Hubungan Pola Asuh Orang Tua Dengan Perilaku Seksual Remaja Akademi Keperawatan (original) (raw)

Hubungan Pola Asuh Orangtua Dengan Perilaku Seksual Remaja

Jurnal Skolastik Keperawatan, 2019

Pendahuluan: Semakin meningkatnya perilaku seksual yang dilakukan oleh remaja dari tahun ke tahun dan hal tersebut berkaitan dengan pola asuh yang diterapkan oleh orangtua sebagai pendidik pertama dalam keluarga. Dalam penelitian ini identifikasi masalah yang pertama adalah bagaimana gambaran pola asuh orangtua, yang kedua adalah bagaimana gambaran perilaku seksual remaja, dan yang ketiga adalah hubungan pola asuh orangtua dengan perilaku seksual remaja. Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi hubungan pola asuh orangtua dengan perilaku seksual remaja. Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif. Metode penelitian menggunakan pendekatan dengan desain deskriptif kuantitatif. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa Sekolah Menengah Atas Advent Martoba Pematangsiantar yang dengan sampel berjumlah 81 orang. Instrumen yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini berupa kuesioner dan data diolah menggunakan rumus dan rentang skala Likert. Hasil: Didapati pola asuh demok...

Hubungan Pola Asuh Orang Tua Dengan Perilaku Seksual Remaja DI SMK Teknologi Migas Pekanbaru

Jurnal Keperawatan Abdurrab, 2019

RELATIONSHIP OF ASUH PARENT PATTERNS WITH SEXUAL BEHAVIOR IN ADOLESCENT IN SMK TECNOLOGY OIL AND GAS MIGAS PEKANBARU TAHUN 2018 Lora Marlita,Yusmaharni,Putri Wulandini S, Erika Siswaty Zega Program Studi D III Keperawatan ABSTRACT Sexual behavior is something that is considered to affect the behavior of self-esteem, parent-child relationships, the tendency to seek sexual sensation, the existence of a deviant peer, and the use of pornographic media. Sexual behavior also occurs, because of the physical changes that occur because of the active sex hormones in the body of a very large influence in the cause of sexual urges. Pattern of parenting is the pattern of interaction between the child and the parents include the fulfillment of physical needs ,and socialization of prevailing norms in the community so that children can live in harmony with their environment. The general purpose of Scientific Writing is To know how the relationship of parental parenting with sexual behavior in adole...

Hubungan Pola Asuh Orang Tua Dengan Masalah Mental Emosional Remaja


The results of WHO research and Basic Health Research in 2013 found that adolescents experience mental emotional problems. One of the factors causing adolescent mental emotional problems is parenting. This study aims to determine the relationship of parenting parents with adolescent mental emotional problems. Descriptive analytic research design, cross sectional approach, a sample of 266 adolescents. The results showed the average authoritarian parenting was 27.31, democratic parenting 30.30, and permissive parenting 29.05. The dominant parenting pattern is democratic parenting. Adolescent mental emotional problems are included in the borderline category with an average score of 18-19. The average age of adolescents is 16-17 years. The sex of adolescents is 54.9% female. Teen education 82% higher education. Parents' occupations 61.7% formal employment. Parents' education is 63.5% highly educated. The socioeconomic level is 58.3% low. There is a relationship between authorita...

Peran Pola Asuh Orang Tua terhadap Perilaku SADARI Remaja Putri

Jurnal Manajemen Kesehatan Yayasan RS.Dr. Soetomo

Kanker payudara masih menjadi masalah serius bagi perempuan di dunia termasukIndonesia. Pemeriksaan payudara sendiri (Sadari) merupakan salah satu pencegahansekunder untuk deteksi dini kanker payudara. Usia muda bukan menjadi jaminanterhindar dari kanker payudara. Tujuan penelitian ini mempelajari hubungan peran polaasuh orang tua terhadap perilaku remaja putri dalam pemeriksaan payudara sendiri(Sadari). Penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan Desember 2021 sampai dengan Februari2022 di SMK Darul Ulum Kraksaan Probolinggo. Merupakan penelitian observasionalanalitik dengan design cross sectional. Populasi penelitian adalah semua remaja putri kelas X, XI, XII SMK Darul Ulum Probolinggo sebesar 75 orang, teknik sampling menggunakan total sampling sehingga diperoleh sampel sebesar 75 orang. Datadikumpulkan dengan menggunakan kuesioner Parenting Style Questionnaire (PSQ) dankuesioner Sadari yang dikembangkan dari penelitian sebelumnya. Selanjutnya datadianalisis dengan uji statistik spearman ...

Hubungan Pola Asuh Orang Tua terhadap Kemandirian Anak Usia Dini di RA X

Jurnal Riset Pendidikan Guru Paud, 2022

Educating children through the parenting approach is aimed at the children's success in the future, though parents' status and education are influential in educating early childhood. Those determine the children's parenting pattern in independence education. Because children's independence is necessary for them, so they can do things without help. The aims of this study are (1) determining the students' independence level at Nabila Islamic early childhood education; and (2) understanding the relationship between parenting approaches in creating the students' independence early childhood at Nabila Islamic early childhood education. This research uses a quantitative method with a correlational approach. in addition, the researcher uses this method, for the researcher will discuss two interrelated variables to test the current hypothesis. The results of the study are (1) the lowest value of parents' parenting approach is at 8, and the highest value is at 15. The average value is 12.26 and, the standard deviation is 1.65; and (2) in addition, the Independence value shows 30.0% in the high category, 50% in the medium category, and 20.0% in the low category. Looking at the previous value, the researcher hopes this research is able to help parents in understanding the importance of parenting aspects inside of a family. in addition, parents should adjust the parenting applied in their family by adopting appropriate parenting patterns, in order to increase the independence of early childhood and instil noble values in forming children's independence and character.

Hubungan Pola Asuh Orang Tua Terhadap Perilaku Dan Emosi Remaja


Data regarding emotional and behavioral disorders experienced by children is increasing every year. If this problem is not resolved properly, it will have a bad impact on the development of the teenager in the future, especially on character maturation. This study aims to analyze the relationship between parenting and adolescent behavior and emotions. This research is in the form of observational analytic with a cross-sectional method. The total sample consisted of 542 students from seven junior high schools in Surabaya which were taken by total sampling. The instruments used were KPAA to assess the type of parenting style and PSC-17 to assess the type of disorder indication. The data were analyzed univariately to determine the demographic distribution of the sample, and the bivariate test used the chi-square test to determine the relationship between parenting patterns and behavioral and emotional disorders in adolescents. The highest parenting is permissive (81.5%), authoritarian ...

Hubungan Pola Asuh Orang Tua Dengan Hasil Belajar Pkn Siswa SD Negeri 2 Caracas

EduBasic Journal: Jurnal Pendidikan Dasar

Parenting style is a way that parents use in trying various strategies to encourage children to achieve the desired goals. Parenting style is a reflection of parental behavior that is applied to children. It affects the learning achievement in schools, especially for elementary school children. This study aimed to determine (1) the relationship between parenting style with Civics learning outcomes, and (2) the parenting style applied by parents in democratic, authoritarian and permissive types. This research was conducted at State Primary School 2 of Caracas in 2018/2019 academic year. This research used a quantitative approach with the correlation method analysis. The subjects were 38 students in fifth grade. The data collection techniques were in the form of observation and questionnaires. The hypothesis test of this research was the product moment correlation coefficient analysis. The results of this study indicate that there is a positive relationship between parenting style wit...

Hubungan Pola Asuh Orang Tua Dengan Prestasi Belajar Mahasiswa S1 Keperawatan Semester I Stikes Buleleng


Pendahuluan: Salah satu tujuan dari proses belajar mengajar adalah adanya perubahan tingkah laku baik aspek pengetahuan (kognitif), sikap (afektif), maupun aspek psikomotorik. Salah satu perubahan aspek kognitif siswa dapat dilihat dari indeks prestasi yang diperoleh. Indeks prestasi dijadikan sebagai tolak ukur penguasaan akademik siswa. Prestasi belajar yang dicapai siswa pada hakekatnya merupakan pencerminan dari usaha belajar. Dalam mencapai prestasi yang memuaskan selain harus belajar juga ditunjang dengan penerapan pola asuh yang tepat dari orang tua pada anak. Metode:jenis penelitian survey analitik dengan rancangan cross sectional, sampel dalam penelitian ini 54 responden dengan Teknik total sampling. Hasil:Hasil analisa data dengan uji Spearman's rho di dapatkan nilai (0,000) atau p<α (0,05). Kesimpulan:Dari hasil penelitian tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa terdapat Hubungan Pola Asuh Orang Tua Dengan Prestasi Belajar Mahasiswa S1 Keperawatan Semester I

Hubungan Pola Asuh Orang Tua Terhadap Mindset Remaja Awal DI Kota Bandung

NUSRA: Jurnal Penelitian dan Ilmu Pendidikan

Recent research has found that the Growth Mindset increases one's motivation and achievement, both in academics, sports and work (Dweck, 2006). Individuals with a Growth Mindset will live themselves in the learning zone, and understand that their abilities can continue to develop in line with their efforts so they don't give up easily when facing challenges. Mindset is built through experiences and messages that individuals get when interacting with their environment. This study wanted to find out whether parenting style, which is a series of interaction patterns between children and parents (Santrock, 2014), has a relationship with mindset. Research on the relationship between parenting style and mindset of early adolescents will be examined in junior high school students in "X" Bandung City. It is planned that the research will involve 500 students. Parenting style will be measured using the Scale of Parenting Style constructed by Gafoor & Kurukkan (2014) based o...

Hubungan Pengetahuan Dan Pola Asuh Orang Tua Terhadap Perilaku Seks Remaja DI Sman 15 Jakarta

Jurnal Fisioterapi dan Kesehatan Indonesia, 2024

Great growth and development occurs during adolescence. This growth and development is not only physical, but also psychological and intellectual. This phase makes teenagers have a great sense of curiosity about developments that occur in themselves. This curiosity must receive special attention from the environment, especially parents. Parental parenting styles will influence adolescent development and will have an impact on their psychological development. The aim of this research is to determine the relationship between parental knowledge and parenting patterns on adolescent sexual behavior at SMAN 15 Jakarta. This type of quantitative research with a cross-sectional approach. The total sample was 94 people from the entire student population of SMAN 15 Jakarta using a simple random sampling technique. Analysis was carried out using Fisher's exact test. The results of the univariate analysis of teenagers at SMAN 15 Jakarta mostly had nonrisky sexual behavior at 88.3%, good knowledge at 73.4%, and authoritarian parenting at 56.4%. The bivariate results showed no relationship between adolescent knowledge and sexual behavior, namely p value: 0.604 (OR: 1.040), there was a relationship between parental parenting and adolescent sexual behavior with the result p value: 0.023 (OR: 8.444). It is hoped that the school will collaborate with the local Community Health Center to provide regular assistance to SMAN 15 Jakarta students to increase their knowledge, especially regarding reproductive health.