting axonal regeneration in the central nervous system by enhancing the cell body response to axotomy

Journal of Neuroscience Research, 2002

Neurons projecting into the peripheral nervous system (PNS) regenerate their axons after injury, in contrast to those confined to the central nervous system (CNS). Both neuronal and nonneuronal factors contribute to the lack of CNS regeneration. In this review we concentrate on the differential gene expression response to axotomy in PNS vs. CNS neurons. In general CNS neurons fail to up‐regulate or sustain the expression of regeneration‐associated proteins (RAGs), including trophic factors and their receptors. The presumed lack of trophic support of axotomized CNS neurons provided the rationale for the exogenous application of trophic factors, either to the lesion site or to the cell bodies. Here, we review our data on the application of trophic factors to rubrospinal and corticospinal neurons. Cell body treatment of axotomized rubrospinal neurons with brain‐derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) reversed atrophy, increased GAP‐43 and Tα‐1 tubulin mRNA expression, and promoted axonal re...