Gigabit Passive Optical Network ( Review Paper ) (original) (raw)
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Design and Implementation of Gigabit Passive Optical Network
International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology IJRASET, 2020
The steady increase in the digitisation of every field created a desperate demand for broadband services and the consequent increase in the volume of generated traffic in our communication networks have motivated the need to make access networks in our rural territories too. This paper aims to explain the design and implementation of a passive optical network. The main idea of this paper is to build an optical fiber based access network for broadband connectivity to the rural areas. This will allow us to implement this network modal for expansion of reach of high speed broadband services in future. Keywords: Fiber to the Home (FTTH), Passive optical network (PON) , Optical network terminal (ONT), Optical line terminal (OLT), Gigabit Passive optical network (GPON), broadband, OTDR I. INTRODUCTION The optical fiber is the most advanced transmission medium and the only one capable of supporting next generation networks and services. The main advantages of having a last mile of optical fiber are many: greater speed, higher bandwidth, and longer distance from the central to the subscriber, resistance to electromagnetic interference, higher security, and reduced signal attenuation. Moreover, the fact of using PON technology assumes the elimination of active components outside the plant such as repeaters and optical amplifiers and therefore decreasing the initial investment, reducing power consumption, lesser points of failure. Passive optical network (PON) access network is a point-to-multipoint, fiber to the home network architecture in which unpowered optical splitters are used to make a single optical fiber to serve multiple customers, typically 32-128 [1]. PON networks exploit the low attenuation of optical fiber cable (0.2-0.4 dB/km) and high bandwidth (>30,000 GHz) of single mode optical fibers [2]. These capabilities of PON give commonly more data transmission than as of now accessible networks with existing broadband advances. Also, PON based FTTH networks can give different communication services viz. voice, information and video from one platform [3]. Due to these advantages now most of the telecom operators use FTTH network as optical fiber access network. For a GPON based network maximum of 128 ONTs (Optical Network Terminal) can be included with maximum reachability of 60 km and maximum distance between two consecutive ONTs (Differential fiber distance) of 20 km as per G.984.6 ITU-T specification [4]. GPON uses data transmission speed of 2.44 Gbps in downstream and 1.24 Gbps in upstream. Broadcasting or continuous transmission for downstream and TDM technique for upstream are used as transmission method. In this paper, the approval of proposed design of network is done on the bas is of Link loss Budget and cost. The results shows that the continuity of newly laid optical fiber cable from OLT to ONTs and received power levels falls within optical power loss plan and the cost is lowest. This paper organized with different sections like Basic Components of GPON access network, design and Implementation with flowchart, results, and finally with the conclusion.
Simulation and Performance Analysis of Passive Optical Networks (PONs)
The International Conference on Electrical Engineering, 2014
This paper aims to explain the design and planning of a passive optical networks (PON) which can build a fictitious environment allowing to study fiber to the home (FTTH) networks in depth and decide the optimal option for this environment. We design a network architecture based on FTTH systems with different bit rates (1.25 GB/s, 2 GB/s, 2.5Gb/s,5Gb/s and 10 GB/s). This architecture is targeted to deliver a very high speed data using optical communication between the edge nodes connecting the end users. This transmission allows the simultaneous delivery of triple play service (data, voice and video). In our design various data rates are studied. It has been observed that the proposed system is one of the most suitable methods concerning data rate. It is demonstrated that as we increase the data rate, the number of accommodated user's decreases due to high bit error rate. Also by increasing the distance of transmission, the system will be undesirable due to increasing the bit error rate.
Gigabit Passive Optical Network - GPON
2007 29th International Conference on Information Technology Interfaces, 2007
New services like Television (IPTV) and Video on demand (VoD) over internet together with High Speed Internet access (HSI) have demand for very high bandwidth to customers. XDSL have some form which can satisfy bandwidth demand (VDSL2) but have restriction regarding distance. Probably only suitable solution for high bandwidth demand with a long reach is using optical cable to customers (FTTx). One of the ways is using some type of Passive Optical Network (PON). Gigabit PON (GPON) is the most often type used by European and US providers (in addition with APON and BPON) while providers in Asia predominantly use EPON/GePON. This paper provides an overview of Gigabit PON and analyses network architecture, transmission mechanisms and power budget in GPON systems.
The next generation of passive optical networks: A review
Journal of Network and Computer Applications, 2016
Passive O Q3 ptical Net Q4 works (PONs) have become a popular fiber access network solution because of its service transparency, cost effectiveness, energy savings, and higher security over other access networks. PON utilizes passive low-power components which removes the need for power-feeding in the fiber distribution network. This paper presents three different generations of PON that are based on the Ethernet PON and Gigabit PON standards. This article showcases the first generation of PON in terms of physical and data link layers and forms the basis for discussion about the different approaches being pursued for the next generation stage 1 PON (NG-PON1). Additionally, the main objective of this study is to review the technologies proposed for the next generation stage 2 PON (NG-PON2); highlighting the important contributions and limitations of the corresponding technologies. Hybrid approaches that combine multiple technologies are introduced as a solution to eliminate major limitations and to improve overall system-wise performance. However, NG-PON2 is still suffering from a number of challenges include cost, reach, capacity and power consumption are discussed at the end of this paper. Another purpose of this paper is to identify potential remedies that can be investigated in the future to improve the performance of the NG-PON2.
PON provides virtually unlimited bandwidth to the users. It do not use electrically powered components to split the signal. Instead the signal is distributed using beam splitters. Each splitter typically splits a fiber into 16, 32, or 64 fibers, 55 km. BPON uses ATM as the protocol. The Broadband passive optical network (BPON) was the first attempt towards a PON standard. It is controlled by the ITU-T and is designated as ITU-T G.983. This paper provides an overview of PON and analyses network architecture, and evaluate the system performance in terms of BER and Q Factor of the PON system. The performance of PON System is evaluated using Opti system version 12.0.
Optimized Design of Multistage Passive Optical Networks
Journal of Optical Communications and Networking, 2012
The large investments required for deploying passive optical networks (PONs) render the disposal of appropriate planning tools for designing such networks in a cost-effective way a necessity. This paper addresses the problem of finding the least costly tree topology time-division multiplexing PON (TDM-PON) deployment configurations considering equipment and installation costs (CAPEX) and operational exploration costs. With this purpose, an integer linear programing model is developed, which is capable of designing not only common single-stage PON configurations, but also PONs with multiple stages of optical splitting. In order to reduce the computation time for problems of larger size, a two-stage heuristic is also proposed. The simulation results for the cases studied reveal that an optimal multistage splitting strategy can lead to cost savings of up to 15% in CAPEX expenditures in comparison with the traditional single-stage approach. Furthermore, the heuristic procedure proposed is shown to obtain results within acceptable bounds relative to the optimum solutions, hence validating its use for larger sized networks. The results also show that the average CAPEX cost savings between the two-stage and single-stage approaches are quite dependent on the strategies used to choose candidate locations for the splitters, with values ranging from 5 to 12% depending on whether random candidate placement or k-means-based placement is used. Index Terms-Access networks; Integer linear programing; Multistage optical splitting; Passive optical network. I. INTRODUCTION T he bandwidth in access networks has been steadily increasing since the 1990s, with an average growth of about 50% per year [1,2]. If this growing trend continues, it is expected that, within eight years' time, connection speeds of 1 Gb/s will be available worldwide, with some authors indicating 2016 as the starting year for these services in the US [2]. Although the range of technologies available for the access part in telecommunication networks is quite diverse, only fiber-to-the-home (FTTH) solutions are capable of meeting the bandwidth requirements of the future services supported in those speeds. To meet these challenges, many network operators around the world have started to deploy optical fiber Manuscript
Performance Evaluation of Standard IPACT for Future Long Reach Passive Optical Networks (LR-PON)
Ethernet Passive Optical Networks (EPONs) have been regarded as one of the best choices for next generation access networks. Many algorithms have been suggested to boost the efficiency of EPON. Interleaved Polling with Adaptive Cycle Time (IPACT) algorithm was one of the first solutions to dynamically allocate bandwidths. In this paper, modeling and simulation of Ethernet Passive Optical Networks (EPONs) have been developed using new Matlab Simulink tool SimEvents considering the IPACT algorithm as the dynamic bandwidth allocation (DBA) scheme. Models for low span area with moderate network load and long span area (Long-Reach PON) have been investigated. Simulation results show a consistent performance of the IPACT scheme. Results also show that the implementation of IPACT algorithm is not preferable for long span area (LR-PON).
Comparative Investigation of Passive Optical Networks
Passive Optical Networks (PON) can be a better solution for the networks accessed in the future, due to their property of high bandwidth availability and energy saving. PON is a point to multipoint mechanism and provides applications like data transmission and reception (IP), video and voice (triple play). For the support of symmetric, high-speed and perfect bandwidths for future services like high definition TV quality and traffic patterns that include video and image services other than voice and text, we require passive optical networks. This paper presents the architecture, PON technologies and detailed discussion on scope of various passive optical networks.
Optimized passive optical network deployment
Journal of Optical Networking, 2007
Service providers continuously stress the growing requirement for faster, cheaper, and more reliable deployment of broadband networks, forcing hardware manufacturers to respond by pursuing innovative, revolutionary solutions and driving down component complexity, installation time, installation skill level required, and, ultimately, the overall cost of deploying the said networks in the field. The current dramatic increase in the fiber-to-the-home (FTTH) deployment pace, along with the general desire to eventually migrate completely to these systems, puts the passive optical network (PON) deployment issues in the spotlight of current academic and system vendor research. We argue that even though PON systems are considered a low-cost solution for deploying broadband services, there is still an approximately 8% optimization margin, and thus handmade network structures should be subject to a straightforward though untrivial optimization process, resulting in an overall network deployment cost reduction of up to 8%, thereby leading to highly costefficient structures.