 ADALÉKOK A MAGYAR ETNIKAI TÉRKÉPEZÉS TÖRTÉNETÉHEZ Összefoglalás Az Európában egyik legrégibb múltra visszatekintő magyar, vagy magyarországi etnikai jellegű térképezés főként annak köszönheti eddigi különösen nagy termékenységét, hogy a Kárpát-medence területe a 17-18. század óta etnikai-nyelvi szempontból Európa etnikai-vallási szempontból egyik legtarkább népességű és éppen ezért -a felvilágosodás, a nemzeti ébredés kora óta -etnikai feszültségekkel egyik legjobban terhelt területének számít. A Magyar Királyság népeinek középkori békés együttélését fokozatosan ellenségessé változtató elmúlt két évszázad során, jórészt a nemzetiségek irredenta mozgalmai miatt, a tarka etnikai struktúra térbeli vetületének kutatása, térképezése emberek ezreinek-millióinak sorsát befolyásoló tényezővé vált. Írásunkban ennek a több mint két évszázados, a mindenkori politikai eseményekkel összefüggésben változó intenzitású, a Kárpát-medence területéhez kapcsolódó magyar etnikai térképezési tevékenység történetét szeretnénk vázolni.

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Transformations of the ethnic structure in Hungary after the turn of the millennium

The paper studies the changes concerning the ethnic structure of post-socialist Hungary. Based on the data of the 2011 census, the number of the non-Hungarian population has signicantly increased between 2001 and 2011 and so has had the number of those who refused to answer. Behind this phenomenon several reasons can be identied, like the methodical changes in the data collection of the census, migration and subjective factors. Regarding the methodology, double identication in three ethnic categories was allowed in the last census, which resulted in the growing number of respondents who claimed both Hungarian and minority identity. Meanwhile, migration (including cross-border residential mobility) from Romania, Ukraine, Serbia and Slovakia has changed the ethnic landscape. Beyond the above factors, subjective factors have also contributed in the changes. The present paper argues that the self-identication of some minority groups is related to the symbolic ethnicity and the double and hybrid identities, thus the results of the census cannot be interpreted merely by the assimilationist approach.

Some historiographic problems of the Hungarian history (in the context of Turkic ethnic culture)

Journal of history, 2020

The study of the ethnic history of the Hungarian people is one of the actualis suesin historicalscience. The ancient history ofthe formation of the Hungarian people as an ethnos is undoubtedly interesting for nomadic civilization and settled nations. Their distinctive difference from other European nations is in their deeply rooted ethnic history. If we lookin addition at the proto-Hungarian language formed 1 millennium BC, then Hungarian's historical origin dates back to 2,500 BC. Nonetheless the first true written sources appear in the IX century. The close connection of this ethnos, called Magyars in general history, with the nomadic Kypchaks required difficult turning points in historiography. If we look at the history of Magyars before the IX century, we see that they need to be considered from the point of view of a single nomadic civilization. However, historical data on the western part of the Hungarians who settled on the banks of the Danube and Tissa were preserved only in Western chronicles. And the historical data on eastern hordes were found in Arab and Persian sources. However, until the present time, a large amount of data related to Hungary is composed of Western data.

Migration and Assimilation Processes in Eastern Hungary: the Transformation of a Multiethnic Space and the Methods of Investigation.

The Habsburg wars against the Ottoman Turkey in the 17th century led not only to the restoration of the Hungarian Kingdom, but it also resulted a devastated and depopulated countryside and a typical feature of the Hungarian Great Plains "the Puszta". This can be obsereved in the present settlement structure as well: the central parts of today's Hungary are still dominated by settlements with large administrative area. Those territories which did not suffer from wars so much, like the Transdanubian and the northern mountainous region, kept their original settlement structure and more or less the original population considering both ethnicity and the number of inhabitants (smaller adminstrative area).

”By now only the name of the village is Hungarian …” Demography of Magyaralsózsuk (Jucu), Magyarkályán (Cӑianu) and Vajdakamarás (Vaida-Cămăraș) at the Beginning of the 18th Century

Specimina Nova Pars Prima Sectio Medaevalis, 2022

Many aspects of the demography of early modern Transylvania are still waiting to be unfolded. Demographic studies about the era shed light on only certain segments of the whole picture, due to the fragmented historical sources, as well as the limited scope of the censuses. Moreover, in the absence of fundamental research, it is not even possible to examine the migration processes that took place in the era. The censuses (conscriptiones) made in the first decades of the 18 th century, which in many cases contain the names of the householders, are suitable for examining the demographic changes and the ethnic distribution of certain settlements. This article provides an insight into the demography of the Unitarian settlements belonging to the castle domain of Gyalu by using censuses and ecclesiastical sources. It should be emphasized that this type of research is only a drop in the ocean in terms of the complexity of the issue. However, its results hopefully contribute to a deeper understanding of the demographic changes of Transylvania.

Szeghyová, Blanka. Coexistence of Diversities: Social, Ethnic and Religious Frontiers and Identities in Early Modern Hungarian Towns. In Frontiers and Identities. III. Cities in Regions and Nations. Ed. Klusáková, Luďa - Teulières, Laure. Pisa : Edizioni Plus Pisa University Press, 2008, p.121-135.

Szeghyová, Blanka. Coexistence of Diversities: Social, Ethnic and Religious Frontiers and Identities in Early Modern Hungarian Towns. In Frontiers and Identities. III. Thematic work group 5. Cities in Regions and Nations. [Ed.]: Klusáková, Luďa - Teulières, Laure. Pisa : Edizioni Plus Pisa University Press, 2008, p.121-135. ISBN 978-88-8492-556-5.


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A Divided Hungary in Europe. Exchanges, Networks and Representations, 1541-1699, vol. 2: Diplomacy, Information Flow and Cultural Exchange, eds. S. Brzeziński, Á. Zarnóczki

A Divided Hungary in Europe: Exchanges, Networks and Representations, 1541–1699, eds. G. Almási, S. Brzeziński, I. Horn, K. Teszelszky, Á. Zarnóczki, vol. 2: Diplomacy, Information Flow and Cultural Exchange, eds. S. Brzeziński, Á. Zarnóczki, Newcastle upon Tyne 2014.