Maximal quasi – Hyderideals in ternary semihypergroups (original) (raw)

Bi-Hyperideals in Ternary Semihypergroups

Advances in Mathematics: Scientific Journal, 2020

In this article, we characterize the properties of bi-hyperideals in ternary semihypergroups, the relationship between zero-minimal bi-hyperideals and zero-B-simple ternary semihypergroups and the relationship between maximal bi-hyperideals, B-simple and zero-B-simple ternary semihypergroups.

Pseudosymmetric hyperideals in ternary semi hypergroups


In this paper we introduce pseudosymmetric hyperideals of a ternary semi hypergroup. We also study some properties of principal hyperideal; completely semiprime hyperideal of a TSHG and characterized them. The interrelation among them is examined in ternary semi hypergroups extending the related results from semigroups.

On Minimal and Maximal Hyperidealsin n-ary Semihypergroups


The concept of j-hyperideals, for all positive integers 1≤j≤n and n≥2, in n-ary semihypergroups, is a generalization of the concept of left, lateral and right hyperideals in ternary semihypergroups. In this paper, we first introduce the concept of j-(0-)simple n-ary semihypergroups and discuss their related properties through terms of j-hyperideals. Furthermore, we characterize the minimality and maximality of j-hyperideals in n-ary semihypergroups and establish the relationships between the (0-)minimal, maximal j-hyperideals and the j-(0-)simple n-ary semihypergroups. Our main results are to extend and generalize the results on semihypergroups and ternary semihypergroups. Moreover, a related question raised by Petchkaew and Chinram is solved.

A new approach towards int-soft hyperideals in ordered ternary semihypergroups

Journal of Discrete Mathematical Sciences and Cryptography, 2020

This paper deals with a class of algebraic hyperstructures called ordered ternary semihypergroups which are studied in terms of int-soft hyperideals. We introduce the notion of int-soft hyperideals in ordered ternary semihypergroups and investigate some properties of them. We also introduce the concepts of convex soft sets and int-soft points and discuss their properties. Moreover, the classes of regular and intra-regular ordered ternary semihpergroups are characterized in terms of int-soft hyperideals.

Uni-soft quasi-hyperideals of ordered semihypergroups

Discussiones Mathematicae - General Algebra and Applications

The main purpose of this article is to study ordered semihypergroups in the context of uni-soft quasi-hyperideals. In this article, using the notion of soft-union sets in ordered semihypergroups, we introduce the concept of union-soft (uni-soft) quasi-hyperideal and the related properties 322

On Some Hyperideals in Ordered Semihypergroups

Abul Basar, Shahnawaz Ali, M Y Abbasi, Bhavanari Satyanarayana, Poonam Kumar Sharma, Journal of New Theory, 29, 42-48, 2019

In this paper, we study ordered hyperideals in ordered semihypergroups. Also, we study (m, n)-regular ordered semihypergroups in terms of ordered (m, n)-hyperideals. Furthermore, we obtain some ideal theoretic results in ordered semihypergroups.

(2005-1005) Characterization of ordered semihypergroups in terms of uni-soft bi-hyperideals


In this paper, we introduce the concept of unionsoft (briefly, uni-soft) bi-hyperideal of an ordered semihypergroup. The notions of prime (strongly prime, semiprime, irreducible, and strongly irreducible) uni-soft bi-hyperideals in ordered semihypergroups are introduced and related properties are investigated. Numerous examples of these notions are given. The relationship between prime and strongly prime, irreducible and strongly irreducible uni-soft bi-hyperideals are considered and characterizations of these concepts are established. Regular and intra-regular ordered semihypergroups are characterized in terms of these notions.

Characterization of ordered semihypergroups in terms of uni-soft bi-hyperideals

Journal of Algebraic Hyperstructures and Logical Algebras, 1999

In this paper, we introduce the concept of unionsoft (briefly, uni-soft) bi-hyperideal of an ordered semihypergroup. The notions of prime (strongly prime, semiprime, irreducible, and strongly irreducible) uni-soft bi-hyperideals in ordered semihypergroups are introduced and related properties are investigated. Numerous examples of these notions are given. The relationship between prime and strongly prime, irreducible and strongly irreducible uni-soft bi-hyperideals are considered and characterizations of these concepts are established. Regular and intra-regular ordered semihypergroups are characterized in terms of these notions.

On cubic Γ-hyperideals in left almost Γ-semihypergroups


In this paper, the concept of cubic sub LA-Γsemihypergroup is introduced and some results on cubic Γ-hyperideals and cubic bi-Γ-hyperideals in left almost Γ-semihypergroups are provided. 2010 AMS Classification: 20N20, 20N25, 08A72.

Completely semiprime hyperideals in ternary semi hypergroups


In this article we study some properties of principal hyperideal; completely semiprime hyperideal of a ternary semi hypergroup and characterized them. The interrelation among them is examined in ternary semi hypergroups extending the related results from semigroups.