Deskripsi Keterampilan Proses Sains Dasar Siswa Kelas VIII Pada Materi Cermin Cekung (original) (raw)
2020, PENDIPA Journal of Science Education
The aim of this study was to describe the science process skills of grade VIII students of SMP (junior high school) Negeri 12 Muaro Jambi district by carrying out physics practicum activities on concave mirror material. The type of the research was descriptive quantitative. the sample used was 30 students of SMP (junior high school) Negeri 12 Muaro Jambi. The instrument used in this research was observation sheet that has been validated by the validator. The data were collected using a total sampling technique which was then analyzed using descriptive statistics. The indicators used were 6 indicators of basic science process skills, namely; observation, communication, classification, prediction, measuring, and concluding activities. The results showed that the students were good and skilled in observing, communicating, classifying, predicting, measuring, and concluding. The percentage results obtained were; observation indicators with average value of 22.7 (Good), communication indicators were 5.67 (Good), classification indicators were 3.03 (Good), predictive indicators were 2.76 (Good), measuring indicators was 8.63 (Good), and the concluded indicator was 16.67 (Good).