Zonulin and I-FABP are markers of enterocyte damage in celiac disease (original) (raw)

Zonulin — regulation of tight contacts in the brain and intestine — facts and hypotheses

Biomeditsinskaya Khimiya

In recent years, the interrelationship between the brain and the gut has become an area of high scientific interest. The intestine is responsible not only for digestion, as it contains millions of neurons, its own immune system, and affects the emotional and cognitive processes. The relationship between the gut and the brain suggests that the processes carried out by the gut microbiota play a significant role in the regulation of brain function, and vice versa. A special role here is played by intercellular tight junctions (TJ), where the zonulin protein holds an important place. Zonulin, an unprocessed precursor of mature haptoglobin, is the only physiological modulator of intercellular TJ that can reversibly regulate the permeability of the intestinal (IB) and blood-brain (BBB) barriers in the human body. BBB disruption and altered microbiota composition are associated with many diseases, including neurological disorders and neuroinflammation. That is, there is a gut-brain axis (G...

The Role of Non-Invasive Markers of Enterocyte Damage and Increased Permeability in the Pathogenesis of Celiac Disease

Effective Pharmacotherapy, 2021

Celiac disease (CD) is an immune-mediated enteropathy characterized by atrophy/damage to the mucous membrane of the small intestine in genetically susceptible individuals in response to gluten administration. In CD morphology, atrophy is the result of increased enterocyte apoptosis due to autoimmune inflammation. Since the enterocyte is an anatomical and functional unit of the mucous membrane of the small intestine, responsible for the barrier function and for the absorption of nutrients, to understand the pathogenesis of CD, the study of the processes of restoration of the mucosa is of paramount importance. Antibodies to tissue transglutaminase, antibodies to deamidated gliadin peptides, antibodies to endomysium, which are used to monitor disease activity and represent the body's immune response, can only indirectly indicate the degree of damage/recovery of enterocytes. During histological examination it is not always possible to assess the degree of damage at the cellular leve...

The stomach as the target organ of celiac disease

Pediatrician (St. Petersburg), 2018

The aim of this study was to observe the features of chronic gastritis in children with celiac disease (СD). Materials and methods. 176 children with chronic gastritis (CG) aged from 3 to 16 years were examined. Group I consisted 58 child ren with CG and newly diagnosed CD not adherent to the gluten-free diet (GFD), group II consisted 49 children with CG and CD, adherent to the GFD. In the group III of comparisons were 69 children with CG and excluded CD. The exa mination included serological, morphological methods to confirm or exclude CD. The histological examination of the biopsy specimens of the gastric mucosa, the determination of antiparietal antibodies by the method of iIFR and ELISA (antibodies to Castle’s intrinsic factor and Anti-H+/K+ ATPase antibodies) were carried out. Results. Helicobacter pylori infection was diagnosed in vast majority of patients in all groups. Autoantibodies to the gastric mucosa were found in every tenth patient in groups I and III, and did not occ...

Successful Diagnosтic and Treatment of Enteropathy with Impaired Membrane Digestion by FODMAP-diet and Rebamipid

Effective Pharmacotherapy

A decrease in the activity of disaccharidases in the duodenal mucosa made it possible to establish in patient K. enteropathy with impaired membrane digestion (EIMD). An increase in the activity of disaccharidases in the distal ileum during EIMD is a verification of the formation of a compensatory reaction according to the type of proximodistal gradients. Treatment with the cytoprotector rebamipide for 12 weeks increases the enzymatic activity of the small intestine in EIMD.

Comorbidity of functional bowel disorders and obesity in terms of microbiome

Acta Biomedica Scientifica

Bacterial ecosystem of the gut plays a fundamental role in the normal functioning of the metabolic and immune systems. Functional bowel disease and obesity are highly prevalent in the population and place a heavy burden on healthcare system. Both comorbidity and multimorbidity are considered to be common for obesity and intestinal functional disorders. Changes in the microbiota can be both the cause and consequence of each disease: intestinal functional disorder changes the composition of the microbiota, resulting in obesity, and vice versa. Intestinal functional disorders and obesity are characterized by a similar type of dysbiosis.The aim of the review is to analyze the research findings available to date in order to establish the relationship between the gut microbiome, functional bowel disease and obesity. The researches have shown that patients with intestinal functional disorders have a different gut microbiome than healthy individuals. For intestinal functional disorders, the...

Diagnosis of celiac disease in routine clinical practice

Pediatr (Sankt-Peterburg), 2014

During 10 years there has been conducted the purposeful clinical and laboratory investigation of 1775 children aged from 6 months to 18 years. In all patients antibodies to glyadin and tissue transglutaminase have been defined. 494 (27,83 %) children with positive serological markers have been send to endoscopic investigation with subsequent morphological investigation of biopsy material. In selective sampling of children the morphologically confirmed celiac disease is occurred with the frequency 1 to 40. Morphometric indices of duodenum mucous membrane are characterized with decrease of mucous membrane thickness, height of villi, ratio of villi height to depth of crypts. As a compensation crypts depth and a number of interepithelial lymphocytes are increased. Small changes correspond to manifest form of celiac disease. Probability of morphological confirmation of celiac disease diagnosis is higher in children to 7 years old.

Gastrointestinal risk factors for anemia in children with celiac disease

Pediatrician (St. Petersburg), 2020

With oral intake, iron absorption in patients with celiac disease (CD) is reduced due to the decreased absorption surface of the atrophic small intestine mucous membrane. Besides, there are additional risk factors for anemia whose mechanisms are unclear.The aimof this study was to evaluate gastrointestinal risk factors for anemia in children. Materialsand methods.The first group consisted of 58 children with newly diagnosed CD who did not adhere to the gluten-free diet(GFD). The second group included 49 children with CD who hasnt been adhering to the GFD. The third group included 69children with chronic gastritis (CG) without CD. In addition to the standard examination, which includes the determination of antibodies to tissue transglutaminase and histological examination of the duodenum mucous membrane, a histological evaluation of the gastric mucosa, determination of pepsinogen 1 and 2 and their ratio, antibodies to Castles intrinsic factor were performed. Results.The mean level of...

The Effect of the Gluten-Free Diet on the Metabolic Activity of the Intestinal Microbiota in Patients with Celiac Disease

Эффективная фармакотерапия, 2022

Эти данные косвенно указывали на уменьшение количества представителей сахаролитической микрофлоры во второй группе. Заключение. При изучении спектра и концентрации КЖК в кале у больных целиакией, находящихся на разных этапах лечения АГД и восстановления слизистой оболочки тонкой кишки, наблюдается тенденция к разнонаправленной метаболической активности толстокишечной микробиоты. По мере соблюдения АГД уменьшается общий уровень КЖК, происходит сдвиг в соотношении анаэробов и аэробных бактерий, увеличивается уровень изовалериановой кислоты и наблюдается тенденция к повышению изомасляной кислоты, снижается уровень уксусной и капроновой кислот. Для оптимизации лечения больных целиакией требуется дальнейший мониторинг метаболической активности кишечной микробиоты в процессе динамического наблюдения. Ключевые слова: целиакия, короткоцепочечные жирные кислоты, аглютеновая диета * р < 0,05 (при сравнении второй группы с группой контроля). ** р < 0,05 (при сравнении второй и третьей групп).

Эффективность белков аллогенных гепатоцитов в коррекции иммунометаболических нарушений при остром ишемическом поражении печени

Курский научно-практический вестник «Человек и его здоровье», 2019

Цель исследования-определить эффективность культуральной жидкости аллогенных гепатоцитов и выделенных из них белков при коррекции иммунных и метаболических нарушений остро возникшего ишемического поражения печени. Материалы и методы. Исследование выполнено на 105 половозрелых и здоровых крысах линии Вистар. Острое ишемическое поражение печени (ОИПП) вызывали пережатием гепатодуоденальной связки в течение 20 минут. Выделенные от новорожденных животных аллогенные гепатоциты использовали для приготовления культуральной жидкости, из которой получали белки. Культуральную жидкость аллогенных гепатоцитов (КЖАГ) и их белки вводили с началом моделирования острой ишемии печени пятикратно (с интервалов в 24 часа) внутрибрюшинно крысам с ОИПП по расчету 5 мг/кг белка. Результаты. Острая ишемия печени вызывает развитие биохимических синдромов поражения печени (цитолиза, внутри-и внепеченочного холестаза, токсического поражения, недостаточности синтетических процессов), активирует процессы перекисного окисления липидов, нарушает внутриэритроцитарный метаболизм, вызывает развитие оксидантного стресса, супрессию формирования адаптивного и врожденного иммунитета. Введение животным с ОИПП КЖАГ, неразделенных белков КЖАГ или белков КЖАГ с молекулярной массой (ММ) менее 130 кДа нормализует или корригирует изученные биохимические и иммунологические параметры. Белки КЖАГ с ММ больше 130 кДа такими эффектами не обладают. Заключение. При анализе корригирующей активности КЖАГ или белков КЖАГ при остро возникшем ишемическом поражении печени на динамику биохимических маркеров, формирование клеточного и гуморального иммунитета, внутриэритроцитарный метаболизм, изменение метаболической и функциональной активности нейтрофилов периферической крови, активирование свободно-радикального окисления, установлена следующая последовательность (по степени увеличения эффективности): отсутствие корригирующего эффекта у белков КЖАГ с ММ более 130 кД, наличие нормализующей и корригирующей активности: КЖАГ-неразделенные белки КЖАГ-белки КЖАГ менее 130 кД. Ключевые слова: иммунометаболические нарушения; белки культуральной жидкости аллогенных гепатоцитов; остря ишемия печени.