Tafsir Emansipatoris: Telaah Metodologi Double Movement Fazlur Rahman terhadap Ayat-Ayat Perbudakan di dalam Al Quran (original) (raw)

Hermeneutika Double Movement Fazlur Rahman Dan Signifikansinya Terhadap Penafsiran Kontekstual Al-Qur’An

Rausyan Fikr: Jurnal Ilmu Studi Ushuluddin dan Filsafat

Using hermeneutics as a method of contextual interpretation has begun to be massive in Indonesia, although its compatibility is still debatable. The double movement hermeneutics initiated by Fazlur Rahman is one of the methods widely adopted by Indonesian Muslim scholars in their research. This study tries to investigate the extent to which Fazlur Rahman's theory of double movement influences the development of contextual interpretation theory in Indonesia. This article uses the library research method by operationalizing the historical theory of Kuntowijoyo's thought in order to understand the development of thought more comprehensively. This study concludes that Rahman's double movement hermeneutics provides the basis for the emergence of contextual interpretation theories in Indonesia, such as The Ma'nā cum Maghzā theory and The Tafsīr Maqāshidī theory. The last two theories combine hermeneutics with the Ulūmul Qur'ān and Maqāsid Syarī’ah to formulate a contex...

Tafsir Emansipatoris: Pembumian Metodologi Tafsir Pembebasan

Mumtaz: Jurnal Studi Al-Qur'an dan Keislaman, 2019

This paper aims to describe the emancipatory methodology of interpretation as a method of interpreting the Qur'an that is responsive to socio-cultural conditions and not trapped in the ideological-dogmatic confines of reasoning. This is because the discourse of interpretation is still enlivened by the interpretation which is still focused on the relation of the text to the interpreter only, so that the socio-cultural locus has not been touched, instead of solving social problems based on text. This type of research is library research with a descriptive analysis approach. Data sources in the study are divided into two types, namely: primary in the form of scholarly work that discusses emancipatory interpretation and secondary in the form of books and scientific works related to the science and interpretation of the Qur'an. This research concludes that the emancipatory interpretation treats the text of the scriptures in a space of critical reflection as well as being applied ...

Menggagas Tafsir Emansipatoris Dalam Al-Qur’an (Perspektif Pemikiran Aminah Wadud Dalam Buku Al-Qur’an Wal Mar’ah)

Academic Journal of Islamic Principles and Philosophy

This study aims to present Aminah wadud's interpretation of the Qur'anic view of women which according to her is quite relevant to be studied. Aminah Wadud tries to initiate an emancipatory interpretation of gender equality in human relations without being distinguished by gender. This type of research is library research with a descriptive analysis approach. The writer uses descriptive analysis approach to get a comprehensive understanding and point of view. The conclusion of this study shows that the Qur’an is actually able to adapt subtly to the conditions of women in this contemporary era as fourteen centuries ago where it was able to acculturate nicely with the Arab nation culture. Aminah sees that in the teachings of Islam (the Qur'an) there is no single value that discriminates against the role and position of women. In fact, according to him, many interpretations of gender bias are the source of this discrimination. Because Aminah Wadud tries to give interestin...

Implementasi Teori Tafsir Gerak Ganda Fazlur Rahman Pada Buku Ajar Al-Qur’An Dan Hadist

An-Nida', 2018

Beberapa pemikir Islam sebenarnya mencoba menawarkan alternatif penafsiran terhadap al-Qur'an sebagai jawaban atas perubahan zaman. Salah satunya adalah Fazlur Rahman. Ia menawarkan cara baca terhadap al-Qur'an yang berbeda dengan tradisi penafsiran Islam sebelumnya. Tujuannya adalah agar Islam mampu memecahkan persoalan yang mengganggu kehidupan umat yang meliputi aspek sosial, ekonomi, maupun politik, tanpa harus bersikap reaktif terdahap ide-ide Barat. Buku ajar al-Qur'an dan hadis ini, ternyata masih menggunakan pola penafsiran tradisional. Buku-buku ajar al-Qur'an dan Hadis disusun dengan menggunakan pola tahlili. Metode ini menampilkan teks-teks al-Qur'an dengan penjelasan makna yang dikaji secara global. Berdasarkan tradisi penulisan tafsir tahlili, yang merupakan ciri metode tafsir abad pertengahan, nalar yang dikembangkan bersifat ideologis. Ideologisasi semacam ini tentunya akan menghilangkan nalar kritis siswa, sebab nalar ideologis lebih bersifat indoktrinatif. Penutup berisi tentang kesimpulan yang ditarik secara induktif dari pembahasan serta tafsir yang terdapat pada bagin kedua. Penarikan kesimpulan, sebagaimana telah dijelaskan di atas, dilakukan secara logis dan sistematis. Penarikan ini tidak menggunakan kesimpulan berdasarkan otoritas teks maupun produkproduk otoritatif ortodoksi Islam masa lalu.

Disparatis Riba Dan Bunga Bank; Perspektif Hermeneutika Double Movement Fazlur Rahman

An-Nisbah: Jurnal Ekonomi Syariah, 2020

Abstrak: Artikel ini membahas tentang hermeneutika double movement Fazlur Rahman dalam memahami riba dan bunga bank dalam al-Qur’an. Pendekatan double movement Fazlur Rahman ini merupakan metode berpikir yang bersifat reflektif, bolak-balik antara deduksi dan induksi secara timbal balik, sehingga dapat menghidupkan kembali pintu ijtihad. Menurut Fazlur Rahman, bahwasanya riba dan bunga bank adalah sesuatu yang berbeda, karena riba merupakan sesuatu yang diharamkan dalam al-Qur’an dan hadis. Sedangkan bunga bank diperbolehkan asal tidak berisi pemerasan dan kezhaliman bagi masyarakat. Karena bunga bank sendiri termasuk bagian dari ekonomi modern yang kedudukannya sama penting dengan mekanisme harga. Kata kunci: Hermeneutika, Double Movement, Riba Abstract: This article discusses about Fazlur Rahman's dual movement hermeneutics in discussing usury in the Qur'an. The hermeneutics of Fazlur Rahman's dual movement is a method of thinking that reflects reflective, reversing ba...

Analisis Surat Al-Anfāl Ayat 17: Upaya Mengungkap Sisi Transendental Hermeneutika Double Movement

Jurnal Al-Fanar, 2021

The study of the Koran from a contextual point of view continues to grow. One of the offers that has been continuously studied and applied is the double movement theory initiated by Fazlur Rahman and developed by Abdullah Saeed. The double movement theory emphasizes the socio-historical context of the Koran and the present. To bridge the two periods, a researcher must sensitively take the meaning of the verse being studied or what is called the moral ideal. Thus, the meaning of the purpose of the revelation of the Qur'anic verse will continue to be conveyed at any time. The object of the application of the double movement is indeed law verses, so as to produce a moral ideal that is real or concrete. However, in this study, the researcher found that double movement not only produces concrete moral ideals, but also transcendental ones. The verse studied is the verse of war, surah al-Anfāl verse 17. So that, the result is that the moral ideal which is concrete from this verse is th...

Reformulasi fiqh awal bulan Kamariah (aplikasi teori double movement terhadap ayat-ayat hisab-rukyah dalam merumuskan fiqh awal bulan Kamariah)


Permasalahan metode penentuan awal bulan Kamariah kini belum juga usai. Sebagian ulama berpendapat wajib menggunakan rukyah, sebagian lagi memperbolehkan menggunakan hisab, dan di antara keduanya menggunakan hisab dan rukyah secara bersamaan. Jika dirunut dari awal perbedaan ini terjadi karena perbedaan penafsiran terhadap teks-teks awal bulan Kamariah yang masih bertumpu kepada ad-dila>lah al-lafz}iyah. Istinba>t} al-h}ukm seperti ini bercorak mikroskopik dan subyektif, sehingga tidak pernah terjadi kesepakatan metode penentuan metode awal bulan Kamariah. Instinba>t} al-h}ukm secara mikroskopik tersebut menjadi keperihatinan Fazlur Rahman dan setelah melakukan perjalanan dan refleksi intelektual yang panjang mampu menelurkan master teori Double Movement. Teori ini nantinya akan digunakan oleh penulis untuk membaca ulang teks-teks awal bulan Kamariah. Yang menarik dari teori ini adalah coraknya yang makrskopik dan lebih obyektif karena menggunakan telaah historis dalam mela...

Aplikasi teori double movement tentang studi Masjid Dhirar: Q.S. At Taubah : 107-110


ENGLISH The Double Movement Fazlur Rahman's theory has important implications in interpreting the verses of the Qur'an in contemporary times, because it combines the context of the descent of the Qur'an with the contemporary context. The Dhirar Mosque is often interpreted with funds provided by non-Muslims to build a mosque in breaking the unity of Muslims. This interpretation is considered inappropriate especially when contextualized today, because the situation and conditions are different from the past. The methodology used in this research is the Double Movement theory to obtain the moral ideal and contextualization of the Dhirar mosque. By using this method it is found that the mosque should be a comfortable place to conduct worship activities, without any disturbing elements as used by some groups and others in private. INDONESIA Teori Double Movement Fazlur Rahman memberikan implikasi penting dalam menafsirkan ayat Alquran di zaman kontemporer, karena memadukan ko...

Aplikasi Teori Double Movement Fazlu Rahman Terhadap Hukum Memilih Pemimpin Non-Muslim

Ushuluna: Jurnal Ilmu Ushuluddin, 2020

This article explain about the law choose non-Muslim leader. This article support hipotesa that choose the leader of the non-Muslim legal is may. This article background the back of the events that makes the al-Mā’idah: 51 as the basis of should not choose non-Muslim leader. Most of the mufassir using a view of a conservative in draw the conclusion the law of this verse, and they don’t look the context of when the law is relegated. Therefore, the authors filed theory Fazlu Rahman’s double movement to interpret the law choose non-Muslim leader. The conclusions of the author is choose the leader of the non-Muslim it may be with the condition of certain.