A cluster variation approach to the random-anisotropy Blume-Emery-Griffiths model (original) (raw)
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Random anisotropy Blume-Emery-Griffiths model
Physical Review Letters, 1992
+'e describe the results of studies of a random-anisotropy Blume-Emery-Gri5ths spin-1 Ising model using mean-field theory, transfer-matrix calculations, and position-space renormalization-group calculations. The interplay between the quenched randomness of the anisotropy and the annealed disorder introduced by the spin-1 model leads to a rich phase diagram with a variety of phase transitions and reentrant behavior. Our results may be relevant to the study of the phase separation of He-He mixtures in porous media in the vicinity of the superfluid transition.
Critical percolation and lack of self-averaging in disordered models
Lack of self-averaging originates in many disordered models from a fragmentation of the phase space where the sizes of the fragments remain sampledependent in the thermodynamic limit. On the basis of new results in percolation theory, we give here an argument in favour of the conjecture that critical two dimensional percolation on the square lattice lacks of self-averaging.
Percolation in spatially disordered systems
Physical review, 1987
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Boundary Condition Dependence of Cluster Size Ratios in Random Percolation
International Journal of Modern Physics C, 2000
We study the ratio of the number of sites in the largest and second largest clusters in random percolation. Using the scaling hypothesis that the ratio / of the mean cluster sizes M1 and M2 scales as f ((p - pc) L1/ν), we employ finite-size scaling analysis to find that / is nonuniversal with respect to the boundary conditions imposed. The mean of the ratios behaves similarly although with a distinct critical value reflecting the relevance of mass fluctuations at the percolation threshold. These zero exponent ratios also allow for reliable estimates of the critical parameters at percolation from relatively small lattices.
Hierarchical reference theory of critical fluids in disordered porous media
Molecular Physics, 2011
We consider the equilibrium behavior of fluids imbibed in disordered mesoporous media, including their gas-liquid critical point when present. Our starting points are on the one hand a description of the fluid/solid-matrix system as a quenched-annealed mixture and on the other hand the Hierarchical Reference Theory (HRT) developed by A. Parola and L. Reatto to cope with density fluctuations on all length scales. The formalism combines liquid-state statistical mechanics and the theory of systems in the presence of quenched disorder. A straightforward implementation of the HRT to the quenched-annealed mixture is shown to lead to unsatisfactory results, while indicating that the critical behavior of the system is in the same universality class as that of the random-field Ising model. After a detour via the field-theoretical renormalization group approach of the latter model, we finally lay out the foundations for a proper HRT of fluids in a disordered porous material.
The Journal of Chemical Physics, 2010
We calculate the equilibrium thermodynamic properties, percolation threshold, and cluster distribution functions for a model of associating colloids, which consists of hard spherical particles having on their surfaces three short-ranged attractive sites ͑sticky spots͒ of two different types, A and B. The thermodynamic properties are calculated using Wertheim's perturbation theory of associating fluids. This also allows us to find the onset of self-assembly, which can be quantified by the maxima of the specific heat at constant volume. The percolation threshold is derived, under the no-loop assumption, for the correlated bond model: In all cases it is two percolated phases that become identical at a critical point, when one exists. Finally, the cluster size distributions are calculated by mapping the model onto an effective model, characterized by a-state-dependentfunctionality f and unique bonding probability p. The mapping is based on the asymptotic limit of the cluster distributions functions of the generic model and the effective parameters are defined through the requirement that the equilibrium cluster distributions of the true and effective models have the same number-averaged and weight-averaged sizes at all densities and temperatures. We also study the model numerically in the case where BB interactions are missing. In this limit, AB bonds either provide branching between A-chains ͑Y-junctions͒ if ⑀ AB / ⑀ AA is small, or drive the formation of a hyperbranched polymer if ⑀ AB / ⑀ AA is large. We find that the theoretical predictions describe quite accurately the numerical data, especially in the region where Y-junctions are present. There is fairly good agreement between theoretical and numerical results both for the thermodynamic ͑number of bonds and phase coexistence͒ and the connectivity properties of the model ͑cluster size distributions and percolation locus͒.
Fluctuation theory of connectivities for subcritical random cluster models
The Annals of Probability, 2008
We develop a fluctuation theory of connectivities for subcritical random cluster models. The theory is based on a comprehensive nonperturbative probabilistic description of long connected clusters in terms of essentially onedimensional chains of irreducible objects. Statistics of local observables, for example, displacement, over such chains obey classical limit laws, and our construction leads to an effective random walk representation of percolation clusters. The results include a derivation of a sharp Ornstein-Zernike type asymptotic formula for two point functions, a proof of analyticity and strict convexity of inverse correlation length and a proof of an invariance principle for connected clusters under diffusive scaling. In two dimensions duality considerations enable a reformulation of these results for supercritical nearest-neighbor random cluster measures, in particular, for nearest-neighbor Potts models in the phase transition regime. Accordingly, we prove that in two dimensions Potts equilibrium crystal shapes are always analytic and strictly convex and that the interfaces between different phases are always diffusive. Thus, no roughening transition is possible in the whole regime where our results apply. Our results hold under an assumption of exponential decay of finite volume wired connectivities [assumption (1.2) below] in rectangular domains that is conjectured to hold in the whole subcritical regime; the latter is known to be true, in any dimensions, when q = 1, q = 2, and when q is sufficiently large. In two dimensions assumption (1.2) holds whenever there is an exponential decay of connectivities in the infinite volume measure. By duality, this includes all supercritical nearest-neighbor Potts models with positive surface tension between ordered phases.
What is liquid in random porous media: the Barker-Henderson perturbation theory
Condensed Matter Physics, 2015
We apply the Barker-Henderson (BH) perturbation theory to the study of a Lennard-Jones fluid confined in a random porous matrix formed by hard sphere particles. In order to describe the reference system needed in this perturbation scheme, the extension of the scaled particle theory (SPT) is used. The recent progress in the development of SPT approach for a hard sphere fluid in a hard sphere matrix allows us to obtain very accurate results for thermodynamic properties in such a system. Hence, we combine the BH perturbation theory with the SPT approach to derive expressions for the chemical potential and the pressure of a confined fluid. Using the obtained expressions, the liquid-vapour phase diagrams of a LJ fluid in HS matrix are built from the phase equilibrium conditions. Therefore, the effect of matrix porosity and a size of matrix particles is considered. It is shown that a decrease of matrix porosity lowers both the critical temperature and the critical density, while the phase diagram becomes narrower. An increase of a size of matrix particles leads to an increase of the critical temperature. From the comparison it is observed that the results obtained from the theory are in agreement with computer simulations. The approach proposed in the present study can be extended to the case of anisotropic fluid particles in HS matrices.
Biased diffusion in anisotropic disordered systems
Physical Review E, 2000
We investigate a diffusion process into an anisotropic disordered medium in the presence of a bias. The medium is modeled by a two-dimensional square lattice in which the anisotropic disorder is represented by a bond percolation model with different occupation probabilities on each direction. The biased diffusion process is mapped by a random walk with unequal transition probabilities along and against the field ͑in the ͓1,1͔ direction͒ by performing Monte Carlo simulations. We observe a transition from pure to drift diffusion when the bias reaches a threshold B c. In order to estimate this B c , an effective exponent is used to characterize the diffusion process. This B c is also compared with another estimation for the critical field.
Physical Review E, 2001
Using the newly proposed probability-changing cluster (PCC) Monte Carlo algorithm, we simulate the two-dimensional (2D) site-diluted Ising model. Since we can tune the critical point of each random sample automatically with the PCC algorithm, we succeed in studying the sampledependent Tc(L) and the sample average of physical quantities at each Tc(L) systematically. Using the finite-size scaling (FSS) analysis for Tc(L), we discuss the importance of corrections to FSS both in the strong-dilution and weak-dilution regions. The critical phenomena of the 2D site-diluted Ising model are shown to be controlled by the pure fixed point. The crossover from the percolation fixed point to the pure Ising fixed point with the system size is explicitly demonstrated by the study of the Binder parameter. We also study the distribution of critical temperature Tc(L). Its variance shows the power-law L dependence, L −n , and the estimate of the exponent n is consistent with the prediction of Aharony and Harris [Phys. Rev. Lett. 77, 3700 (1996)]. Calculating the relative variance of critical magnetization at the sample-dependent Tc(L), we show that the 2D site-diluted Ising model exhibits weak self-averaging.