KKM Refungsionalisasi Masjid: Optimalisasi Fungsi dan Peran Masjid Al-Ikhlas Dusun Glundengan Desa Suci Kecamatan Panti Kabupaten Jember (original) (raw)

Optimalisasi Kemakmuran Masjid Berbasis Kemahasiswaan Desa Mertelu Kecamatan Gedangsari Kabupaten Gunung Kidul

Jurnal Pemberdayaan: Publikasi Hasil Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat

Masjid merupakan salah tempat ibadah umat islam yang wajib dijaga kebersihan dan kenyamanannya. Masjid menjadi sarana titik kumpul dalam suatu acara yang bersifat keilmuan maupun keagamaan, tempat menuntut ilmu dan bertukar ilmu, bertukar pengalaman dan sebagai sarana wisata religi. Program optimalisasi kemakmuran masjid ini merupakan program kerja bersama yang diselenggarakan oleh mahasiswa KKN UAD yang berada di Desa Mertelu Kecamatan Gedangsari. Tujuan dari kegiatan ini adalah untuk menghidupkan kembali masjid yang berada di Desa Mertelu. Metode yang dilakukan dalam program kemakmuran masjid ini adalah dengan 1) menyelenggarakan kegiatan TPA untuk anak-anak Mertelu, 2) melatih anak menyuarakan adzan, 3) melakukan kegiatan sholat berjamaah, dan 4) melatih anak-anak untuk menghafal surat pendek dengan doa sehari-hari. Hasil dari optimalisasi kemakmuran masjid ini berupa anak-anak yang semula tidak pernah melakukan kegiatan TPA menjadi antusias untuk mengaji.

Optimalisasi Fungsi Masjid Sebagai Sarana Dakwah dan Pemberdayaan Ekonomi Umat

JIEF : Journal of Islamic Economics and Finance

This research aims to find out how to optimize the function of the mosque as a means of da'wah and economic empowerment of the people. The subject of this research is the Assalam Mosque located in Rowosari Village, Ulujami District, Pemalang Regency. This research uses a descriptive qualitative method. Data analysis by triangulation, data obtained through observation and interviews with informants of the management and congregation of the Assalam Mosque. The results show that, apart from functioning as a place of worship, Masjid Assalam seeks to optimize its other functions as a center for da'wah for youth, youth and adult congregations. Other part carried out at the Assalam Mosque are social functions in distributing rice alms to pilgrims, collecting and distributing aid to disaster victims, and economic empowerment to stalls and shops owned by pilgrims.

Pendampingan Optimalisasi Masjid Baitul Mukmin Dusun Karangrejo Desa Tempuran Kecamatan Sawoo Kabupatan Ponorogo

As-Sidanah : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat

Muslim religious life considered Masjid as central. As such, the development of the Masjid as a very core of Islamic activities was necessary to be done. Masjid Baitul Mukmin in the hamlet of Karangrejo, village of Tempuran, regency of Sawoo, district of Ponorogo was one of the Masjid located in a remote area, far from the city center of Ponorogo. Both its physical and societal environment showed the lack of community's understanding regarding divine values has to be owned by Masjid; rather than symbolizing the strength of religiosity, the community of Karangrejo seemed not to pay close attention to the management of Masjid Baitul Mukmin. This paper highlighted several issues related to the optimization of Masjid Baitul Mukmin, particularly regarding the worth of cleanliness and the benefits of congregation prayer through socialization, preaching, and gathering with the citizens of Karangrejo Hamlet during the process of community development in the form of student study service...

ICON UCE 2016 Collaborative Creation Leads to Sustainable Change Optimalisasi Infaq Masjid untuk Pendampingan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Berbasis Masjid di Desa Kalipakem Kec. Donomulyo Kab. Malang

Abstrak: Urgensi ekonomi bagi masyarakat merupakan aksioma yang tidak terbantahkan. Pemanfaatan dana infaq masjid umumnya berputar pada operasional masjid saja: kebersihan, listrik, petugas, dan sejenisnya. Dana infaq dapat dioptimalkan untuk peningkatan kesejahteraan umat. Tulisan ini adalah hasil penelitian PAR (Participatory Action Research) di Desa Kalipakem Kec. Donomulyo Kab. Malang tahun 2015 melalui empat tahapan: perencanaan, tindakan, pengamatan, dan refleksi dengan jeda waktu antara masing-masing tahapan. Penelitian bersama dengan para stakeholder Desa Kalipakem ini menghasilkan perubahan-perbuhan yang meliputi: pertama, perubahan kesadaran masyarakat tentang besarnya potensi infaq masjid sehingga dapat mengurangi jumlah warga yang bekerja ke luar negeri sebagai indikasi kemiskinan; kedua, menguatnya solidaritas, sikap saling tolong menolong, dan semangat bekerjasama dalam mengentas kemiskinan yang terwujud dalam bentuk pemberian beasiswa kepada anak-anak keluarga miskin dan pinjaman produktif kepada setiap warga yang hendak bergabung dalam usaha; ketiga, meningkatnya pengetahuan fiqih masjid dan kompetensi pengelolahan infaqnya secara produktif; keempat, masyarakat dapat mengontrol secara langsung sekaligus mengantisipasi tindakan eksploitasi dana infaq masjid oleh sebagian oknum. Pendahuluan Urgensi ekonomi bagi masyarakat telah menjadi semacam aksioma yang tidak terbantahkan secara sosial. Masyarakat dengan kondisi perekonomian yang mencukupi jauh lebih baik dibandingkan masyarakat dengan kondisi ekonomi yang kekurangan. Indonesia, dengam penduduk mayoritas umat Islam, ternyata masih belum dapat melepaskan diri dari

Manajemen Masjid Persis Al-Istiqomah Pada Masa Pandemi Covid 19 Di Desa Muncangela Kab. Kuningan Jawa Barat


The Covid 19 pandemic that emerged in mid-2019 has forced people to change their mindset and lifestyle to pay more attention to health aspects with the aim of breaking the chain of the spread of Covid 19. The real impact of the Covid 19 pandemic is also very visible in the aspect of mosques as a means of worship for Muslims. The elements of the mosque which consist of Idarah, Imarah and Riayah, one of which is related to management, after the Covid 19 pandemic, many of which are oriented towards health as the main consideration. Mosque management includes: first, physical management which focuses on the physical management of the mosque, second, fuction management which focuses on mosque functions. Various styles of mosques in Indonesia have implemented their respective management, including the Al-Istiqomah Mosque which is located in the Muncangela Village area, Cipicung District, Kuningan Regency, West Java Province. Because this mosque was established under the auspices of the Re...

Optimalisasi Fungsi dan Potensi Masjid: Model Pemberdayaan Ekonomi Masyarakat Berbasis Masjid di Kota Tasikmalaya


The purpose of this study are 1) to identify the economic potential possessed a mosque in the city of Tasikmalaya, 2) to identify the activities performed mosque in the city of Tasikmalaya, 3) to analyze the economic potential of the community around the mosque, especially worshipers of the mosque in the city of Tasikmalaya, 4) to formulate a model of mosque economic empowerment in the city of Tasikmalaya. This research is a qualitative study using grouded research methods that is advanced from the empirical toward the conceptual-theoretical level. The technique of collecting data using interviews, observation, and questionnaries. The results of research showed the following: 1) The economic potential possessed jami mosque in the city of Tasikmalaya includes potential funding of mosques each month between Rp. 400.000, - s / d Rp. 1.000.000, - on 56% jami mosque, while 44% are above Rp. 1.000.000, -. Type the mosque fund in the form of funds for donations, donation, charity malls, an...

Implementasi Wakaf Produktif Masjid Roudhotul Muchlisin Jember Perspektif KHI dan UU No. 41 Tahun 2004

Rechtenstudent Journal, 2020

The implementation of productive waqf for the Roudhotul Muchlisin Mosque, Kaliwates District, Jember Regency is a very important thing to do, because the mosque, which was built on this waqf land, is now a new religious tourism icon in Jember Regency. With typical Middle Eastern architecture and in recent years, it has experienced significant developments in the physical construction of mosques, public facilities, and a food corner. This research uses a qualitative approach with descriptive research type. The research data were collected using three techniques, namely: observation, in-depth interviews, and documentation. The management of the mosque's waqf uses the idarah system which means governance in regulating and managing the mosque. As for what is regulated in the Idarah system, among others: management, finance, and administration or secretarial. The implementation of productive waqf for the Roudhotul Muchlisin Mosque is following the Compilation of Islamic Law and Law Number 41 of 2004 concerning Waqf. Because it has developed TPQ Education, the establishment and development of a food corner to empower the economy of the people. The takmir of the Roudhotul Muchlisin Mosque, Kaliwates Subdistrict, Jember Regency, also plans to build a health clinic that aims to make the congregation's and the surrounding community's access to health easier and more beneficial for the people.

Efektivitas Masjid Amirul Mukminin terhadap Masyarakat di Kelurahan Losari Kecamatan Ujung Pandang Kota Makassar (Studi pada Masjid terapung di Anjungan Pantai Losari)


Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa bentuk-bentuk kegiatan yang dilakukan di Masjid Amirul Mukminin adalah berbagai kegiatan keagamaan seperti pengajian, ceramah, dzikir, muhasabah. Kegiatan kebersihan seperti membersihkan masjid, kerja bakti dengan masyarakat, serta Kegiatan pendidikan seperti TKA/TPA dan sosialisasi keagamaan. Sedangkan Fungsi Masjid Amirul Mukminin ialah seperti masjid pada umumnya, fungsi utamanya bukan sebagai tempat wisata, melainkan masjid ini juga memiliki fungsi utama sebagai tempat melakukan ibadah, selain itu fungsi-fungsinya terhadap masyarakat seperti sebagai sarana pendidikan dan sosial. Tempat melakukan akad pernikahan, pengajian-pengajian rutin tempat melakukan foto prewedding dan suting film. dan Pendidikan Anak atau TKA/TPA serta berbagai kegiatan positif lainnya. Secara umum Masjid Amirul Mukminin bermanfaat sebagai tempat melakukan ibadah seperti sholat, membaca Al Quran, dzikir, muhasabah, musyawarah Namun, disisi lain masjid ini juga digunak...