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The subject of creativity in architecture; scientize architecture design efforts came with rational and irrational aspects of the field of architecture with a discussion of the case has been questioned creativity. When considered in the context of the architectural design process creativity; problems in an area that is not defined exactly and then expressed as a solution to this problem, making use of cognitive mechanisms.
Visual Calculation Through Shape Grammar In Architecture
1 Asst. prof., Dr. K.N.Modi University , Jaipur , India 2,3 Asst. prof., Aayojan School of Architecture, Jaipur, India ---------------------------------------------------------------------***--------------------------------------------------------------------Abstract Design is often perceived to be subjective, an inventive flash based entirely on one’s intuition and free creative expression. To develop such intuition is often considered a big hurdle for an architecture student during initial years of graduation. Shape grammar which is a system of rewriting shape rules through mathematical computations can be considered as solution, as well as aid to the design students. In this research we have analyzed that Design process can be explained through a very objective approach rather than through subjective factors ‘creative inspiration’, the ‘inventive flash’, or ‘individual genius’ Shape grammars equip user with algebraic and graphic methods which are explanatory and/ or generative in...
Shape Grammars for Creative Decisions in the Architectural Project
Computer Science and Information Technology, 2017
Shape grammars (SG), which define a set of shapes, are used in applications in the field of Computational Creativity (CC). Computational Creativity can be considered an area of Artificial Intelligence (AI) that chases the goal of understanding creativity and building computational applications that emulate or support human creativity in Arts and Science. In this context, our aim is to show how SG may provide artists with applications to assist them in the creative process, not only creating solutions but also as a way of creating new ideas. Our objective is to demonstrate how, in architecture, SG can work with rules that will convey legal restrictions, space needs and goals of the architect, creating possible solutions to a project. A wide range of solutions can be tested in computational applications based in SG. These applications can also encourage the architect to go further in his creativity through shape emergence where the conditions are fulfilled and presented as innovative and/or unexpected. Architects obey strict rules when they apply artistic intention to a specific need/objective intention (space building). Thus, our methods are to enumerate SG as a tool for decision-making in architectural projects and to show a set of common phases that may be generated by the use of computational applications in response not only to technical needs but also to creative goals.
Inferring a shape grammar: Translating designer's knowledge
Artificial Intelligence for Engineering Design, Analysis and Manufacturing, 2014
This article focuses on a shape grammar, the rabo-de-bacalhau housing style, that was developed to enable the adaptation of existing houses to new requirements and most particular on the process of inference of the grammar. In the article we describe the process undertaken to develop the grammar and what the achievements of the transformation grammar are regarding the possibilities of a mass customization of a dwelling's rehabilitation work. The goal of this article is to describe and discuss how the designer's knowledge was encoded into shape rules. The process used to extract the architect's knowledge and to incorporate it into the transformation grammar enable us to abstract the designer's actions and to define a sequence of actions that can define a possible strategy of design. The proposed design methodology generates dwelling layouts that are legal because they follow the grammar language and adequate because they meet the a priori user and design requirements.
An Architect/An Architectural Language and a Shape Grammar
Every architect, whose goal is to create valuable artifacts, should own a unique architectural language. This language is composed of a vocabulary and a set of grammar rules to combine them. In this study, a number of ground and first floor plans of single-family houses designed by an individual architect are analyzed. Plan lay-outs are decomposed into their components, and the composition rules are examined. Vocabulary elements, and geometric and semantic relationships among these elements are specified and a shape grammar is formed. Finally, different design possibilities are generated in terms of the defined language rules.
This paper compares the quality of designs generated by shape grammar systems with designs created by professional architects. It describes an experiment in which evaluators rank the quality of preliminary designs for refurbishing Lisbon's Rabo-de-Bacalhau apartments, and that makes plausible that the design quality of the grammar solutions for this task is similar to that of the designs of the professional architects. It is argued that shape grammars can therefore be used as stand-alone design systems in architecture. The practical value is that shape grammar systems become alternative means to take up design challenges (such as refurbishing all of Lisbon's Rabo-de-Bacalhau apartments) that currently require too much effort of architects to be economically feasible.
Analysis of shape grammar application as a tool for urban design
Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design, 2015
In the past decade a certain number of studies have suggested that shape grammars and their capability for producing alternative solutions represent an adequate tool for overcoming complexities regarding urban design. In this paper we present a critical analysis of various approaches to shape grammar application in urban design. The aim of this research is to provide an insight into the current state-of-the-art developments and give a critical evaluation on the basis of the criteria of interactivity and flexibility in the approach. We identify two main concepts of grammar application in urban design and outline their characteristics. We conclude that a generic or context-independent approach to shape grammars can provide high levels of flexibility and interaction with the user. This, coupled with their ability to encode different layers of information, facilitates their use for design exploration and problem solving in an urban context.
Designing with Building Bricks and Shape Grammar
Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture, 2019
This paper correlates the use of building blocks with the shape grammar theory in the design process. The main goal is to present the potentialities of the various building blocks, which combined with Shape grammar can contribute to the creative process, particularly for the formal composition in the field of Architecture, Urbanism and Design. The methodology is based on a literature review and reflections derived from the observations of the use of the building blocks during experiments carried out in the scope of research with students of the undergraduate course in Architecture and Urbanism. Starting from the discussions proposed by George Stiny on design with Froebel's buildings gifts and from experiments with other building blocks, such as Archbricks, it is found that building blocks have their own vocabulary and rules, which can be appropriated and exploited by designers in the construction of new shape grammars.