Assessing Combining Ability of Doubled Haploid Maize (Zea mays L.) Breeding Lines for Grain Yield and Yield Components under Heat Stress Condition (original) (raw)
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Agricultural Science Digest, Volume 44 Issue 5: 806-815 (October 2024)
Background: The development of quality protein maize (QPM) hybrids tolerant to terminal stress environments has been an essential strategy for reducing the associated loss in grain yield. A study by Badu-Apraku et al. (2019) employed line tester analysis in QPM breeding, highlighting its efficacy in selecting QPM hybrids. While QPM varieties resistant to disease, drought and environmental stresses have been developed conventionally, the adoption of improved QPM genotypes in farmers’ field is restricted mainly due to lack of proper team effort among maize breeders, farmers, agricultural extension workers and other relevant stakeholders. Methods: In line tester mating design, six lines and three testers were crossed under heat stress environment and 18 F1s along with parental lines were evaluated along with check varietal during summer season, 2023, P.G research farm, CUTM, Paralakhemudi, Odisha. The objective of the current study was to evaluate parental lines and its crosses based on combining ability and heterosis. Result: ANOVA revealed significant to revealed significant differences for all the traits between parents, lines, testers and lines vs testers, except for cob height, chlorophyll content and canopy temperature. σ2GCA/σ2SCA values for parents/hybrids recorded lower than unity for all the trait studied suggesting preponderance of non-additive gene action. Parental lines CML149, CML143 and CML330 are the best general combiners for early flowering, grain yield per plant and antioxidant status. Among eighteen crosses, two hybrids CML149 CML330 and CML143 CML193 recorded significant SCA effects for early flowering, grain yield per plant and antioxidant levels. Hybrids CML149 CML330 (33.31%) and CML143 CML193 (28.31%) noted significant standard heterosis for grain yield per plant over commercial check, HQPM-1. Hybrids CML149 CML330 and CML143 CML193 were resilient to terminal heat stress as they didn’t exhibit signs of leaf firing, tassel blast, root lodging and loss of yield.
In vivo production of maternal haploid plants and advancement in chromosome doubling technology has led to rapid production of doubled haploid homozygous lines. These in turn have boosted rapid advancement in most breeding programs. This has resulted in production of a large number of maize hybrids which need testing across production environments to select the most suitable hybrids for release and cultivation. The objective of this study was to assess the genotype × environment interactions (GE) for grain yield and other agronomic traits and evaluate the performance of 44 recently developed doubled haploids (DH) testcross hybrids along with six checks across five locations in Uganda. Significant mean squares for environment (E), genotype (G) and GE were observed for all studied traits. Environment explained 46.5 % of the total variance, while G and GE contributed 13.2 and 7.2 %, respectively. Genetic correlations among locations were high (0.999), suggesting little GE among environments. The 10 best testcross hybrids had a 49.2 % average grain yield advantage over the six checks at all locations. DH hybrids CKHDHH0887, CKDHH0878, CKDHH0859, WM1210, CKDHH0858, and WM1214 were the most stable, across locations. The DH testcross hybrids produced higher grain yield and possessed acceptable agronomic traits compared to the commercial hybrids developed earlier. Use of the best DH testcross hybrids, well targeted to the production environments, could boost maize production among farmers.
Heterosis for grain yield and its attributes in maize under heat stress
Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry, 2020
In this changing climatic scenario, heat stress is playing a significant role in reducing the grain yield of many important crop plants. Being an allogamous crop, the major breeding approach for increasing the productivity of maize is development of superior hybrids. Hence, 45 F1s generated by crossing 15 heat tolerant double haploid lines with 3 double haploid testers were evaluated along with the parents in a randomized block design with two replications during Summer 2018 at EB II Section, Department of Plant Breeding & Genetics, College of Agriculture, OUAT, Bhubaneswar to estimate the relative heterosis and heterobeltiosis under heat stress. The crosses; ZL155246 × ZL155828, ZL155219 × ZL155828, ZL155235 × ZL154230 and ZL155235 × ZL155828 exhibited highly significant negative relative heterosis as well as heterobeltiosis for days to 50% tasselling and days to 50 % silking. Two crosses viz., ZL155181 × CML451 and ZL155181 × ZL154230 exhibited highly significant negative heterobe...
Combining Ability and Heterosis in Maize ( Zea mays L.)
American Journal of BioScience, 2017
Combining ability for growth parameter and yield components were evaluated in a 7×7 diallel fashion in maize at the research farm of Plant Breeding Division, Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute (BARI), Joydebpur, Gazipur during Rabi season 2013-14 to determine the general combining ability and specific combining ability of parents and the crosses. Significant general and specific combining ability variances were observed for some of the characters. The overall study of gca effects suggested that parent WL3 was significant for general combiner for yield, WL2 and WL3for earliness and WL1 for short stature. These parents could be used in future breeding programme to improve maize yield with desirable traits. The good combiner parents for different traits could be used in hybridization to improve yield as well as with desirable traits as donor parents for the accumulation of favorable genes. For yield improvement in maize both additive and non additive genes should be exploited through a suitable breeding method. However, the crosses WL1×WL6, WL1×WL7, WL4×WL5, WL6×WL7showed high sca effect for kernel yield. The significant positive sca of crosses could be used for commercial variety development after verifying them. The maximum heterosis was recorded in WL1×WL6 (15.60**%) when BHM 7 used as check and heterosis ranged from-56.59 to 15.60%. Only one hybrid WL2×WL7 recorded negative heterosis against BHM 7 for days to maturity.
Combining ability and heterosis in tropical maize (Zea mays L.) under heat stress
Maize cultivars tolerant to heat stress could play a pivotal role in adapting to the intermittent high temperature at critical growth stages and cope-up with climate-change induced high temperature spells. Field experiments were conducted to analyze combining ability and heterotic effects in maize under heat stress and optimal conditions during summer and early spring, 2016. Analysis of variance for combining ability revealed that all the traits except cob height (at Hyderabad) under heat stress and days to 50 per cent silking (at Sabour, Bhagalpur) under optimal conditions, were predominantly governed by non-additive gene action. The study revealed that inbred lines VL1011 and VL1032 were good general combiners for days to 50 per cent anthesis and days to 50 per cent silking, respectively. VL107 was the good general combiner among females for the traits viz., plant height and cob height while, ZL11953 was a good general combiner among females for grain yield (t ha-1). VL128 was a g...
Maydica, 2016
The combining ability and mode of gene action in tropical maize germplasm is not extensively studied. In the present study, a line x tester analysis involving 290 test-cross hybrids developed by crossing 145 tropical maize inbred lines with two testers and four standard checks was conducted for grain yield and other agronomic traits under heat stress during summer 2013 at B gudi agriculture research station. The main objective of the investigation was to study mode of gene action governing the traits under heat stress along with identification of superior inbred lines based on combining ability to develop heat tolerant hybrids. Analysis of variance showed that mean squares for genotypes was highly significant for grain yield, days to anthesis and silking, anthesis silk interval, plant height and ear height under heat stress. The combining analysis for lines (GCA), tester (GCA) and line x tester (SCA) showed significant difference (P < 0.01) for all the traits under study except A...
Heterosis and combining ability analysis for grain yield and its contributing characters in, maize genotypes w was under taken with ten lines and four testers. During kharif season in 2007 the ten inbred lines were crossed with four testers in Line x Tester mating design. Subsequently, in rabi 2007-08 the forty F1 crosses along with standard check and parents were evaluated. The results of combining ability analysis revealed significant mean squares due to general and specific combining ability indicating that both additive and non additive gene actions were important in the inheritance of characters studied. Variances due to specific combining ability (SCA) were larger than general combining ability (GCA) for all the characters indicating the predominance of non additive gene action in the expression of various traits. Among the parents NBML-3053, NBML-3206 and NBML-3085 were found to be best general combiners for grain yield and yield contributing characters. These parents can be used in crossing and further exploited for improvement of traits in the population. Crosses NBML-3082 X NBML-3163, NBML-3027 X NBML-3206 and NBML-3110 X BML-15 with positive and significant specific combining ability (SCA) effects and high heterosis for yield may be exploited for commercial cultivation by testing them over locations and years for their yield stability. Parents CM-208 and NBML-3027 were good general combiners for earliness.
Hetrosis and Combining Ability of Sub Tropical Maize Inbred Lines
Govind Ballabh Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, India has developed a wide array of subtropical maize (Zea mays L.) germplasm, which are well adapted to the subtropics, resistant to major diseases of maize, mature early and are capable of surviving frost that usually comes late in the cropping seasons. The objective of this study was to determine the combining ability of subtropical maize inbred lines and identify appropriate germplasm for hybrid development. P6 was the highest yielding parent and P2 x P7 was the highest yielding cross. Heterosis for grain yield was high in those involving P6 as a parent. Parents P2, P7 and P8 showed significant positive GCA effects and the rest had significant negative GCA effects for gain yield. Parents P2, P7 and P8 could be used for initiating hybrid development work. For grain yield, P1 x P8 was the best specific combiner followed by P5 x P7, P2 x P7, P3 x P4 and P2 x P8 crosses. P7 and P8 manifested a high positive SCA effect wit...
Combining Ability of Maize (Zea mays L.) Inbred Lines under Low- Nitrogen Stress Condition
Low-N stress is among the major abiotic stresses causing yield reductions in maize grown in the midaltitude tropical environments of Africa. Therefore, development of maize varieties for low nitrogen might be one of the option to overcome the problem. The objectives of this study was, therefore, to estimate combining ability of maize inbred lines for yield and yield related traits under low N stress condition. Twenty six inbred lines (two testers and twenty four lines) were crossed using line × tester mating design and generated 48 F1 hybrids and along with two hybrids used as checks (AMH853 and AMH 851), were evaluated using alpha lattice design with two replications for grain yield and yield related traits during 2017 cropping seasons. Analyses of variances showed significant mean squares due to crosses for all traits except for ear per plant. Among the crosses, L5xT2 (4.61tha -1 ), L6xT2 (4.37tha -1 ), L14XT2 (4.31tha -1 ) and L23XT2 (4.14 tha -1 ) better performed .The mean squa...
Euphytica, 2011
Combining ability, heterosis and genetic diversity in tropical maize (Zea mays L.) under stress and non-stress conditions Abstract Drought and low soil fertility are considered the most important abiotic stresses limiting maize production in sub-Saharan Africa. Knowledge of the combining ability and diversity of inbred lines with tolerance to the two stresses and for those used as testers would be beneficial in setting breeding strategies for stress and nonstress environments. We used 15 tropical maize inbred lines to (i) evaluate the combining ability for grain yield (GY), (ii) assess the genetic diversity of this set of inbred lines using RFLP, SSR, and AFLP markers, (iii) estimate heterosis and assess the relationship between F 1 hybrid performance, genetic diversity and heterosis, and (iv) assess genotype 9 environment interaction of inbred lines and their hybrids. The F 1 diallel hybrids and parental inbreds were evaluated under drought stress, low N stress, and well-watered conditions at six locations in three countries. General combining ability (GCA) effects were highly significant (P \ 0.01) for GY across stresses and well-watered environments. Inbred lines CML258, CML339, CML341, and CML343 had the best GCA effects for GY across environments. Additive genetic effects were more important for GY under drought stress and well-watered conditions but not under low N stress, suggesting different gene action in control of GY. Clustering based on genetic distance (GD) calculated using combined marker data grouped lines according to pedigree. Positive correlation was found between midparent heterosis (MPH) and specific combining ability (SCA), GD and GY. Hybrid breeding program targeting stress environments would benefit from the accumulation of favorable alleles for drought tolerance in both parental lines.