Preferensi Masyarakat terhadap Material Bangunan (original) (raw)

Persepsi Masyarakat dalam Pemilihan Kayu Untuk Bangunan


Kayu merupakan bahan bangunan yang sangat banyak digunakan dan diminati sejak dahulu. Penggunaan kayu sebagai bahan bangunan kian hari cenderung meningkat oleh karena itu tujuan dari peneliti mengetahui persepsi masyarakat sebagai bahan bangunan. Penilitian ini menggunakan metode purposive sampling dan analytic hierarki product dengan jumlah responden 10 orang . Metode analisis data yang digunakan dalam penilitian adalah kualitatif. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa kayu merbau darat ( Intsia palembanica) dan jati ( Tectona grandis) merupakan kayu yang mendominasi digunakan sebagai bahan baku rumah. Kata kunci: jenis kayu, rumah tradisional, masyarakat.

Preferensi Penggunaan Material pada Atap Rumah Tinggal

Tesa Arsitektur, 2021

Roof material preferences for housing can be influenced from the location of the respondents, local climate, culture, knowledge and comfortable condition of the occupants. The aim of this research is to get the reasons behind the selection of roof material for housing. Quantitative method is used in this research by collecting data of online questionnaire. This online questionnaire is distributed using convenient sampling method (snowball-non-random-sampling). It was found the tendency of respondents who choose clay tile because of the comfort and affordability of the price. The tendency of respondents who choose ceramic tile and natural wood tile because of their beauty and sustaniability materials. Concrete is selected by respondents because of their durability and strength. Respondents who have tendency in Zinc, asbestos are selected because zinc and asbestos are easy to apply and commonly materials in their areas. Asphalt, metal, and PVC / galvalum / fiber are chosen by respondents for being lightweight materials.

Preferensi Masyarakat tentang Lingkungan Perumahan yang Ingin Ditinggali

Review of Urbanism and Architectural Studies, 2018

Housing development needs to be supported by particular guidelines issued by authorized institute for the achievement of development feasibility. Community participation as the main actors and users also took an important part for housing development to fit the target. Community disappointment is often caused by results that do not match the desires or not according to standards. The aim of this study was to find the preferences of the community related to the housing environment to be occupied, so it can open the new possibility in planning and designing the housing environment. This research uses exploratory qualitative and grounded theory method. Data collection is done through an open-ended online questionnaire and shared freely (non-random sampling). The collected data was analyzed qualitatively using the content analysis methods. The result showed that the five aspects that become the preference of residential environment (5 PRE) namely: environmental comfort, environmental fa...

Pilihan Material Bangunan pada Candi

Human Narratives, 2020

Bangunan candi sering kali ditemukan dalam keadaan rusak. Namun di balik sisa reruntuhan bangunan tersebut, masih terlihat jejak proses pembangunannya. Material yang digunakan untuk membangun candi, yang paling sering dijumpai adalah batu andesit dan batu bata merah. Material batu bata merah biasanya dipergunakan pada candi yang ditemukan di areal persawahan dan jauh dari gunung berapi, sedangkan yang menggunakan batu andesit biasanya di dekat sungai, tidak jauh dari gunung berapi. Artikel ini mendiskusikan perbedaan penggunaan material pembangun candi tersebut serta faktor yang memengaruhinya. Studi ini menggunakan metode kualitatif. Pengambilan data dilakukan melalui studi kepustakaan, di mana sumber informasi utamanya adalah buku, laporan, artikel ilmiah, serta film semi dokumenter tentang ekskavasi candi di beberapa tempat di Indonesia. Hasil pembahasan menunjukkan bahwa pilihan material pembangun candi tidak terkait secara langsung dengan periode pembangunannya, melainkan dengan ketersediaan bahan yang dipengaruhi oleh lokasi pembangunan, serta terkait dengan tingkat kesakralan bangunan yang hendak didirikan.

Penilaian Masyarakat terhadap Penggunaan Material Bambu pada Bangunan

Temu Ilmiah Ikatan Peneliti Lingkungan Binaan Indonesia 6, 2017

Penerapan bambu sebagai material bangunan yang ramah lingkungan, ekonomis dan berkelanjutan telah berlangsung sejak dahulu, namun kualitas bangunan yang menggunakan material bambu ini masih menjadi pertimbangan masyarakat dalam pemanfaatannya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkapkan penilaian masyarakat terhadap penggunaan material bambu pada bangunan, seberapa besar potensi bambu sebagai material terbarukan pengganti kayu. Metode penelitian kualitatif-eksploratif dipilih dengan tujuan mendapatkan penilaian masyarakat yang beragam mengenai penggunaan material bambu. Data yang diperoleh menggunakan metode pengumpulan data secara bebas (open ended) melalui kuesioner online yang kemudian diolah menggunakan metode open-coding dan axial-coding. Dari hasil penelitian didapat penilaian masyarakat yang baik terhadap kualitas bangunan dengan penggunaan material bambu. Potensi material bambu dapat dilihat dari minat masyarakat dalam penerapan bambu dari segi struktural, arsitektural dan interior.


Waste material controlling in home building is very advantage involving, (1) tightening of contruction fee, (2) finishing process and job easily, (3) supporting of building environmental friendly. Factors which become consideration to control waste material on home building are (1) planning of design of site and ground plan, (2) material allocation, (3) using kinds of material, (4) keeping place and ability of employers. In general, kinds of waste material which are taken in home building are (1) ceramics pieces, (2) waste wood from scaffolding and mould of concrete (sloof, column, beam), (3) iron pieces, and (4) bricks pieces. Waste material can not be controlled if it uses kind of materials which can not be ordered in few content suitable with need because it is related to container and low limitation order.

Preferensi Masyarakat Permukiman Kumuh dalam Memilih Permukiman


Abstract. For large cities, settlements are one of the city's problems that must be faced. Limited land in the city of Bandung encourages people to choose an alternative residential area that is used as their residence. The purpose of this study is to identify what factors determine the preferences of slum dwellers in Tamansari Urban Village in choosing settlements and identify which factors are most dominant in terms of community perceptions of the factors of the variables used as benchmarks that will determine the decision in choosing the region. The method used is descriptive analysis with a quantitative approach. Data collection was carried out by distributing questionnaires to the people who were in four RWs in Tamansari Kelurahan with 100 respondents. Measurement of preference indicators is done using a Likert scale and data processing using descriptive statistics. The results showed that community preferences in choosing a place to live in the residential area of Tamansar...

Persepsi Masyarakat Bandar Lampung Terhadap Penggunaan Siger Pada Bangunan

Jurnal Arsitektur ARCADE, 2019

The use of siger elements is found in commercial and government buildings in the city of Bandar Lampung. The existence of the siger element in the building is widely used after the issuance of the mayor's regulation that every commercial building and government in the city of Bandar Lampung must use the siger element. The lack of understanding about the preservation of local culture and architectural design of buildings makes the use of siger elements seem compelling and careless. This condition can be triggered because of the existence of regional regulations which in its formulation do not consider the perceptions of the local community about the use of the Siger element and the incomplete information in the existing regional regulations. The analysis that will be used in this study is an analysis of public perceptions about the use of siger in buildings. In this study, it was revealed how the perceptions of the people of Bandar Lampung about the use of siger elements in buildings. By knowing the perception of the Bandar Lampung community about the use of the siger element in the building, it is hoped that this study can be used as a recommendation in policy making to preserve local culture through building architectural design. The results of the study found 88% of respondents agreed with the use of siger elements in buildings and 12% of respondents said they did not agree.

Konstruksi Sosial Dan Apresiasi Masyarakat Terhadap Batik Di Kota Jepara


Batik Jepara is a cultural heritage that emerged in the era of R.A. Kartini. This research aims to examine the social construction and appreciation of the Jepara community members towards batik in Jepara City. This research uses a qualitative approach. The subjects of this research are the people of Jepara. The data was collected by using the interview, observation and documentation. The research demonstrates various social constructions of the batik in Jepara. Public figures think that the Jepara batik is a characteristic and identity of Jepara. Academics see and interpret batik Jepara as a local cultural heritage that must be preserved. Students interpret batik as a work of art that must be appreciated. The teachers see Batik Jepara as a tradition and local wisdom. People see Batik Jepara as the identity and pride of Jepara. Entrepreneurs and craftsmen of Batik interpret Batik Jepara as an industry and a source of income. Public appreciation of batik as a fashion in the everyday life has been done in many ways, including preserving, appreciating and respecting the creation of batik. The society strives to respect, and appreciate their own culture, by wearing batik in everyday life as an outfit for formal and non-formal activities.