ESICM LIVES 2016: part one : Milan, Italy. 1-5 October 2016 (original) (raw)
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Intensive Care Medicine Experimental, 2016
Citation for published version (APA): Rasmussen, B. S., Maltesen, R., Hanifa, M., Pedersen, S., Kristensen, S. R., & Wimmer, R. (2016). Metabonomics identifies early molecular changes associated with progression into postoperative hypoxemia in cardiac surgery patient: a human model that can provide new insights into the pathophysiology of acute lung injury and potentially identify specific biomarkers of lung tissue injury. Intensive Care Medicine Experimental, 4(Suppl. 1), 13. [A22].
Identification of SIRS/sepsis signs by ward nurses reduces 30-days mortality in patients with sepsi
Intensive care Medicine Experimental, 2016
Introduction: SIRS and sepsis is easily identified with observation of vital signs and organ failure, but there is little focus on the effect of better observation and treatment for outcome in patients with suspected infection cared for at the ward level. Objectives:To evaluate if a“bundle” consisting of a SIRS and organ failure (SOF)-triage, flow chart response and alert system, and a SIRS/ sepsis training course for all wards nurses improved clinical observations, lead to fewer patients developing severe sepsis, decreased length of stay in the high-level care (LOS) and increased survival. Methods:A before and after intervention study in one emergency and community hospital within the Mid-Norway sepsis study catchment area. All patients with confirmed blood stream infection (BSI) and evidence of sepsis have been prospectively registered continuously since 1994. The severity of sepsis, observation frequency of vital signs, treatment data, LOS and mortality were retrospectively registered from the patients' medical journals until end 2013. Results:The pre-intervention group was patients with confirmed BSI from Jan 2008 to Dec 2010 (n = 472) whilst the postinterventions group was recruited between Nov 2011 to Dec 2013 (n = 409). The nurses' observation frequency of vital signs increased in BSI patients with and without severe organ failure comparing these periods. The post-intervention group had, in average, 2.4 days shorter LOS. Patients admitted without severe organ failure in the post-intervention group had a lower probability of developing severe organ failure (0.7, 95 % CI 0.4-0.9) than the pre-intervention group. Adjusted for differences in disease severity the post-intervention group also had higher odds of surviving 30 days (OR 2.7, 95 % CI 1.6-4.6). Conclusion:A sepsis specific triage-, flow chart alert and treatment system was an effective tool to increase ward nurses recognition and early treatment of patients with confirmed BSI. In addition to increased survival, the shorter LOS is important from a hospital perspective in term of resource utilization. Grant acknowledgment This study was supported by the liaison committee between NordTrøndelag Hospital Trust and Nord University
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Fig. 1 (abstract P001). Cellular metabolism as measured in oxygen consumption rate (OCR) (n = 4). Basal denotes energetic demand of the cell under baseline condition; spare respiratory capacity denotes the capability of the cell to respond to energetic demand; proton leak denotes remaining basal respiration not coupled to ATP production, can be a sign of mitochondrial damage; ATP production shows ATP produced by the mitochondria to meet the energetic need of the cell.
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2. Chan JF et al. The lower serum immunoglobulin G2 level in severe cases than in mild cases of pandemic H1N1 2009 influenza is associated with cytokine dysregulation. Clin Vaccine Immunol 2011; 18:305-10. P003 Brain protective effects of intravenous immunoglobulin through inhibition of complement activation and apoptosis in a rat model of sepsis