The history and actual condition of industrial heritage in Albania: The problems and opportunity of the metallurgical complex of Elbasan (original) (raw)

Industrial Heritage in Albania: Architecture and Landscape. A New Resource for Fier

Proceedings of the 2nd ICAUD International Conference in Architecture and Urban Design Epoka University, Tirana, Albania, 2014

This paper proposes the research lines of a teaching experience developed in a laboratory degree carried out in the a.y. 2013-14 at the Politecnico di Bari, that is engaged since 2006 in many studies of the Albanian architectural heritage. In particular this study concerns the recovery and enhancement of the industrial landscape and architecture of the twentieth century in Albania. The specific case-study is the industrial area of Fier, one of the largest production sites created in the sixties in Albania, that includes a nitrate fertilizer plant and a thermal power station, a zone now almost entirely abandoned and degraded, but with great potential for transformation and reuse. The Laboratory involved various disciplines: Architectural and Urban Design, Urban Planning, Environmental Technical Physics, Architectural Restoration, with the aim of highlighting the environmental resources of this site, at territorial, urban and architectural scales. This study designated this area not as a large abandoned site available for new functions, but as a place with specific characters of space and landscape, rich in historical memories, that must be interpreted and recovered through the project. It was assumed as a possible heartland for the architectural and social redevelopment of the city and environmental enhancement through the redesign of the agricultural landscape with which it compares powerfully. So we could verify the possibility to establish here productive activities compatible with the environment, scientific research activities, cultural and recreational facilities for the city and the territory and housing functions, connected by extensive green areas organized as a large agricultural and technology park. Beside this mix of functions, this area preserves its original specificity of energy hub on a national scale, addressing towards renewable energy. The topic was considered with a multidisciplinary and inter-scalar approach, in relation to the issues of sustainable and eco-friendly development, the environmental remediation, the territorial and urban regeneration, up to face the problem of conversion and reuse of large industrial containers and some significant buildings. Particular attention was dedicated to the foreshadowing of spaces and architectural forms that may characterize this place, bringing it back to life and transforming this problematic area in a new resource for Fier.

Heritage as an alternative driver for sustainable development and economic recovery in South East Europe Cultural heritage of Albania – a fabulous economic source for the sustainable economic development of tourism

Historic countries and localities in Albania are a unique cultural heritage in the Mediterranean area. Albanian heritage remains a precious treasure, not only for Albanians, and the country history and its development but also for the whole balcony. In the " Cultural Heritage " – are included all the objects, with great historic value – that represent the history of the country where they come from. Mobile Cultural Heritage includes: Icons, old coins, ethnographic objects, costumes, musical instruments, statues and everything else found by the archaeological excavations. " Mobile Cultural Heritage " is always under protection in museums or archives, protected in the name of the law and in continuity under restoration. All Albanian cultural heritage – are under the pressure of nature and human destruction so they need to be protected, because it is: a main economic source to utilize for tourism, and attracting people from different countries, a natural heritage, that its anxiety shows the history of our country to the new coming generations, represents Albania with honour in Europe and wider.

Risks and Benefits of Cultural Heritage from Construction Projects: Discovering and Rescuing the Past of Albania

Mo.Na: MONUMENTS IN NATURE: A CREATIVE CO-EXISTENCE, 2022\_pomFYgR/view?fbclid=IwAR0xfxiC001ohH5Z9qaKAJjlgLPhgdTATnShLBMZVoi4Oj7DyMhPbSagRiI Pages: 185-188 Rescue archaeological excavations undertaken in Albania from 2008 have uncovered numerous objects and monuments contributing to the enrichment of cultural resources and the general development of the study of history generally. The development projects all around the country brought to light the problem of preserving cultural heritage, treated to the implemented law changes and adaptation, in order to take into account this new challenge that cultural heritage and state authorities were faced with. This article constitutes a review of the impact that the implementation of some important development projects had on the territory, environment, economy and toAlbanian cultural heritage. The construction projects bear several benefits and risks for cultural heritage, which are treated here, with some given examples over the years.

Heritage of Planned Socialist Towns in Albania "Kombinati i Tekstileve Stalin" -Tirana

Herritage of Planned Socialist Towns in Albania, 2014

Processes such as design, construction, industrialization, de-industrialization, internal migration, external migration, life closely connected with the factory and the aim to emancipate the society by means of industrialization, gives to the planned socialist towns in Albania, a certain interest in terms of studies on urban design and sustainable development issues. In the last 20 years, on the way to the democratization of the country, a certain lack of interest has been inspired and felt on the built heritage, as part of a general cultural behaviour in confront of an unwanted past, characterized by a sort of "decomunization". Today, we are witness on a totally different situation that also needs a different approach, a more technical than political. The heritage of the planned socialist cities is various and complex. Acting on the basis of limited symbolic resources, actively construct and promote a "de-ideologiesed" image of a young, green town. It includes realization of projects of a great value, which putting aside the ideology and propaganda, are theoretically a good example for the contemporary society which has to leave to the past the bad taste of the old politics and direct herself to a more sustainable way of thinking, considering the city as a resource in itself, which has to be used in all the possible ways it offers.