The future of local government P R I N C I P L E S A N D T H E O R I E S O F L O C A L G O V E R N M E N T (original) (raw)
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The role of local government is viewed in the context of the overall role of government per se. A particular advantage of local government lies in its ability to arrange for the provision of local public goods in line with local tastes and preferences. A number of arguments suggest that local governments should be assigned adequate powers of local taxation to finance their expenditure responsibilities rather than having to rely on central government grant.
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This paper and a special issue of the journal addresses the varying capacity of local governments in different regions in the world. Local Government Capacity as a concept can have varying definitions, but in this framework it seems adequate to simply define it as `the ability of local government to perform their functions in an effective and efficient way´. The idea behind this special issue argues that in order to improve the capacity of local governments especially in regions where its adequate performance is severely needed, a more differentiated approach to capacity-building is required, pinpointing the main factors inhibiting local government performance.
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The role of local government is viewed in the context of the overall role of government per se. A particular advantage of local government lies in its ability to arrange for the provision of local public goods in line with local tastes and preferences. A number of arguments suggest that local governments should be assigned adequate powers of local taxation to finance their expenditure responsibilities rather than having to rely on central government grant.
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The research team acknowledges the valuable contribution of the ACELG Research Advisory Committee and ACELG as the funding body for this research and the Commonwealth Government as the ACELG funding body.
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