DAΦNE LINAC: Beam Diagnostics and Outline of the Last Improvements (original) (raw)

Commissioning of the DAΦNE beam test facility

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 2003

The DAS NE Beam Test Facility (BTF) is a beam transfer line optimized for the production of a defined number of electrons or positrons, in a wide range of multiplicities and down to single-electron mode, in the energy range between 50 and 800 MeV. The typical pulse duration is 10 ns and the maximum repetition rate is 50 Hz. The facility is aimed mainly for detector calibration purposes. The BTF has been successfully commissioned in February 2002, and started operation in November of the same year. The schemes of operation, the commissioning results, as well as the first users' experience are here reported.

Long beam pulses with SLED compression in DAΦNE LINAC

Journal of Physics: Conference Series

The DAΦNE LINAC is a ~60 m long, S-band (2856 MHz) linear accelerator, made up by four 45 MW klystrons with SLED compression, and by 15 travelling-wave, 2/3π, SLACtype, 3 m long accelerating sections. It serves as injector of the DAΦNE e+ e− collider, providing 510 MeV, 10 ns long, electron and positron pulses of ≈1 nC, and to the Beam-Test Facility extraction line, with variable beam energy and intensity pulses, of length in the range 1.5 to 40 ns. A new pulsing system for the gun allows longer beam pulses, but the shape of the accelerating field in the sections due to the SLED compression has to be taken into account. We describe the tuning of the RF power, phase and delays in the pre-buncher, buncher and following accelerating sections, and the results of the tests performed in order to reach >200 ns, 500 MeV electron pulses and the characterization of the quality of the beam in terms of energy spread, time distribution, etc.

DAΦNE beam instrumentation


DAΦNE, the Frascati Φ-Factory, is now under commissioning. The accelerator complex is composed of a linac, an accumulator-damping ring, and two separate main rings, one for electrons and the other for positrons, with two interaction regions in which the experiments will be placed. In order to achieve the luminosity goal, high performance instrumentation and beam diagnostics have been installed. Some of the relevant beam measurements performed are: beam emittance, transverse and longitudinal dimensions, beam positions and tunes, overlap in the interaction points, and luminosity. An overview of the diagnostic instrumentation of the accelerator complex is given together with measurement examples and discussion of operational experiences.

The Frascati LINAC Beam-Test Facility (BTF) Performance and Upgrades


In the last 11 years the Beam Test Facility (BTF) of the Frascati DAFNE accelerator has gained an important role in the development of particle detectors development. Electron and positron beams can be extracted to a dedicated transfer line, where a target plus a dipole and collimator system can attenuate and momentum-select secondary particles. The BTF can thus provide a wide range of beam parameters: energy (from about 50 to 750/540 MeV for electrons/positrons), charge (up to 1010 particles/bunch) and pulse length (1.5-40 ns), with a maximum repetition rate of 50 Hz. Beam spot and divergence can be adjusted, down to submm and 2 mrad. Photons can be produced on a target, and energy-tagged inside a dipole by Silicon micro-strip detectors. A shielded Tungsten target is used for neutron production: about 8·10-7/primary, 1 MeV neutrons are produced. In addition to these activities, a dedicated particle physics experiment (PADME) has been recently approved for running at the BTF, with a...

Diagnostics and Upgrade of the DAFNE Beam Test Facility (BTF)

Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements, 2006

The DAFNE Beam Test Facility (BTF), operational in Frascati LNF since November 2002, is a beam transfer line optimized for single particle production, mainly for high-energy detectors calibration. It can provide e − /e + beams in a wide range of intensity -between single particle and 10 10 particles/pulse -and energy, from few tens of MeV up to 800 MeV; the pulse duration can also be adjusted between 1 and 10 ns at a maximum repetition rate of 50 Hz. In the last year many groups have accessed the facility, for testing a number of apparata: silicon detectors, calorimeters, scintillator counters, GEM (in single particle mode); fluorescence counters, crystal and nanotube bendings, Cerenkov counters, thermo-acoustical detectors (at high intensity). The large beam multiplicity range required to implement different diagnostic devices: calorimeters for particle counting at low intensity, fluorescence chambers and Cerenkov detectors for intermediate-high intensity monitor, up to standard beam diagnostic systems. The beam spot profile and position is also measured by means of a x-y scintillating fiber hodoscope with multi-anode PMT readout.

Design and Factory Test of the E /E- Frascati Linear Accelerator for DAFNE


The electron-positron accelerator for the DAFNE project has been built and is in test at Titan Beta in Dublin, CA. This S-Band RF linac system utilizes four 45 MW sledded klystrons and 16-3 m accelerating structures to achieve the required performance. It delivers a 4 ampere electron beam to the positron converter and accelerates the resulting positrons to 550 MeV.

Performance and upgrade of the DAFNE Beam Test Facility (BTF)

IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 2000

The DAFNE Beam Test Facility (BTF), operational in Frascati LNF since November 2002, is a beam transfer line optimized for single particle production, mainly for high-energy detectors calibration. It can provide e − /e + beams in a wide range of intensity -between single particle and 10 10 particles/pulse -and energy, from few tens of MeV up to 800 MeV; the pulse duration can also be adjusted between 1 and 10 ns at a maximum repetition rate of 50 Hz. In the last year many groups have accessed the facility, for testing a number of apparata: silicon detectors, calorimeters, scintillator counters, GEM (in single particle mode); fluorescence counters, crystal and nanotube bendings, Cerenkov counters, thermo-acoustical detectors (at high intensity). The large beam multiplicity range required to implement different diagnostic devices: calorimeters for particle counting at low intensity, fluorescence chambers and Cerenkov detectors for intermediate-high intensity monitor, up to standard beam diagnostic systems. The beam spot profile and position is also measured by means of a x-y scintillating fiber hodoscope with multi-anode PMT readout.

Commissioning Results of the TOP-IMPLART 27 MeV Proton Linear Accelerator


The results of a 27MeV proton LINAC commissioning are presented. The LINAC, operating at the ENEA Frascati Research Center, consists of a 425MHz injector followed by a 3GHz booster. The injector is a commercial LINAC, the PL7 model produced by ACCSYS-HITACHI, composed by a duoplasmatron proton source with einzel lens, a 3MeV RFQ (Radio-Frequency Quadrupole) and a 7MeV DTL (Dritf-Tube LINAC). Wide injection current range (0-1.5mA) is obtained varying extraction and lens potentials. The booster LINAC consists of sequence of 3 SCDTL (Side-Coupled DTL) modules whose output energies are 11.6MeV, 18MeV and 27MeV, respectively. Each of the 3 modules requires less than 2MW peak power. All modules are powered by a single 10MW peakpower klystron. The output beam has been characterized at 10Hz PRF (Pulse Repetition Frequency) using fast AC transformers, Faraday cup and ionization chamber for current (and, by integration, charge) monitoring, whereas energy has been measured using a novel detect...

The Argonne Wakefield Accelerator: diagnostics and beam characterization

Proceedings of the 1997 Particle Accelerator Conference (Cat. No.97CH36167), 1998

The Argonne Wakefield Accelerator is comprised of two L-band photocathode RF guns and standing wave linac structures. The high charge bunches (20 -100 nC) produced by the main gun (drive gun) allow us to study the generation of wakefields in dielectric lined structures and plasmas. The secondary gun (witness gun) generates low charge bunches (80 -300 pC) that are used to probe the wakefields excited by the drive bunches. We use insertable phosphor screens for beam position monitoring. Beam intensity is measured with Faraday cups and integrating current transformers. Quartz or aerogel Cerenkov radiators are used in conjunction with a Hamamatsu streak-camera for bunch length measurements. The beam emittance is measured with a pepper-pot plate and also by quadrupole scan techniques. We present a description of the various diagnostics and the results of the measurements. These measurements are of particular interest for the high current (drive) linac, which operates in a much higher charge regime than other photoinjector-based linacs. 1996 0-7803-4376-X/98/$10.00