Role of the Teacher’s in Academic Performance of Students (original) (raw)
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The Effect Of Teacher Performance On Academic Achievement Of Elementary School
An-Nidzam : Jurnal Manajemen Pendidikan dan Studi Islam
This study aims to determine the effect of Teacher Performance on Academic Achievement of Elementary School Students. This research is a mix methode research. The population in this study were 66 teachers and 189 students. Collecting data using a questionnaire, then analyzed using simple regression techniques and multiple regression. The results of this study that is Teacher performance has a positive influence on the Academic Achievement of Class Students, as evidenced by the value of Sig = 0.005 < = 0.050, while the value of the correlation coefficient (r2) = 0.116 or only contributes 11.6%. Teacher performance plays a role in improving student academic achievement.
The Influence Of Teacher’s Performance On The Students’ Achievement
Jurnal Asy-Syukriyyah, 2012
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The study aimed to determine what factors influenced the academic performance of the secondary students of Saint Michael College of Caraga. The study used the descriptive correlational research design with the use of a validated researcher-made instrument in gathering data and administered to the parents, teachers and student respondents. The independent variables considered in this study were two parts. Part I include parental factors as indicated by attendance in school activities, financial support, and assistance in school assignments. Part II includes school factors indicated by teaching strategies, administrative support, and school facilities. The statistical tools employed were the mean, Pearson-r moment correlation, and the step-wise regression analysis. The findings showed that parents' attendance in school activities, financial support for school activities, and school facilities/equipment showed no significant relationship on students' academic performance. Factors about teaching strategies, administrative support and parents' assistance in students' assignments directly determined the academic performance of the students.
The performance of the students in academics is not only influenced by their own characteristics gifted by the nature but also various factors are involved in these achievements. For the economic and social development of the society, it is necessary to provide our children with the quality education. In recent years, most of the efforts have been made to search out the factors that can affect the student performance (academic). The purpose of this study is to examine and explore those factors that can affect the student academic performance at The Islamia University of Bahawalpur. To obtain the information from students, questionnaires were distributed among them. In this regard, different factors were highlighted. Most important factors were income factor, mother and father education, family size, regularity of teachers, interest created by the teachers in the subject and interest of the students in the co-curricular activities. The Pearson Correlation Coefficient was used to highlight the important factors. The analysis was conducted with the help of the statistical package for social Sciences (SPSS).
International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, 2020
This study seeks to create understanding on the significance between the relationship between teachers and students in an academic set up. The research has used a simple random sampling method to determine a population sample of 200 respondents. This sample size consisted of 100 students and 100 teachers. Data was collected by use of questionnaire forms and interviews. After collecting the primary data, the data was subjected into quantitative analysis using various statistical methods so as to get understanding of the topic which was being investigated. Based on the research, it was realized that there is a positive correlation between teach-student relationship and academic performance. This means that positive relationship between teachers and students improve the performance of students. On the other hand, negative relationship between teachers and students deteriorate the performance of students. It was also realized that learners find it easy to share with teachers the predicaments they undergo when there is a positive relationship. However, in a situation where teachers do not show any concern to students, academic performance usually deteriorates because students are not in close intimacy with the teachers. Therefore, the study recommended that teachers should devise mechanism of developing a positive relationship with students so as to address their needs including those associated with academic performance.
Teachers’ Academic Behaviors on Students’ Academic Achievement
Bharatpur Pragya (भरतपुर प्रज्ञा) : Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies, 2024
Teacher's behavior plays a vital role in academic achievement. A teacher's behavior can affect student's capacity to learn as well as others students' learning environment. Teachers are the role models for their students and their behavior meaningfully influence students' personal and academic life. Keeping in view the significant influence of teachers on the students' academic achievement, the study aimed to investigate the influence of teachers' behavior on students' academic achievement at affiliated campuses. This article explores the correlation between teachers' actions, methods, attitudes, and behaviors in the academic setting and how they impact students' academic performance and achievement. It delves into the importance of teacher-student interactions, instructional strategies, feedback mechanisms, and classroom management techniques in shaping students' learning outcomes. This research article discusses the Influence of Teachers' Behavior on Students Academic Achievement of Higher Level. The respondents were the teachers and students were associated to the campuses affiliated to Tribhuvan University. From the 15 public colleges, 60 teachers and 600 students from five departments were selected as a sample. Two questionnaires were developed and validated through pilot testing and administered to the sample for the collection of data. The researcher personally visited the respondents, thus 100% data were collected. The collected data were tabulated and analyzed by using chi-square and Pearson's product moment coefficient of correlation (r). The major conclusions of the study were that teachers felt proud to be teachers; they adjusted themselves with the prevailing situation and circumstances, and they used different motivational techniques for teaching. Students were found to be satisfied with the positive behavior of their teachers. The relationship between the teachers' behavior and corresponding academic achievement (marks) revealed a highly positive significant correlation
The Effect of Teachers' Role in Learning on the Learning Outcomes of High School Students
Budapest International Research and Critics Institute (BIRCI-Journal): Humanities and Social Sciences
The teacher influences the success of the learning process. Therefore, teachers need to have the ability and carry out the learning process as a learning agent as mandated by Law No. 14 of 2005. This study aims to determine the effect of the Role of the teacher as a learning agent on the learning interest of high school students. This research was conducted in SMA Negeri Aceh Barat and Nagan Rayadas, totaling 20 schools. The research sample in this study was 400 high school classes X students. Sampling was done using random sampling. The instrument used in this study consisted of a teacher questionnaire as a learning agent and a student interest questionnaire. Data analysis techniques used a simple regression test in order to determine the effect of the teacher's role as a learning agent on student learning interest. Before the simple regression test was carried out, the researcher carried out the prerequisite test, namely the data normality test and the data homogeneity test. T...
This study focuses on the academic performance of students at preparatory and high school levels in Irob wereda, Eastern Zone, Tigray Regional State, which is located at 37 Km far to the East of Eritrean border. It assumed that the individual and combined results of family, socio-economic, psychological and school factors on academic performance of preparatory/high level students’ in the study schools. The specific objectives of this study were to assess the factors that affect the academic performance of students at preparatory and high school levels of wereda Irob. For the study 218 students, 29 academic staff, 9 wereda administration officials, 14 tabia local administration officials and 5 PTA were selected by using stratified random sampling technique based on probability proportional to their number or size in each class. Pretest structured questionnaires were used for collecting the essential data and the focus group discussion, personal in-depth interviewee, and personal observation were used to crosscheck the data collected through the survey. The data were analyzed using descriptive methods. The results indicated that the academic performance of students’ in the study area was determined by a variety of factors. Among these factors, students’ related factors such as self-motivation, lack of adequate effort and carelessness, and self-confidence were the most prominent factors that affect students’ academic performance. Moreover, on-availability of support system, lack of proper reading place, presence of role models, estimated income of the family’; parents attitude towards students education and household work responsibilities factors had a significant impact on students’ academic performance. However, educational background of the family; occupation of household head; basic sanitation facilities; and presence of sources of support other than family and employment opportunity for educated students did not significantly affect the students’ academic performance. Therefore, policies should deal with academic performance of students and combating cultural, economic, psychological and institutional factors. In general, creating awareness through training on the benefit of education for all society members can greatly enhance the performance of students. Furthermore, arranging special tutorial classes for students on regular bases for all subjects and creating conducive environment for private language school establishment to alleviate some of the challenges affecting students’ academic performance. Therefore, it was suggested that Parents, Irob wereda Education Bureau and high and preparatory schools should be more practical in this area of improvement.
This study attempts to assess the predictive validity of some selected variables on students past experience, identification, parental economic and educational backgrounds and college facilities . It investigates the most dominant predictors of the first year first semester average score of students at Kotebe College of Teacher Education. Subjects of the study consist of 102 randomly selected freshman students from the Natural and Social Science students who were admitted to the college in the year 1998/99. Preliminary analysis is carried out through Chi-square tests and correlation analysis. The combined effect of the variables is analyzed using stepwise regression analysis. The results show that high school overall average score, age, sex, ESLCE mathematics grade, region high school attended and mother ' s education are significant predictors of first year first semester average score. Implications are discussed and suggestions are given.