Ethnographic-based discourse analysis: Uses, issues and prospects (original) (raw)
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The purpose of this article is to present a methodological model for analyzing the ethnographic discourse of an interdisciplinary team, which I have developed during research that examined such discourse in a special education school. This methodological model includes a processing tool for mapping and organizing data, as well as an applied methodological tool for analyzing discourse results in the form of a scheme of key-words. The analysis of discourse results is conducted along two axes of comparison: the meaning of the key word for the professional who uses it, and the meaning of the same key word for his/her interlocutors, that is, professionals from other fields. In addition, the article addresses the specific issues of collection, mapping, and analysis of data in this combined method.
Ethnography and Discourse Analysis
Este artigo examina a relação entre etnografia e análise de discurso. Começa delineando a variação considerável nos tipos de trabalho que se abrigam sob um desses termos. Similitudes e tensões entre essas abordagens são assim investigadas. O que tem sido descrito como a 'recente crítica radical de entrevistas' é usado como um modo de explorar as orientações colidentes de alguns tipos de etnografia e análise de discurso. Esta avaliação crítica está fundamentada em argumentos que podem ser encontrados dentro da etnografia, mas também têm sido motivados por algumas formas de análise de discurso. Na parte final do texto, sugere-se, que há boas razões para qualificar os argumentos construídos na crítica radical e que o valor da prática analítica discursiva é mais bem compreendida dentro de uma visão etnográfica menos restritiva. PALAVRAS-CHAVE: discurso, etnografia, entrevistas. * Uma primeira versão deste artigo foi apresentada em um seminário na Faculdade de Ciências Sociais da Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdã, Holanda, em outubro de 2004. Agradeço aos participantes naquele seminário e, especialmente, ao Harry van den Berg, por suas contribuições à minha reflexão sobre estas questões. Unido. Sua pesquisa inicial foi em sociologia educacional, no entanto, a maior parte de seu recente trabalho está relacionado a questões metodológicas em torno de pesquisa educacional e social. Atualmente, dedica-se a dois projetos de pesquisa, respectivamente, um relacionado com a representação de resultados de pesquisa na mídia de massa e o outro com a natureza de comunidades de pesquisa. Seus mais recentes livros
Discourse Analysis in Educational Research
Discourse analysis as a method of inquiry has improved our collective understanding of teaching and learning processes for at least four decades. This chapter provides some historical context for understanding the emergence of discourse analysis within educational research, describes some of the different ways that discourse analysis continues to be used and useful in educational research, and synthesizes scholarship that has influenced how discourse analysis has enhanced educational research. It explores key contributions in the study of discourse, including how underlying social systems shape (and are shaped by) interaction, how identities are constructed in and through talk, the relationship between interaction and learning in both formal and informal educational contexts, and how embodiment, multimodality, and virtual spaces offer new sites of analysis, which raises important questions about what new modes of communication imply for discursive methods of research and representation. It also covers four major approaches to discourse analysis in education – anthropological, narrative, classroom-based, and critical – and shows that the study of language and discourse in education has blossomed into a dynamic and interdisciplinary endeavor. Although educational researchers using discourse analysis as a method/tool of inquiry continue to wrestle with questions of context, definitions of “text,” and notions of discourse, this approach to inquiry remains extremely useful and influential. After describing recent advances in the study of discourse within educational research and the problems and challenges that remain, the chapter concludes with a discussion of future directions and suggests recommended additional reading.
Ethnographic discourse analysis and social science
… /Forum: Qualitative Social …, 2011
Drawing on the perspectives of ethnography and discourse analysis, this paper first gives an overview of the emerging body of research bringing together the epistemologies and the methods of these two perspectives. It then presents a novel analytical framework for computer-assisted ethnographic discourse analysis. The paper outlines how close analysis of discursive practices – in this case journalistic writing practices – can provide insights into struggles over meaning and hegemony in contemporary knowledge work. The case study explores the production of a financial news story about the supply of gas to French consumers, and the way the practices in question subtly write Russia as a threat.
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This review presents theoretical underpinnings supporting microethnographic-discourse analytic (ME/DA) approaches to studying educational phenomena. The review is presented in two parts. Part 1 provides an analytic review of two seminal reviews of literature that frame theoretical and methodological developments of microethnography and functions language in classrooms with diverse learners. Part 2 presents two telling case studies that illustrate the logic-of-inquiry of (ME/DA) approaches. These telling case studies make transparent how theoretical considerations of cultural perspectives on education inform decisions regarding research methodology. Telling Case Study 1 makes transparent the logic-of-inquiry undertaken to illustrate how microanalyses of discourse and action among participants in a physics class provided an empirical grounding for identifying how different groups undertook a common task. This case study shows how ethnographically informed discourse analyses formed a foundation to theoretically identify social processes of knowledge construction. Telling Case Study 2 makes transparent multiple levels of analysis undertaken to examine ways that creative processes of interpretation of art were communicated and taken up in an art studio class across multiple cycles of activity. Taken together, these telling case studies provide evidence of how ME/DA provides a theoretically grounded logic-of-inquiry for investigating complex learning processes in different educational contexts.
Discourse analysis and ethnomethodological discourse analysis
Matrizes, 2014
This paper aims to present and discuss a range of theoretical perspectives towards discursive phenomena, in particular the different research techniques broadly known as , as well as the. After presenting the core assumptions of these approaches, we discuss their potential to analyze phenomena of discursive interaction, face-to-face or technologically mediated. We believe that, by focusing on the pragmatic aspects of discourse, an ethnomethodological approach to discourse may represent an important contribution for media interaction studies.