«The Mystery of Iniquity» by Philippe Duplessis-Mornay. On the role of France in support of «black legend» of the Pope Alexander VI (original) (raw)

(Ferreyrolles G. Augustinism and theology in 17th century in France) Феррероль Ж. Августинизм и богословие во Франции XVII века

17th century in the fi eld of the French catholic theology is traditionally called the century of St. Augustine. But how the theological thought of this father was translated in the context of the early modern France? In this paper prof. Gérard Ferreyrolles tries to reconstruct the 17th century augustinism. He highlights three key directions of the theological thought: dogmatic, where the most important was the problem of the Divine Grace; political theology which was in the process of rapid change in the 17th century, and theology of history traditionally considered as a chef-d'oeuvre of the Augustinian thought. But despite the dominance of the augustinism in the 17th century, this trend soon started to gradually decline. Keywords: St. Augustine, augustinism, 17th century, theology of history, doctrine of grace, political theology, theology and early modernity.

«Тевтонский миф». Орден в новейшей французской историографии

Дементьев И.О. «Тевтонский миф». Орден в новейшей французской историографии // Балтийские исследования. Феномен Тевтонского ордена и современность: сб. науч. тр. Вып. 6. Калининград: Изд-во РГУ им. И. Канта, 2010. С. 150—165

Дан обзор книг по истории Тевтонского ордена, изданных на французском языке в 2000-х гг. историками Д. Бюшингер и М. Оливье, а также К. Тоомаспоэгом.

The Pyramid of the Archbishop of Reims. About the Triumphal Motifs in Representing the Image of Cardinal Charls De Lorraine (1525–1574)

Studia Religiosa Rossica: Russian Journal of Religion, 2020

The article examines the triumphal motifs in representing the image of Cardinal Charles de Lorraine, first of all, the cardinal’s emblem in the form of a pyramid, presented in the works of Leonard Limosen. By example of Triumph of Faith it investigates issues of the character identification and an importance of the theme of triumph theme in the representation of the House of Guise. The article traces the dependence of the cardinal’s iconography on the royal one, in accordance with general trends in the French court art of the 16th century, as well as on the humanistic treatises popular at the court. Such as, for example, the Poliphili Hypnerotomachia, which had a impact on the appearance of the pyramid as part of the ceremonial decorations at the residence of the Cardinal in Reims during the coronation of Henry II.

Французская историография XVII в. об Анне Ярославне: рождение мифа / French historiography of the 17th century about Anna Yaroslavna: the birth of the myth

Petersburg historical journal, 2023

The article touches the question of the origins and causes of mythologization in the historical literature of the 17th century of the medieval queen of Franks Anna Yaroslavna (after 1025 — after 1075), daughter of Yaroslav the Wise, Grand Duke of Kiev, and the wife of King Henry I of the Capetian family. It is emphasized that historians of the first Bourbon period broke with the medieval apologetic tradition of French historiography to present their monarchs with impeccable and heroic characters. When assessing the activities of crowned women of the past, the principles of misogyny were applied, emphasizing the rationality and correctness of the application of Salic law, which is especially obvious in the works of S. Dupleix and F.-E. de Mezeray. These historians chose to use the social and political ideas of the French society of the 17th century in relation to Anna Yaroslavna, creating key myths around her name, distorting historical events and her role in the French history. The scientific searches of monk scientists of this time, the Mauristes and Bollandists, due to the imperfection of the methods of working with historical sources used by them, also contributed to the strengthening of these myths around the princess from Ancient Russia.

Usachev A. A New Look at the History of the Veneration of Prince Fyodor the Black // Quaestio Rossica. Vol. 8. 2020. № 5. P. 1787–1794. (In Russian)

Quaestio Rossica, 2020

This review examines Prince Fyodor the Black in Russian History and Culture. Research and Texts (2019) by G. Lenhoff, an American Slavonic scholar, written with the participation of Russian scholars V. P. Efimenko and B. M. Kloss. Regarding the monograph as a very useful work on the history and literature of the Russian Middle Ages, the reviewer makes some remarks. First, it is necessary to clarify the spread of hagiographical texts in mediaeval Russia; second, it is important to consider the history of the veneration of Fyodor the Black in the context of ideological campaigns of the Russian Church and the secular authorities in the mid-sixteenth century; third, a more thorough examination of the account of Fyodor’s life written by Andrei Yuryev is required; and, finally, it is necessary to refer to some works on the hagiography of Tver and Suzdal and on manuscripts. В рецензии рассматривается монография «Князь Федор Черный в русской истории и культуре. Исследование и тексты» (2019), подготовленная американским славистом Г. Ленхофф при участии российских исследователей В. П. Ефименко и Б. М. Клосса. Определяя работу как полезный труд по истории и литературе русского Средневековья, рецензент высказывает и ряд замечаний. К их числу относятся следующие: необходимость прояснить вопрос о степени соотношения распространения житийных и агиографических текстов в средневековой Руси; поместить рассмотрение истории почитания Федора Ярославского в контекст идеологических мероприятий, проводившихся русскими церковными и светскими властями в середине XVI в.; более детально рассмотреть редакцию жития Федора Андрея Юрьева; привлечь ряд работ по тверской и суздальской агиографии, а также по рукописной книге.

«И иномоу бєщинью оучахоу»: Неортодоксальні складові канонічного протистояння кирило-мефодіївської та латинської церковних традицій у світлі «Житія Константина Філософа» другої половини ІХ ст. [in:] Проблеми історії країн Централ. та Схід. Європи. Кам’янець-Подільський, 2022. Вип. 10. С. 310-332.

«И иномоу бєщинью оучахоу»: Неортодоксальні складові канонічного протистояння кирило-мефодіївської та латинської церковних традицій у світлі «Житія Константина Філософа» другої половини ІХ ст., 2022

The article is devoted to the analysis of the 15th chapter of the anonymous «Life of Constantine the Philosopher», written by one of his followers in the second half of the 9th century, who inconsiderable detail described a number of Slavic traditional and prescriptions beliefs, worldview sand pre-Christian, gentile polygamous norms of family and marriage relations, peculiar to the early medieval Moravian communities in the possessions of prince Rastislav. Constantine’s hagiographer constructed his message in the form of accusations brought against the Latin missionaries, the opponents of the Thessalonian brothers in Moravia, for their tolerating or even promoting and practicing the mentioned pagan customs, sacrifi cial practices and unorthodox teachings outside the offi cial doctrines of the Latinor Byzantine Churches. Based on the comparison of the actual hagiographic fragment with other various sources of similar content, as well as by studying the currently known historiographical concepts of the midd-20th – the early 21st centuries, diverse in terms of time and geography, the author made an attempt to determine the origin of all the traditional norms and worldview ideas, mentioned by Constantine’s hagiographer, and therefore to reconstruct the methods of their eradication, used by Constantine-Cyrill in the possessions of the Moravian prince Rastislav in 860-s, and later by the Great Moravian archbishop Methodius as well as by his followers in the state of prince Sviatopluk in 870–880-s. The author comes to conclusion that «The Life of Constantine», on the one hand, refl ected the far-western Iro-Scotian doctrine about the Antipode sand the spherical shape of the Earth, carried over the Morava basin in the fi rst half of the 9thcentury by missionaries of the Bavarian diocese sand monastic communities, particularly from the intellectual and ecclesiastical environment of the Archdiocese of Salzburg; instead, the rest of the prescriptions apparently resulted from the destructive perception of certain Latin patristic ideas by the mainly neophyte Moravian population. On the other hand, the confrontation between the Cyrill-Methodian missionary tradition and the original Latin strategy of non-violent evangelization (due to which the Moravian neophytes preserved their own pagan tradional norms and worldviews for a long period of time) in the lands of the Moimirids is quite clearly evident in the light of Constantine’s legend.