Martwa ręka Wielkiego Kryzysu. O maratonach tanecznych oraz spektaklach śmierci i przetrwania (original) (raw)
Related papers
Ciało, trup, śmierć w utworze Götz i Meyer Davida Albahariego
Slavica Wratislaviensia, 2019
Body, corpse and death in David Albahari’s Gotz and MeyerThe article investigates the broadly understood record of Jewish death that emerges from the text of the Serbian prose writer David Albahari. Emphasizing the dominance of economy in the Nazi system, the author indicates those procedures described in Albahari’s book which justify such an assessment e.g. human reification, the body as debris, technical syntax used by German officials. Additionally, these considerations on death representation are supplemented with an endeavor to establish the Belgrade dwellers’ attitude towards the fortunes of the Jews. According to the author, the novel explicitly marks the spatial opposition enclosure vs. opening, the camp vs. the city center that is reinforced by the river, which during World War II divided the capital into Zemun belonging to the Independent State of Croatia, also the place where the camp was situated and Belgrade’s Serbian center. This demarcation intensifies the victims’ fe...
Arcybaszew, śmierć i mucha : o "Sali nieuleczalnie chorych" słów kilka
This article examines the problem of man’s attitude towards death, it analyses antithesis: natural (the world of ill people) - artificial (figure of the physician) and describes the symbolism of a fly in the Mikhail Artsybashev’s story Untreatable patients ward. The author of the article comes to the conclusion that fly as an insect of “inferior world” - the world of decomposition and death - performs completely different role: the fly transforms into a symbol of life and vital force. It changes into a mediator between life and death. The fly anticipates a “rebirth” of the boy, the only character in the story who will recover
Śmierć porwana. O terezińskiej sztuce Hledáme strašidlo Hanuša Hachenburga z 1943 roku
Slavica Wratislaviensia
The stolen death: About the play Hledáme strašidlo by Hanuš Hachenburg from 1943The puppet theatre play Hledame strašidlo by Hanuš Hachenburg was written in the Terezín/Theresienstadt ghetto in 1943 and over 50 years was hidden in the archive until it was presented to readers and viewers in the 1990s — but it turned out to be still surprisingly valid and cogent. The author, a 14-year-old prisoner of the ghetto, used the conventions of the puppet theatre, the carnival and the fairy tales. The mythical or fairy-tale-like “timelessness” allowed him to show the absurdity of Nazism and — yet unnamed — the Holocaust. The main character of the play, the King, captures Death itself, which soon becomes so ordinary and kitschy that no one is afraid of her. The confinement of Death — a motif known, among others, from the myth of Sisyphus — is an important theme of the theatre in Terezín; it appears also in the German-speaking opera by Peter Kien and Viktor Ullmann, Der Keiser von Atlantis Empe...
Eucharystia a życie" : (Katowice 19 V 2005 r.)
Pod takim tytułem odbyło się 19 V 2005 r. w Katowicach sympozjum naukowe, poświęcone pamięci Jana Pawła II – Wielkiego Czciciela Eucharystii, zorganizowane przez Wydział Teologiczny Uniwersytetu Śląskiego. Uroczystego otwarcia obrad dokonał ks. prof. dr hab. Wincenty Myszor, dziekan Wydziału Teologicznego w Katowicach. Witając zebranych, przypomniał, że Eucharystia jest życiem, ożywia nasze życie duchowe i to właśnie ona prowadzi do życia wiecznego. Prawda ta nabiera szczególnego wymiaru w kontekście przeżywanego obecnie Roku Eucharystii, a zwłaszcza ostatnich wydarzeń, związanych ze śmiercią ojca świętego Jana Pawła II (Fragment tekstu)