Geology and Exploration of Three Greater Bass Strait Basins, Australia: ABSTRACT (original) (raw)
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Gondwana Research
Sedimentary rocks along the southern margin of Australia host an important record of the 18 break-up history of east Gondwana, as well as fragments of a deeper geological history, which collectively help inform the geological evolution of a vast and largely underexplored 20 region. New drilling through Cenozoic cover has allowed examination of the Cretaceous riftrelated Madura Shelf sequence (Bight Basin), and identification of two new stratigraphic units beneath the shelf; the possibly Proterozoic Shanes Dam Conglomerate and the 1 interpreted Palaeozoic southern Officer Basin unit, the Decoration Sandstone. Recognition of these new units indicates an earlier basinal history than previously known. Lithostratigraphy of the new drillcore has been integrated with that published from onshore and offshore cores to present isopach maps of sedimentary cover on the Madura Shelf. New palynological data demonstrate progression from more localized freshwater-brackish fluviolacustrine clastics in the early Cretaceous (Foraminisporis wonthaggiensis-Valanginian to Barremian) to widespread topography-blanketing, fully marine, glauconitic mudrocks in the mid Cretaceous (Endoceratium ludbrookiae-Albian). Geochronology and Hf-isotope geochemistry show detrital zircon populations from the Madura Shelf are comparable to those from the southern Officer Basin, as well as Cenozoic shoreline and palaeovalley sediments in the region. The detrital zircon population from the Shanes Dam Conglomerate is defined by a unimodal ~1400 Ma peak, which correlates with directly underlying crystalline basement of the Madura Province. Peak ages of ~1150 Ma and ~1650 Ma dominate the age spectra of all other samples, indicating a stable sediment reservoir through much of the Phanerozoic, with sediments largely sourced from the Albany-Fraser and Musgrave Orogens (directly and via multiple recycling events). The Madura Shelf data differ from published data for the Upper Cretaceous Ceduna Delta to the east, indicating significant differences in sediment provenance and routing between the Ceduna Sub-basin and central Bight Basin.
Lower Carboniferous strata are preserved only north of 24°S, but during the Middle Carboniferous to Permian the northern Perth and Southern Carnarvon Basins formed a single intracratonic depositional realm from 32°S to 23°S within the East Gondwana interior rift system. This succession is dominantly of shallow marine to fluvial origin, and is relatively undeformed (outcrop dips rarely exceed 15°) and has not been deeply buried due to a general lack of sedimentation on the eastern margin of the Perth Basin and across the Southern Carnarvon Basin throughout the Triassic–Jurassic and Cenozoic. This guide describes the most informative Carboniferous–Permian outcrops in the basins in terms of stratigraphy, sedimentology and paleontology, but also includes Pleistocene–Holocene localities that have been used as models for carbonate deposition, of which the carbonate banks and stromatolites at Shark Bay are the most renowned. Early Carboniferous deposition in a broad interior sag basin produced two major carbonate–sandstone sequences: the Tournaisian Moogooree Limestone to Williambury Sandstone cycle; and the possible Visean Yindagindy Formation to Harris Sandstone cycle. Carbonates in the basal formations of each cycle, although poorly dated, include microbialites, ooid–peloidal and skeletal grainstones–packstones, indicating warm and occasionally hypersaline conditions. Mid-Carboniferous–Permian deposition in a narrow interior rift, over 1000 km long, was dominated by alternating marine and terrestrial facies with marine conditions increasing to the north. A 5-km thick shallow-marine succession formed in the Merlinleigh Sub-basin in the north, and a somewhat thinner succession, including coal measures, accumulated to the south in the Perth Basin. Carboniferous to early Sakmarian glacially-influenced sediment rapidly infilled the initial basin that had an irregular topography (probably shaped by thick continental ice sheets, and affected by a later phase of the Alice Springs Orogeny). By the mid-Sakmarian, a shallow sea floor with a very low gradient developed throughout the region: water depths probably did not exceed 50 m during the Early–Middle Permian. Subsidence apparently just exceeded sediment influx, and variations in these parameters resulted in distinct depositional cyclicity of several orders. In the post-glacial successions, two major depositional cycles of late Sakmarian to mid-Artinskian and late Artinskian to at least Roadian indicate warming sea conditions during the Sakmarian, with a minor cooling phase during the middle or late Artinskian.