Asean Community in Indonesia Legal Perspectives (original) (raw)

Bismillahirrahmanirrahim Alhamdulillah rabbil Alamin. Praise to Allah SWT that has given us grace and mercy, therefore we can accomplish the whole academic tasks in a good condition, especially in the holding of this International webinar, hopefully, it can spread goodness to all. Amen. Hopefully, prayers and greetings are bestowed on the Prophet Muhammad SAW who became a role model for his people in spreading the values of Islam that are rahmatan lil Alamin. For his family, his friends and loyal followers, as well as all of his people, I hope we all get his intercession in the Day of Judgment. Amen. This international webinar and call of paper are held following further good collaboration between the Islamic faculty of IAIN Madura and the Islamic Faculty of IAIN Jember, which has been incorporated for a long time. This webinar raises the theme: Islam, the constitution and supremacy of law (Indonesian, Australia, and New Zealand experiences), that purposed to describe how each country provides protection for the basic rights of its citizens, especially the right to religion in the constitution of their respective countries, according to the model and type of country. To further enliven, this webinar is coupled with a call of paper, as a form of appreciation and provides an opportunity for academics and the general public to contribute their ideas towards the theme in the form of a Book Paper publication. Of course, the articles that have been published have gone through the script selection process and have avoided plagiarism. Hopefully, this script can be beneficial for the authors themselves and readers. Wassalamu'alaikum wr, wb The Dean of Islamic Faculty IAIN Madura Maimun