Anaerobic Digestion of Abattoir Waste: A Combined Strategy for Biogas and Biofertilizer Production, and Waste Management (original) (raw)

Anaerobic treatment of abattoir waste: Biogas production and correlation parameter in a batch reactor system

Journal of Water Process Engineering, 2020

In developing countries, the continuous need to increase meat production for the growing population has resulted in upsurge in the number of abattoirs or slaughterhouses within their major cities. Most of these abattoirs release huge amount of wastewater to the environment with little or no concern for resultant health effects. In this study, anaerobic digestion for biological treatment of abattoir waste in a batch reactor system was investigated. Correlation parameters that relate average gas production rate and working volume of digester were also developed. Abattoir wastewater was anaerobically digested for 30 d. During the period, the pH, temperature, chemical oxygen demand (COD), total solid (TS), and total volatile solid (TVS) were determined every 24 h. In 30 d, 30.9 L of biogas was produced with average daily yield of 1.03 L. A total of 84.1% of COD, 83% of TVS and 77% of TS were removed after the digestion period. These parameters were used to develop correlations between the average gas production rate and working volume of digester based on reduced COD, TVS and TS; and this was found to be in good agreement with the obtained experimental results.

Bacterial ecology of abattoir wastewater treated by an anaerobic digestor

Brazilian journal of microbiology : [publication of the Brazilian Society for Microbiology]

Wastewater from an anaerobic treatment plant at a slaughterhouse was analysed to determine the bacterial biodiversity present. Molecular analysis of the anaerobic sludge obtained from the treatment plant showed significant diversity, as 27 different phyla were identified. Firmicutes, Proteobacteria, Bacteroidetes, Thermotogae, Euryarchaeota (methanogens), and msbl6 (candidate division) were the dominant phyla of the anaerobic treatment plant and represented 21.7%, 18.5%, 11.5%, 9.4%, 8.9%, and 8.8% of the total bacteria identified, respectively. The dominant bacteria isolated were Clostridium, Bacteroides, Desulfobulbus, Desulfomicrobium, Desulfovibrio and Desulfotomaculum. Our results revealed the presence of new species, genera and families of microorganisms. The most interesting strains were characterised. Three new bacteria involved in anaerobic digestion of abattoir wastewater were published.

EFFECTIVE MICROORGANISMS (EM) AS BIOFEEDERS FOR ANAEROBIC DIGESTION Keywords: animal production biogas cattle digesters waste management

Revista Engenharia Agricultura, 2017

Soil microorganisms called Effective Microorganisms (EM) were first cultivated and used in the 1970s. Researches about these cultures have since then demonstrated their effectiveness in improving soil characteristics and as an alternative for accelerating organic matter decomposition in waste treatment systems. The objective of this study was to test whether the addition of EM to substrates incubated in anaerobic digesters would increase the efficiency of waste treatment and biogas production. EM cultures were obtained from bacterial colonies captured within the A-horizon of a Brazilian forest soil. They were left to grow during 15 days on cooked rice contact with the soil; afterwards, the established colonies were separated according to their colors, discarding all shades of black, gray and white, according to recommendations from related literature. Remaining colonies were further grown in sugarcane broth medium for 18 days, being this the final EM culture. Twelve bench digesters were used, each with a total capacity for three liters. The experiment was composed by four treatments consisting of different concentrations of EM inoculum [15% (T1), 10% (T2), 1% (T3) and 0% (T4)] applied to dairy cattle manure, with three replications per treatment. Anaerobic digestion was carried out under controlled temperature (35 o C) over 99 days. Data collected included concentrations of total, fixed and volatile solids (TS, FS and VS), pH and Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD). The pH of the EM inoculum was 3.34 and COD was 24.25 mg L-1. The best reduction efficiencies for COD and TS removal were 79.44% and 42.50%, respectively, in T4. Among the treatments with EM addition, 1% (T3) resulted in better COD reduction. The maximum accumulated biogas production was 20.60 L biogas L substrate-1 , also for T3. In conclusion, EM as an inoculum in low concentrations may be advantageous to anaerobic digestion. Palavras-chave: produção animal biogás gado digestores manejo de resíduos MICRORGANISMOS EFICIENTES (ME) COMO BIOALIMENTADORES PARA DIGESTÃO ANAERÓBIA RESUMO Microrganismos benéficos ao solo, nomeados "Microrganismos Eficientes" (ME) foram cultivados e utilizados nos anos 70. Pesquisas sobre tal cultura tem demonstrado sua eficiência na melhoria das características do solo e também como forma alternativa de acelerar a decomposição da matéria orgânica em sistemas de tratamento de resíduos. O objetivo desse estudo foi testar se a adição da cultura ME como inóculo a substratos incubados em digestores anaeróbios aumentaria a eficiência do tratamento de resíduos. A cultura ME foi obtida de colônias capturadas no horizonte A do solo em uma floresta brasileira. Elas foram desenvolvidas em arroz cozido posto em contato com o solo por um período de 15 dias, após o qual as colônias estabelecidas foram separadas de acordo com padrões de cores, sendo descartadas as de tons cinza, preto e branco, conforme recomendado. As colônias remanescentes foram transferidas para o meio de caldo de cana, onde se desenvolveram por mais 18 dias, sendo esta a cultura ME. Foram utilizados 12 biodigestores de bancada, com capacidade total de três litros cada. Foram aplicados quatro tratamentos, referentes às diferentes adições de ME como inóculo [15% (T1), 10% (T2), 1% (T3) e 0% (T4)] a esterco de bovino de leite, com três repetições por tratamento. A digestão anaeróbia foi conduzida sob condição de temperatura controlada (35ºC), durante 99 dias. Os dados coletados incluíram concentrações de sólidos totais, fixos e voláteis (ST, SF e SV), pH e Demanda Química de Oxigênio (DQO). O pH do inóculo ME foi de 3,34 e sua DQO foi de 24,25 mg L-1. As maiores eficiências de redução de DQO e de ST foram de 79,44% e 42,50%, respectivamente para T4. Dentre os tratamentos com adição de ME, 1% (T3) resultou em melhor eficiência de redução de DQO. A produção máxima acumulada foi de 20,60 L de biogás por L de substrato, também para T3. Concluiu-se que o uso do ME como inóculo, em baixa concentração, pode ser vantajoso para a digestão anaeróbia.

Microbial Anaerobic Digestion (Bio-Digesters) as an Approach to the Decontamination of Animal Wastes in Pollution Control and the Generation of Renewable Energy

International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2013

With an ever increasing population rate; a vast array of biomass wastes rich in organic and inorganic nutrients as well as pathogenic microorganisms will result from the diversified human, industrial and agricultural activities. Anaerobic digestion is applauded as one of the best ways to properly handle and manage these wastes. Animal wastes have been recognized as suitable substrates for anaerobic digestion process, a natural biological process in which complex organic materials are broken down into simpler molecules in the absence of oxygen by the concerted activities of four sets of metabolically linked microorganisms. This process occurs in an airtight chamber (biodigester) via four stages represented by hydrolytic, acidogenic, acetogenic and methanogenic microorganisms. The microbial population and structure can be identified by the combined use of culture-based, microscopic and molecular techniques. Overall, the process is affected by bio-digester design, operational factors and manure characteristics. The purpose of anaerobic digestion is the production of a renewable energy source (biogas) and an odor

Evaluating input parameter effects on the overall anaerobic co-digestion performance of abattoir and winery solid wastes

Bioresource Technology Reports, 2021

This study focused on biochemical methane potential (BMP) from recalcitrant abattoir and winery solid wastes, to evaluate the effects of various input parameters on the overall anaerobic co-digestion (AcoD) performance. Standard BMP protocols were employed. The parameters evaluated were co-substrate-ratio of abattoir solid (As), winery solid (Ws) and cow blood (Cb) in binary and ternary combinations (1:1, 2:3 and 1:1:3), food-tomicroorganism ratio (F/M) (0.5-2) and volatile solids (VS) concentration (5-20 gVSL − 1). A combination of zebra dung and ruminal contents served as inoculum. Methane production was simulated by curve-fitting kinetic models. Highest methane yields of 369.56 and 354.13 NmLCH 4 /gVSadded were obtained from co-digested substrates AsWs and CbWs respectively. All models used showed methane production profiles with over 90% accuracy. An increase in F/M and VS concentration reduced the overall digestion performance. This suggests an improvement in the valorisation of abattoir and winery wastes for full-scale AD plants.

Anaerobic digestion of slaughterhouse waste: Main process limitations and microbial community interactions

Bioresource Technology, 2011

Fresh pig/cattle slaughterhouse waste mixtures, with different lipid-protein ratios, were characterized and their anaerobic biodegradability assessed in batch tests. The resultant methane potentials were high (270-300 L CH 4 kg À1 COD ) making them interesting substrates for the anaerobic digestion process. However, when increasing substrate concentrations in consecutive batch tests, up to 15 g COD kg À1 , a clear inhibitory process was monitored. Despite the reported severe inhibition, related to lipid content, the system was able to recover activity and successfully degrade the substrate. Furthermore, 16S rRNA gene-based DGGE results showed an enrichment of specialized microbial populations, such as b-oxidizing/proteolitic bacteria (Syntrophomonas sp., Coprothermobacter sp. and Anaerobaculum sp.), and syntrophic methanogens (Methanosarcina sp.). Consequently, the lipid concentration of substrate and the structure of the microbial community are the main limiting factors for a successful anaerobic treatment of fresh slaughterhouse waste.

Anaerobic Digestion of Animal Wastes: Factors to Conside r


Cows and calves. Photo by Lynn Betts. All photos this page courtesy of USDA/ARS. Introduction Rising energy prices, broader regulatory requirements, and increased competition in the marketplace are causing many in American agriculture’s livestock sector to consider anaerobic digestion of animal wastes. They view the technology as a way to cut costs, address environmental concerns, and sometimes generate new revenues.

Anaerobic digestion and agricultural application of organic wastes


The anaerobically digestion and agricultural application of organic wastes was conducted using food wastes and cow dung. Twenty kilograms each of the feed stocks was added into two 30 liters-capacity batch digesters. The anaerobic digestion was carried out within a temperature range of 25 – 31O C for a retention time of 51days. The results showed a cumulative gas yield of 5.0 bars for food waste and no gas production for cow dung within the retention time. Bacteria such as Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Proteus vulgaris and Clostridium sp were isolated. Fungi isolated included Aspergillus niger, Aspergillus nidulan, Trichophyton rubrum and Epidermophyton flocossum. The non-dispersive infrared (NDIR) analysis of the biogas produced confirmed that the gas consisted of CH4, CO2 and H2. Statistical analysis revealed there was no significant correlation between temperature and biogas produced from the organic wastes (r= 0.177, p = 0.483).The organic wast...

Anaerobic digestion of solid slaughterhouse waste (SHW) at laboratory scale: Influence of co-digestion with the organic fraction of municipal solid waste (OFMSW)

Biochemical Engineering Journal, 2008

Mesophilic anaerobic digestion of slaughterhouse waste (SHW) and its co-digestion with the organic fraction of municipal solid waste (OFMSW) have been evaluated. These processes were carried out in a laboratory plant semi-continuously operated and two setups were run. The first setup , with a hydraulic retention time (HRT) of 25 days and organic loading rate (OLR) of 1.70 kg VS m −3 day −1 for digestion, and 3.70 kg VS m −3 day −1 for co-digestion, was not successful. The second setup was initiated with an HRT of 50 days and an OLR of 0.9 kg VS m −3 day −1 for digestion and 1.85 kg VS m −3 day −1 for co-digestion. Under these conditions, once the sludge had been acclimated to a medium with a high fat and ammonia content, it was possible to decrease the HRT while progressively increasing the OLR to the values used in the first setup until an HRT of 25 days and OLRs of 1.70 and 3.70 kg VS m −3 day −1 , for digestion and co-digestion, respectively (the same conditions of the digesters failures previously). These digesters showed a highly stable performance, volatile fatty acids (VFAs) were not detected and long chain fatty acids (LCFAs) were undetected or only trace levels were measured in the analyzed effluent. Fat removal reached values of up to 83%. Anaerobic digestion was thus found to be a suitable technology for efficiently treating lipid and protein waste.

Biogas‐producing microbial composition of an anaerobic digester and associated bovine residues

MicrobiologyOpen, 2019

Influenced by feedstock type and microbial inoculum, different microbial groups must precisely interact for high‐quality biogas yields. As a first approach for optimization, this study aimed to identify through time the biogas‐producing microbial community in a 10‐ton dry anaerobic digester treating cattle manure by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) and metagenomics. Moreover, the associated bovine residues or feedstocks (leachate, manure, oxidation lagoon water, rumen) were also characterized to determine their contribution. A diverse and dynamic community characterized by Bacteria (82%–88%) and a considerable amount of Archaea (8%–15%) presented profiles particular to each stage of biogas production. Eukaryotes (2.6%–3.6%), mainly fungi, were a minor but stable component. Proteobacteria represented 47% of the community at the start of the run but only 18% at the end, opposite to the Bacteroidetes/Chlorobi group (8% and 20%, respectively), while Firmicutes (12%–18%) an...