Student’s Speaking Ability Through Three Step Interview Technique at Efl Classroom (original) (raw)

Using Three Step-Interview to Improve Student’s Speaking Ability

Project (Professional Journal of English Education), 2019

Speaking can be defined as an activity to share or discuss information that helped people to communicate with each other. To improve the students' speaking learning interest, the teacher needs to recognize how to teach speaking effectively, and what instructional materials are the most appropriate for their students. The aims of the research are to find out whether or not teaching speaking using three-Step interview technique in improving students'speaking ability and to find out the teaching and learning situation when three-Step interview technique implemented in the speaking class.This research is Classroom Action Research. The data was collected through observation, interview and test. The respondents of this research were the seventh grade students of SMP Putra Juang Cianjur.This research revealed that the pre-test data the average was 45,86. After implementing the three-step interview technique in every cycle, the students' speaking score was getting better. It can be seen from the result of students' average score Cycle 1 was 51,60 and Cycle 2 was 60,26 It can be concluded that the three-step interview technique can improve students' speaking interest and three step interview technique can improve speaking classroom into a better situation.

The Effect of Three Step Interview Technique to Improve Students’ Speaking Ability

Intensive Journal

Speaking is considered as an important skill to be accomplished by students. Speaking is related to the pronunciation of words that aim to convey what is to be conveyed both of feelings or ideas. However, there were some problems that make human could not express their ideas. They are such as difficult to pronounce the words, low vocabulary, and misunderstanding. The main purpose of this research is to know whether Three-Step Interview Technique effective towards students’ Speaking Ability at eleventh grade of MA Darul A’mal Metro. The population of the research was the students on the eleventh grade in MA Darul A’mal Metro. The sampling technique was random sampling technique. The researcherschose social and science class as the sampling. Based on the result of data analysis, the mean score of post-test in experimental class was13.26 and the mean score of post-test in control class was 12.00. It showed that the students’ post- test score in experimental class was higher than studen...

IMPROVING THE STUDENTS' SPEAKING ABILITY THROUGH THREE-STEP INTERVIEW METHOD (Meningkatkan Kemampuan Berbicara Bahasa Inggris Siswa Melalui Metode Three-Step Interview

This research was intended to explain the students' speaking accuracy and fluency through Three-Step Interview Method in class XI-2 of SMA Negeri 1 Bontonompo Selatan in the 2014/2015 academic year. This research used A Classroom Action Research (CAR). It had conducted in two cycles; each cycle consisted of four meetings. The subjects of this research were students in class XI-2 involved 40 students. Those consisted of 25 women and 15 men. The researcher took real data from the class to know the students' speaking ability. The instruments of this research were speaking test and observation sheet in cycle I and in cycle II. The research findings indicated that the Three-Step Interview Method improved the students' speaking ability covered students' accuracy and fluency in class XI-2 of SMA Negeri 1 Bontonompo Selatan. It was indicated that there was improvement of the students' speaking ability from diagnostic test to cycle I and from that to cycle II. The students' diagnostic test of speaking ability was (5.47) and after gave action by using three-step interview method indicated that there was improvement from diagnostic test to cycle I and from that to cycle II. The students' speaking ability in cycle I was 63.00% and in cycle II become 76.50% and it was classified as good. While the standard target scores 70% one which was categorized good. From these findings, there was a significant improvement of the students' speaking ability through Three-Step Interview Method. Based on the result finding the research concludes that Three-Step Interview Method can improve the students' speaking ability.


Kemampuan berbicara dalam bahasa Inggris adalah kunci utama untuk bisa berbahasa Inggris. Namun sebahagian siswa Sekolah Menengah Atas (SMA) masih memiliki kendala dalam hal tersebut karena kurangnya praktek berbicara terutama di dalam kelas. Selain itu, cara pengajaran Speaking yang mo noton juga menjadi kendala bagi siswa, di mana pengajaran Speaking lebih memfokuskan pada teori atau buku. Hal ini membuat siswa tidak lagi fokus dan merasa bosan untuk belajar. Sehubung dengan kenyataan di atas, maka penulis memilih menambahkan teknik yang bisa mendukung siswa untuk aktif dalam berbicara. Teknik yang akan dideskripsikan penulis dalam makalah ini adalah three steps interview technique. Three steps interview technique adalah salah satu teknik pada Cooperative Learning yang mampu membuat siswa bekerja berpasang-pasangan dan dalam kelompok. Three steps interview ini adalah cara yang efektif untuk mendukung siswa dalam membagi apa yang dipikirkan di saat diberi topik, pertanyaan, dan dap...

Improving the Speaking Skill of the Students of Stkip-MB Through the Use of Three-Step Interview Technique


A b stract The article provides information about the implementation of cooperative learning: three-step interview among students STKIP Muhammadiyah Muara Bungo (STKIP-MB) and the improvement of their speaking skill on descriptive text through the use of this technnique. Participants were 15 students of the first year students at English Department. The method of this research was classroom action research (CAR) which consisted of planning, actioning, observing and reflecting. Data of the research were analyzed by using two methods of data analysis namely quantitative analysis and qualitative analysis. Quantitative data analyses were used to measure and interpret the data from the task and speaking test, while data which had taken from observation, field note and interview were analyzed by using qualitative data analysis. The research results showed that there was a significant increase of students’ speaking skill on descriptive text over the cycles test. The student’s score rose gr...

The Implementation of Three-Step Interview Technique in Teaching Speaking Penerapan Tekhnik Three-Step Interview Dalam Mengajar Berbicara Siswa

There are three objectives of this research (1) to find out whether there is a significant difference of students' score after being taught through Three-Step Interview ; (2) to know which aspect is the most increase of students' speaking achievement ; (3) to find out which topic is the most effective. The method was time series design. The result shows that : (1)Three-Step Interview is applicable to improve the students speaking ability. Students' mean score in post-test 1 is 45.40 ,post test 2 increase to 61.60; its gain is 16.2 and in post test 3 increase up to 81.20 its gain is 19.6 ; (2) the most aspect which is increase is grammar in pair 1 and vocabulary in pair 2; (3) the third topic is most effective. It can be seen from the finding of gain in first pair is 16.20 and in second pair is 19.60 that show its significant value of 0.0000 (p<0.05). Based on the result above, it can be said that Three-Step Interview can be applied in teaching speaking in order to imp...

The Use of Three-Step Interview Technique on Students’ Speaking Ability

Pedagogia: jurnal ilmiah pendidikan, 2021

Teaching speaking is one of the important parts of foreign language learning. The ability to communicate in a foreign language is predicted as a key to the success of the learner to master English language and to his success in their real life. The fact that cannot be denied is that sometimes students feel reluctant to speak because of shyness and fear of making a mistake. Threestep Interview technique is one of the techniques from cooperative learning that has many positive effects. This research is conducted to find out the effect of using Three-Step Interview technique on students' speaking ability. It is conducted online at Pakuan University. In this research, a preexperimental method with one group pre-test and post-test is used. 30 students of the first semester of English Education Study Program, Pakuan university are taken as samples. The data are taken from pre-test and post-test. Some steps are done to analyse the data and the design of the t-test formula is applied to get the final result. Based on the data calculation, it shows the t-test value is 19.7. The results of t-test and t-table with d.f = 29 at significant level 0.05 is 2.04. It shows that t-test value is higher than t-table (19.7>2.04). It means that the alternative hypothesis is accepted. In conclusion, there is an effect of using a three-step interview technique on students' speaking ability.


Ranadhan Aras, 2019

Ramadhan Aras. 2019. Improving Students' Speaking Skill by using Three Step Interview at Lintasan Imajinasi Bahasa Mahasiswa (LIBAM) IAIN Parepare (Supervised by Magdahalena and Abd. Rauf Ibrahim). English as primary and foreign language has become the key to the world. However, it must be found the way how to be mastered it. One of the skills which are very important is speaking skill because it will help people to communicate and interact each other. This research was carried out at LIBAM IAIN Parepare. In this case, the researcher found that some members of LIBAM IAIN Parepare are still a law in speaking especially in front of their friends or other people. To solve the problem, the researcher used three step interview. This technique is one of student center learning which learners help each other and learn. The objective of the research is to know whether three step interview is able or not to improve the speaking skill of members of LIBAM IAIN Parepare. The population was the members of LIBAM IAIN Parepare and the sample of this research was 25 members. The researcher used pre-experimental design in one group was given pre-test, treatment and post-test design, as for the effect of treatment was judged by the difference between the pre-test and post-test. The success of the treatment is determined by comparing pre-test and post-test score. To collect the data, the researcher used tests that are pre-test and post-test. The researcher also gave questionnaire to know the responses of students to three step intervew. The data were analyzed as a percentage, mean score analyzes and the value of the test. The first result of the data analyzed that the students' achievement on the pre-test was (6,36) and post-test was (7,26) This showed that by using three step interview was a good technique in English learning process at Lintasan Imajinasi Bahasa Mahasiswa (LIBAM) IAIN Parepare. After analyzing the data by using the t-test formula, the result of the t-test value (9,64) is bigger than the t-table value (1,7108).It means that there is a different improvement before and after using three step interview as technique of teaching. The second result of analyzed data that 72% of the students were interested in using three-ste interview, in the other word most of them interested to apply three step interview.


This research was intended to explain the students’ speaking accuracy and fluency through Three-Step Interview Method in class XI-2 of SMA Negeri 2 Bantaeng in the 2011/2012 academic year. This research used A Classroom Action Research (CAR). It had conducted in two cycles; each cycle consisted of four meetings. The subjects of this research were students in class XI-2 involved 40 students. Those consisted of 30 women and 10 men. The researcher took real data from the class to know the students’ speaking ability. The instruments of this research were speaking test and observation sheet in cycle I and in cycle II. The research findings indicated that the Three-Step Interview Method improved the students’ speaking ability covered students’ accuracy and fluency in class XI-2 of SMA Negeri 2 Bantaeng. It was indicated that there was improvement of the students’ speaking ability from diagnostic test to cycle I and from that to cycle II. The students’ diagnostic test of speaking ability was (5.47) and after gave action by using three-step interview method indicated that there was improvement from diagnostic test to cycle I and from that to cycle II. The students’ speaking ability in cycle I was 63.00% and in cycle II become 76.50% and it was classified as good. While the standard target scores 70% one which was categorized good. From these findings, there was a significant improvement of the students’ speaking ability through Three-Step Interview Method. Based on the result finding the research concludes that Three-Step Interview Method can improve the students’ speaking ability.