Pengujian Sistem Quest Master Menggunakan Metode Black Box Testing (Studi Kasus: Astra Credit Companies) (original) (raw)

Pengujian Black Box Aplikasi Mobile Menggunakan Katalon Studio (Studi Kasus: ACC Partner PT. Astra Sedaya Finance)


ACCPartner adalah aplikasi yang ditujukan untuk dealer yang sudah terdaftar di sistem perusahaan. Aplikasi yang dikembangkan oleh Astra Credit Companies ini akan melakukan enhancement untuk meningkatkan performa aplikasi. Ketika melakukan enhancement sering terjadi kesalahan-kesalahan yang dilaporkan sebagai sebuah bug . Pengujian manual rentan terjadi human error dan hasil pengujian tidak maksimal. Sehingga perlu dilakukan pengujian automasi untuk mencari tahu kesalahan-kesalahan yang terjadi dan membuat laporan hasil pengujian yang efektif. Pengujian fungsional aplikasi menggunakan metode B lack Box menggunakan alat automasi Katalon Studio. Pengujian ini memberikan hasil yang lebih baik dalam penyajian laporan hasil pengujian.

Pengujian Sistem Acc Mobile Survey (Amos) Menggunakan Metode Black Box Testing


Teknologi saat ini yang menjanjikan kemudahan dan kecepatan pada setiap proses sangat berbengaruh di berbagai bidang. Astra Credit Companies sebagai perusahaan pembiayaan mengembangkan sistem ACC Mobile Survey untuk melakukan survei melalui aplikasi mobile agar proses pengambilan keputusan dapat dipersingkat. Sebelum aplikasi digunakan, pengujian perlu dilakukan untuk memastikan aplikasi dapat berfungsi sesuai dengan alur yang telah ditetapkan pada perancangan awal aplikasi. Guna menemukan pengujian yang paling baik, pengujian dilakukan menggunakan dua cara yaitu manual dan otomatis untuk menemukan perbedaan dan mencari pengujian paling efektif bagi sistem ACC Mobile Survey. Metode black box testing dipilih sebagai metode dalam pengujian karena berfokus kepada fungsionalitas sistem yang diuji dan teknik yang digunakan pada pengujian adalah cause effect graph. Perancangan test case menggunakan teknik cause effect graph memerlukan beberapa tahapan yang dimulai dari proses identifikasi...

Pengujian Black Box Menggunakan Metode Cause Effect Relationship Testing


Effect Relationship Testing.Cause Effect Relationship merupakan cara pengujian dengan melakukan ujicoba yang dilakukan berdasarkan kondisi logikal dan aksi yang berhubungan. Hasil pengujian ini memberikan kesimpulan mengenai kebenaran fungsi dari aplikasi yang diuji serta apa saja kesalahan yang masih terdapat didalamnya. 1. Pendahuluan Aplikasi Revo Uninstaller merupakan aplikasi gratis berbasis desktop yang digunakan untuk melakukan penghapusan atau uninstaller sebuah aplikasi, selain itu juga merupakan aplikasi unistaller yang inovatif karena menggunakan algoritma tingkat lanjut yang cepat. Aplikasi ini memulai scan aplikasi yang terinstall di komputer pada saat aplikasi mulai dijalankan. Kelebihan lain aplikasi ini adalah setelah proses program uninstaller dijalankan, aplikasi akan menghapus file tambahan yang tidak diperlukan, folder, dan registry yang biasanya tersisa pada komputer. Bahkan jika pada proses uninstaller mengalami kegagalan aplikasi ini akan

Pengujian Content Management System (CMS) Sekolahku Menggunakan Metode Black Box Testing Dengan Teknik Boundary Value Analysis

IT-Explore: Jurnal Penerapan Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi

Abstrak – Website yang salah satu fungsinya adalah media penyebaran informasi sudah masuk ke bidang pendidikan. Content management system (CMS) Sekolahku merupakan aplikasi open source yang membantu dalam pengembangan website bahkan menjadi sistem informasi sekolah untuk semua jenjang pendidikan. Terdapat lebih dari 150 jumlah pengguna CMS Sekolahku, tetapi belum dilakukan pengujian sistem. Penelitian ini melakukan pengujian terhadap CMS Sekolahku menggunakan black box testing dengan teknik boundary value analysis yang berfokus pada masukan dan data keluarannya. Tahapan awal adalah menentukan bagian yang diuji dan dipilih 8 form yang diujikan. Kemudian dilakukan pengujian terhadap bagian yang telah dipilih tersebut. Setelah itu terbentuklah sebuah dokumentasi dan hasil pengujian. Terdapat 26 test case dan dihasilkan 18 test case yang sesuai, artinya hasil yang diharapkan sama dengan hasil pengujian. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa CMS Sekolahku sekitar 70% berhasil dan cukup layak untuk d...

Pengujian Black Box pada Perangkat Lunak Sistem Penilaian Mahasiswa Menggunakan Teknik Boundary Value Analysis

Jurnal Informatika Universitas Pamulang, 2020

With this student assessment application, if there is an error in the program, there will be losses for students and universities. The loss that is in the natural student, if this application has an error (trouble) then the student assessment process will be delayed and difficult in the calculation of the value of students and students will be late in obtaining the value. The losses are in the natural universities where students want a quick assessment process but the university cannot calculate quickly and precisely. Method used in this application use black box method with boundary value analysis technique. The boundary value analysis technique measures application's assessment if there is an error when entering data that will be tested in the field to determine the value has been valid or no more errors will be stored in the database. The test is done on the Student assessment form by measuring the upper limit value and lower limit value through several predefined stages for each of the columns in the form. Test results can be input to improve the application. The results of this test can provide reference to the quality testing of the student assessment application by analyzing the functionality of the programs that have been made in accordance with the results expected

Implementasi Black Box Testing pada Aplikasi Sistem Kasir dengan Menggunakan Teknik Equivalence Partitions

Jurnal Teknologi Sistem Informasi dan Aplikasi

Testing an application serves to check whether an application / program is running with what is desired or whether there are still errors / errors that need to be corrected so that the program created into a quality program. Software testing method consists of two types, namely Blackbox testing and Whitebox Testing where many are used in the time of the testers to check the program is appropriate or not with what they want. Testing this time the software that will be tested using the Blackbox testing method, this time testing only has the purpose to check the program being tested whether it is in accordance with the benefits that the manufacturer wants to the program without the tester having to know what program code is used in the application. Testing the Blackbox method is really a variety of one is Equivalence Partitions. which is utilized by us in the testing process this time. This technique is a trial in which the tester inputs data on all pages in the cashier application pro...

Pengujian Perangkat Lunak Sistem Informasi Penilaian Mahasiswa dengan Teknik Boundary Value Analysis Menggunakan Metode Black Box Testing

JOAIIA: Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Innovative Applications, 2020

In this student assessment application, if there is an error program, there will be losses for students and universities. Losses for students, if this application error occurs, then the assessment received by students will experience delays due to the difficulty in the process of calculating student grades and students will be late to receive an assessment. Losses for the university, if there is an error program on this application, the university will suffer losses if students want a rapid decline in grades but the university cannot calculate quickly and accurately. The method used in testing this application uses the black box method with boundary value analysis techniques. Boundary value analysis techniques test the quality of the application by showing that there are still some errors when entering data to be tested in the column to determine whether the input value is valid or not with the lower limit and the upper limit that has been determined. So the problems that occur can cause data stored in the database does not match the expected data. The test is carried out in the Student Rating form by testing the upper and lower limit values through several predetermined stages for each column contained in the form. Test results can be used as input to improve the application. The results of this test can provide a reference for testing the quality of student assessment applications by analyzing the functionality of the program that has been made in accordance with the expected results.

Pengujian pada Aplikasi Penggajian Pegawai dengan menggunakan Metode Blackbox

Jurnal Informatika Universitas Pamulang, 2020

In this employee payroll application, if there is an error program there will be a loss for employees and the company. Losses for employees, if this application program error occurs then the salary reduction will experience delays due to the difficulty in the process of calculating employee salaries and employees will be late in receiving salaries. Losses for the company, if there is an error program in this application, the company will suffer losses if the employee wants a salary reduction quickly but the company cannot calculate quickly and accurately. In solving this problem, the authors use the black box testing method. Black box testing method is a test that sees the results of execution through test data and ensures the function of the software. Black box testing method has several testing techniques, namely Sample Testing, Boundary Value Analysis, Equivalence Partitions and others. From the testing techniques that have been mentioned, we use the Equivalence Partitions testing technique. Equivalence Partitions are tests that refer to data entry on the employee payroll application form, input will be tested and then put together based on the test function, both valid and invalid values. The expected results of this test are a payroll system for employees who are computerized, have standard rules in the process of developing the program so that it is easy to develop and maintain, and can minimize errors in processing salary calculations for employees.

Sistem Monitoring Akademik Mahasiswa Difabel dengan Black Box Testing


The web-based Academic Monitoring System for Students with Disabilities is a software development that aims to monitor the academic activities of students with disabilities. This development needs to be done because the average Grade Point Average (GPA) of students with disabilities is often below the average GPA of their class. This system was developed using the R&D method with a prototyping approach. Based on testing with black box techniques that have been carried out, this system shows the accuracy of success, with feature suitability and user acceptance of the system by 100%. In conclusion, this system can be used as a software tool to monitor the academic activities of students with disabilities.[Sistem Monitoring Akademik bagi Mahasiswa Difabel berbasis web merupakan sebuah pengembangan software yang bertujuan untuk melakukan monitoring kegiatan akademik para mahasiswa penyandang disabilitas. Pengembangan ini perlu dilakukan karena rerata Indeks Prestasi Kumulatif (IPK) maha...