The use of precedent texts to form the linguocultural competence in foreign language teacher training at higher school (original) (raw)
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Formation of the subject digital competence of future foreign language teacher
Perspectives of Science & Education, 2022
Problem and purpose. The relevance of the research problem is due to the need to make adjustments to the content of the professional training of foreign language teacher. The purpose of the study is to test practical tasks for the formation of subject digital competence as an important component of the digital competence of a teacher of foreign languages. Materials and methods. The study involved 112 third-year students of the training specialty 44.03.05 “Pedagogical education” of the training profile “Foreign language (English, German)” of the Mordovian State Pedagogical Institute named after M.E. Evseviev (Russian Federation). Methods of mathematical statistics: Fisher’s angular transformations. Results. As part of the study, special tasks aimed at developing foreign language skills and speech skills based on digital resources that contribute to the formation of subject digital competence of the future teacher of foreign languages were developed. The developed tasks were introduced in the course of experimental training in practical classes in a foreign language in full-time and distance formats, as well as during the training practice. Statistical analysis of the results obtained after the experiment showed the reliability of differences in the level of formation of the subject digital competence of students in the reference and experimental groups (φemp = 2,13; p < 0,05), which indicates the effectiveness of the developed practical tasks using digital technologies and implemented organizational and pedagogical conditions in the process of professional training of the future teacher of foreign languages. Conclusion. The organization and integration of purposeful work of students with digital technologies into the educational process, taking into account the conditions identified in the study (comprehensive study and analysis of digital technologies; the use of didactic capabilities of digital technologies in the system of foreign language education; the use of digital tools along with traditional means of teaching a foreign language) contributes to raising the level the formation of the digital competence of the future teacher of foreign languages in general, and subject digital competence, in particular.